Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Should American foreign policy be dictated by war criminal and war mongering ZIONIST Jews ? Benjamin Netanyahu 's APARTHEID Israel - forever at war with surrounding countries ? War monger , embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? With fervent ZIONIST Jew pals Antony Blinken , United States Secretary of State, and Democrat Senate Leader, Chuck Schumer who said a while back that he wants to be " guardian angel of Israel " ?
How many working class and lower middle class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " are eager for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I can fully understand how working class and lower middle class CHRISTIANS are fed up with antics of WOKE WARRIOR Democrats. It was the goal of the early SOCIALIST movement to end forever the irrational persecution of homosexuals and the general oppression of the female sex. and of gender identity non-conformists . The SOCIALIST goal was not to pander to them , flatter their " diversity " , and turn them into a predictable WOKE liberal Democrat voting block.
DNC based " identity politics " long ago degenerated into a form of social pathology. Nothing more important in life than uninhibited, WOKE liberal approved homosexuality and never satisfied man-hating , battle ax feminism ? And WOKE culture -connected to the general " Culture of Narcissism " - never stops advertising its nearly deranged God Hating and contempt for the Christian Tradition and the Catholic Church in general. Right wing conservative that he is, Mr. Vance is right to champion religious freedom and the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Of course he says this within the limits of bourgeois politicians' credibility in general ( " no new taxes ! " ... " Trust me! " )
What if Oersted's copper ( ? ) wire was magnetic before it had a current running through it ? Would that momentous turning of the compass gone un-noticed for many more years ? In these early years of electrical force discovery only very special scientific minds would have had the curiosity to explore such seemingly incidental , trivial ( ??? ) phenomena . Michael Faraday had such a mind . To be sure , there was no money in this curious stuff , but anyway his majesty's government would some day tax it ! Faraday himself did not die rich . For him that was not part of God's plan . Any scientists around today who do not belong to the New Atheist Club ?
Nothing but flattery for the sensitive ears of our local radio TALK SHOW celebs. Of course , they routinely slobber over program sponsors of dubious products and services. Now and then "Genial Gene " -who has his good points as a showman ( not NEWSMAN ) informs his mostly adoring listeners that nursing home OWNERS are " doing God's work " even if they will not let YOUR mother amble through his nursing home doors. I call "Pleasant Matt " " Mr. Informercial " for his overlong dramatizations of his sponsors. . Tara and Dan also spend much air time slobbering over sponsors. Intelligent listeners of local TALK RADIO must think that the well paid celbsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Tune on 630WPRO any time of the day and chances are that you will hear Gene,Tara, Matt, or Dan slobbering over some sponsors' dubious products or services.To an intelligent listener they all have the soul of a carnival barker. So it is hard to take THEIR ideas or opinions seriously.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Weeks ago on the air Gene Valicenti said that I ("Ridiculous Ron") " will not be heard from anymore...adrift at sea". Clearly Gene who watches too many Mafia movies and quotes favorite lines sees me "sleeping with the fishes".Does the very word SOCIALIST drive him wacky (speak about" creepy" , Tara).Note: text sent to all localTalk Radio stars.And to the Boston Globe.
Tune on 630WPRO any time of the day and chances are that you will hear Gene,Tara, Matt, or Dan slobbering over some sponsors dubious product or services.To an intelligent listener they all have the soul of a carnival barker. So it is hard to take seriously THEIR opinions or ideas seriously.
What groups in American capitalist society are obsessed with mocking Christianity and Catholicism in particular ? Not people of the Islamic faith ! Arrogant, anti-Christian, WOKE ideology ( now entrenched in the Democratic Party ) can invariably be attributed to secular ZIONIST Jews attracted to the social philosophy of Ayn Rand and to the new breed of petty bourgeois militant atheist intellectuals who have no roots in the working class of any NATO country. Ayn Rand wrote " The Virtue of Selfishness ". She never claimed the authority of the Old Testament to justify Zionism. She just believed that the Jewish settlers in Palestine were naturally superior to the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians.
A guiding light of the New Atheism was former Trotskyist turned pro-American imperialist and pro-APARTHEID Israel Zionist , the drunkard author and obnoxious public speaker Christopher Hitchens . Hitchens ' book titled " God Is Not Great - how religion poisons everything " is a classic must read in New Atheism circles.
The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was making itself " officially atheist " - not SOCIALISM. On the Left today there are still Marxist " vanguard " parties who also think that endlessly mocking God and Faith is the key to the hearts and minds of the masses. They are seriously deluded here. And have been for more than a century !
NOTE: American author Gore Vidal , very much " on the Left ", had no use for Christopher Hitchens. No surprise that Vidal was smeared as an anti-Semite .
Hardly anybody working for the mainstream news media in the United States will tell you that the so called LEFT of the Democratic Party is dedicated above all to defending American militarism, Israeli Zionism, and CAPITALISM in general . A very odd business for people with a reputation for being sinister " crackpot " socialists .
I read that a poster of Eugene V. Debs looks down at " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in his Washington DC office. The ghost of Debs must be frowning on the one millionth professional traitor to the SOCIALIST movement and the socialist ideal.
If you want to learn what American socialist Eugene V. Debs really thought about the bellicose Democratic Party , read his famous " Canton Speech " protesting the First World War , " the war to make the world safe for democracy ", " the war to end all wars " ( Wilsonian blather still useful to our capitalist ruling class ) .
The profession of psychiatry in the United States has been for many decades a pseudo-science dominated by greedy , secular ZIONIST Jews , always in the service of American militarism, Israeli Zionism, the American Gulag prison system, and decaying CAPITALISM in general. They were behind the 1960s de-institutionalization of the mentally ill ( today many victims are homeless and " fallen through the cracks " ) which a number of authors have judged to be " a crime against humanity ". For decades in the American Medical Association these moral monsters have made themselves the formidable enemies of any form of " socialized medicine " in " OUR democracy ".
There is a general crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy ". Find any Democrat or Republican politicians ambitious for high office ( or for local dog catcher ) who can or will think outside the box of pro-CAPITALISM, pro-American militarism, pro-Israeli Zionism ? The Democratic Party never tires of bashing opponents professing to be devout Christians, never tires of bashing the Catholic Church in particular. Did not the First Lady of the United States applaud, at the Paris Olympics, WOKE Art mocking of " The Last Supper " Catholic Church icon ?
The morally obtuse leaders of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party think that they can defeat Trump-Vance by doubling down on fatuous , hateful " identity politics ".
Both major parties make toxic ( war breeding ) " patriotism " their stock in trade. Can nuclear World War III be sold to working class CHRISTIANS in 2024 with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ?
Perhaps in Election 2024 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is something more than a LESSER lesser evil ?
0 seconds ago
@4thbees : Does it speak well of " OUR democracy " that my REPLY to you here was REMOVED ? No comment ?
1 day ago
Why was my reply to a reader REPLY removed? Was it a theat to her or the community? What RULES did it violate ?Anyway , it can be read on my blog and Facebook page.
1 day ago (edited)
Last week I signed papers for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to get on the ballot for president of the United States here in Rhode Island. During the COVID -19 panic crisis RFK Jr. was a voice for sanity and himself a " Profile in Courage ".
As a longtime independent democratic socialist myself I certainly cannot idealize him. For me right now he is a promising LESSER " lesser evil ". I would hate to hear him suddenly sound as pro- militarism, pro-capitalism and pro-ZIONISM as the regular Democrat and Republican American politicians.
I do recommend Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book on " The Real Anthony Fauci " . And I hope he gets excellent Secret Service protection !
1 day ago
I don’t understand how one can call himself an independent socialist that’s so contradictory!? Have you not paid attention to history and what socialism does to a country and it’s people wow, dude?!?!??
Highlighted reply
4 minutes ago
I don’t understand how one can call himself an independent socialist that’s so contradictory!? Have you not paid attention to history and what socialism does to a country and it’s people wow, dude?!?!??
0 seconds ago
@4thebees We are " educated " to think that SOCIALISM " can't work " , so the very IDEA of it must be ridiculous ? Show me a thinking working class person who thinks CAPITALISM is wonderful ? Or that capitalism works for US ? If the the working class , of course, had to be convinced or persuaded that it is EXPLOITED and OPPRESSED , then the socialist movement would be ridiculous . Since Karl Marx ( circa 1848 ) highly educated socialists have offered to the workers of the world a RATIONAL explanation for the evils of capitalism and advice on how to replace it with a minimum of violence .
As Marx said , " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class " . Since this class also controls public education and the mainstream news media , it is no surprise that even most " educated " Americans are clueless about the history of socialism . In the long view of history rational ideas are all powerful .
How many " educated " Jews in this country are aware of the role Jewish immigrants played here in the organized labor struggles and their prominence in socialist and communist third parties ? A new generation of young Jews should read American socialist Irving Howe's book " World of Our Fathers " .
The goal of our ruling class is to quarantine and discredit the very idea of SOCIALISM . So far they have been quite successful in this.
Consider the number of left-wing, brilliant scientists who espoused SOCIALISM . A famous essay by Albert Einstein " Why Socialism ". Linus Pauling , who campaigned against nuclear bomb tests, was a socialist. And J. Robert Oppenheimer , while the very father of the atomic bomb, certainly flirted with communism and communists. Astronomer Carl Sagan ( " The Demon Haunted World " ) said he smuggled into Russia Leon Trotsky's " History of the Russian Revolution " .
If you think any thing or idea is " so contradictory " it is because of the dialectical logic of a very contradictory world .
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I learned a long time ago that war is a function of society's ruling class. In " OUR democracy " the Democrat and Republican politicians ,who represent our capitalist ruling class, cannot and will not - including Donald Trump - think outside the box of pro- capitalism, pro-American militarism. and pro-Israeli Zionism.
WORKING CLASS Americans and lower middle class Americans have no vested " interest " in hostility to foreign nations , no vested interest in our monstrous military-industrial complex or in any of the dark intrigues of shadowy " Deep State ". It is unlikely that in the year 2024 WE can be moved to war fever by stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago.
Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? ?