Thursday, April 13, 2017

The profound causes of nuclear World War III ?

World War III begins ?

Obviously US imperialism needs NATO as it plans World War III with the complicity of the mainstream " respectable " news media. Why oh why should working class Americans- with a bleak enough future under decaying capitalism - be cheering for nuclear war with Russia ?

Boston will be one of the first big cities hit . On the " Day After " NPR will applaud the Triumph of Trump's Will. School kids will learn that their future is cancelled .

The cause of the nuclear holocaust ? So humane and compassionate is US foreign policy that it could not tolerate the wickedness of President Assad of Syria a day longer. Nor could it let go unavenged the humiliation of Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary in the 2016 presidential election.

And after all, Vladimir Putin sabotaged our wonderful " democracy ".

THE END ! ( if you had season tickets for the Boston Red Sox ) .

Image result for World War III approaches
And then " The Day After "

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