Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Working class Americans have no interest in nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over ZIONIST Jew Zelensky's " sovereign " Ukraine

[ " Leaked top secret documents revealing that Ukraine could run out of air-defense missiles within weeks are putting pressure on the Biden administration and NATO allies to increase support for the war effort, congressional sources say. Ukraine’s dwindling supply of weapons also raises questions about whether Congress will need to pass another military aid package before the end of the year, speeding up the timeline of a confrontation over foreign aid and military spending between Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Senate leaders. " ] online news Working class Americans have no interest in nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia and are beginning to see the NATO " hero " Ukraine president V. Zelensky for the ZIONIST Jew war monger that he is. How " sovereign " is any country given BILLIONS of dollars in war funds from American " Uncle Sam " imperialism ? Is that what American History is all about : always defending " sovereign " nations on all continents ? Like Chile in 1973 ? Recall CIA collusion in the assassination of popularly elected Marxist president Salvador Allende . How many potential young recruits for the American war machine can be bamboozled by stale Wilsonian blather : once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? Cannon fodder for a " sovereign " Ukraine ( or a " sovereign " Taiwan ) ?

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