Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A unintentional monument to CIGARETTE BUTT BUMS in Kennedy Plaza in Prov...

That momument is now gone . Did my video play a modest role in this ?

Democrats Debate Whether Joe Biden Should Stay The 2024 Nominee

The Biden administration is packed with militant ZIONIST Jews hell bent on World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. They see corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden as their proverbial useful idiot. And so far the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " sings along .

25 House Democrats allegedly preparing to call for Biden to end presiden...

With Biden in a compassionate day care center , neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party has anything to offer the American- mostly CHRISTIAN -working class but World War III and more economic and social misery . WE THE PEOPLE desperately need an independent ( of the ruling capitalist class ) third party , an American Labor Party -like the British Labor Party but less snotty and compromised.

Dems TURN ON BIDEN, Urge President To DROP OUT As White House Grows ‘PAR...

The hard core of today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party consists of devoted ZIONIST Jews in a political holy alliance with the Black bourgeoisie and the Hollywood LGBTQ+ elite. It is completely out of touch with the mostly CHRISTIAN working class of all races and ethnic groups. A long way from the organized labor friendly party of FDR and JFK. For years now it has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID Israel , New McCarthyism. With all the social and economic misery of the American working class , we are encouraged by the mainstream news media to applaud nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, and genocide in Gaza under the rule of the Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu . Also , endless BILLIONS for the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in his " Greater Israel " Ukraine ( he did say he wants his country to resemble Israel ! ) .

More ZIONIST Jew censorship!

Today's post REMOVED! 

US college protests: The parallels between Gaza and Vietnam

What should be clear to the organized anti-war movement today in " OUR democracy " is the extraordinary role played by belligerent ZIONIST Jew censorship ( whenever possible ) of anti-war , anti-Zionism , anti- genocide in Gaza, American public opinion. Also, do you think that working class CHRISTIANS- a near majority of the nation- are the force for obnoxious WOKE WARRIOR ideology in the public schools, in Ivy League academia ?

Our Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID Israel New McCarthyism for years now.

Along with the rest of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, Rhode Island crew in Washington , D.C. , our Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has promoted the HATE RUSSIA , LOVE APARTHEID Israel, New McCarthyism for years now. His party lost touch with the mostly CHRISTIAN American working class decades ago. Alas , it would also be a disaster for them to embrace the quasi-fascist Republican Donald Trump . WE need an independent third party - an American Labor Party -like the British Labor Party but less snotty and compromised. INDEPENDENT presidential candidate, and himself a " Profile in Courage, " Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could plant the seeds of this party .

RFK, Jr.: Biden’s debate performance was ‘alarming’

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr.- himself a " Profile in Courage " - as a LESSER " lesser evil " in the 2024 presidential election. RFK Jr. would make a greater impact on HISTORY if he plants the seeds of an INDEPENDENT third party - a lot like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised. Presently in " OUR democracy " the revered TWO PARTY SYSTEM is on the brink of a meltdown- a political Chernobyl !

Why casinos are run by psychopath geniuses • Gambling addiction documentary

An American democratic socialist government in the United States will immediately abolish ALL " insidious " gambling business and cancel ALL lottery winnings !

BREAKING NEWS: KJP Asked Point Blank, 'Is The President Disabled?'

I like what I read on the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE just now : [ " The degrading spectacle has not only exposed the bankruptcy of both candidates, but the parties they represent, the donors that fund them, the media that has propped them up and the capitalist system as a whole. In a column posted Tuesday night (”The Question President Biden Needs to Ask Himself. Now.”), Thomas Friedman of the New York Times broached fundamental issues of concern within the Democratic Party and the ruling class more broadly about a second Biden term. Those concerns are focused first of all on US imperialism’s plans for a vast escalation of the war against Russia over Ukraine, and its preparations for military conflict with Iran and China. " ] Can the mainstream news media, with the BIG LIE ( as in Bush's Iraq war ) and with stale Wilsonian blather, that was a false more than a century ago , fire up WE THE PEOPLE ( like the infamous "Yellow Press " at the turn of the century ) - mostly a nation of working class CHRISTIANS - with toxic enthusiasm for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? And despite all the present social and economic misery among us ? The villainous leaders of this so UNFREE world ( like Russia's Vladimir Putin) - in contrast to the leaders of " OUR democracy " !- do not live up to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son, of Donald Trump & Son in Law, of the CIA , FBI, Homeland Security, Deep State ? Do not live up to the exalted purpose of the American military industrial complex ? The higher nation-state morality of the New York Times editorial board ? In recent decades there is hardly one PEACENIK voice in the new WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party !

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Screenshot (Jul 2, 2024 12:55:44 PM)

Screenshot (Jul 2, 2024 10:53:38 AM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Jul 2, 2024, 1:45 PM
Subject: Screenshot (Jul 2, 2024 10:43:35 AM) This blog post was just REMOVED from You Tube and my Facebook page
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

12 News Now: Woman hit, killed by tractor-trailer in Smithfield

The circumscribed " I " of American capitalist society is now mass producing so many dangerous self-centered individuals without a trace of empathy for others. And more daily WARNING notices on the products and services of FOR PROFIT capitalist industry. For example , what grocery store food will sicken me today ? What prescription medicine brainlessly advertised on Channel 10 news is likely to kill me ? What " happy time " toys will send children to the hospital ? And despite " Show Me Something Good ! "

A Journey Through Lin Yutang's Timeless Wisdom: The Importance of Living

I read this book when I was very young . I still find much wisdom in it .

Biden's debate performance was not 'a one-off,' Carl Bernstein warns

The Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin said somewhere that it is a crime for any " revolutionary " to be much past the age of 55 , Lenin's approximate age when he died. Very non-revolutionary American politicians might also be wise not to seek the US presidency much past the age of 55. LIFE has always been cruel on the aged . We have famous intellectuals like British philosopher Bertrand Russell ,still brilliant past the age of 90, when he was protesting the criminal war in Vietnam. But as a rule it is only HUMAN, I guess , to begin to lose your mind just past 80 . RETREAT from public life should begin at the average age for collecting social security . Whatever the state of their minds , OLD people were once very much respected in Old China .

Lawrence reveals the ‘very bad news’ for Trump in the immunity decision

Capitalist America way back in the " Robber Baron Age " ( when famous author Mark Twain was protesting the new American" imperialism " ) created the " Imperial Presidency ", which American historian Arthur M. Schlesinger wrote about decades ago. Based on the Supreme Court ruling yesterday some " liberal " American politicians fear that " OUR democracy ' can now legally evolve into a dictatorship. But traditional Marxists have always insisted that " OUR democracy ' is essentially a dictatorship of the capitalist class. Still a change of political FORM can have dire social consequences. The disguised " dictatorship " might soon need a real DICTATOR !

Monday, July 1, 2024

Biden team rejecting calls to drop out of race: Report

Actually senile , corrupt , creepy Joe Biden is the perfect symbol of decaying capitalism and of " OUR democracy " in the year 2024. And the sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity. Together they will not win nuclear World War III against the UNFREE world !

Video Now: Supreme Court sends Trump immunity case back to lower court

The Trials of Donald Trump just confirm the traditional Marxist view of THE LAW in the capitalist system. It is , in the final analysis, a reflection of the WILL of the ruling class in contention with itself and with the lower classes. How many professional enemies of the working class does Harvard Law School crank out every happy graduation day ? No wonder right wing politicians would boldly display the Ten Commandments monuments in public parks and instruct school kids in the wisdom of the Old Testament . The majestic LAW in capitalist America needs the support of DIVINE authority ! Was THE LAW that makes PRIVATE PROPERTY almost sacrosanct programmed IN THE BEGINNING , perhaps even in the BIG BANG ? THEY want to be sure that GOD the FATHER hates SOCIALISM as much as THEY do !

Video Now: Trump makes remarks after debate, 'This election is a choice ...

The appeal to crude nationalism is indeed a signpost of FASCISM. But the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has also been beating war drums against POST-COMMUNIST Russia for years now. There is not a single elected official in Washington D.C. who is not , in the final analysis, pro-militarism , pro - American imperialism, pro-Israeli Zionism , and pro-exploiting , oppressing greedy, irrational capitalism. This is no year to start nuclear World War III on grounds that the leaders of the UNFREE world do not live up to the high moral standards of our fine leaders and government institutions : Joe Biden & Son , Donald Trump & Son in Law, the CIA , the FBI, Homeland Security , " Deep State ", to the lofty moral vision of the New York Times editorial board, of the super-patriotic military-industrial complex. What does the collective American ruling class now have to offer the working class millions but a promise of war and further economic misery , and perhaps " a promise of battles won " ? Anyway , what is left of " OUR democracy " is best represented by corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden , the Conqueror of Afghanistan ? And that endearing PARTY OF THE PEOPLE , the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ? The 20thy century illustrated the truth that a capitalist-imperialist government with severe internal crisis inevitably fires the masses up with hatred for some designated villainous foreign enemy or EVIL EMPIRE . How many young Americans of military age are eager - inspired by Wilsonian blather that false more than a century ago - to join the next Great Crusade " to make the world safe for democracy " ?

Effete Talk Radio

Gene, my texts to the STATION number 401-438-9776 is for the owner-top management of 630WPRO.All texts are shared on my Facebook page(5000 friends) and my blog (710,000 views).Your reviews ,I read, are quite negative.