Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, April 29, 2023
As for Ukraine , how can any country governed by capitalists ,and taking billions of dollars from imperialists and Zionists , consider itself " sovereign " ?
[Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the candidate who is unofficially running against Donald Trump to become the Republican Party nominee for the presidency, will be the leading American guest at Israel’s 75th anniversary. After his international journey to the Holy Land, he is expected to announce: “I am running for the White House.” ]
You can be sure that die hard support for Zionist APARTHEID Israel is the golden rule among the American ruling class . Of course, the plutocracy controls both the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and the semi-fascist Republican Party.
The Democrats and Republicans have nothing to offer mostly working class CHRISTIAN America but a GREAT DEPRESSION II and NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III with China or Russia or both .
As for Ukraine , how can any country consider itself " sovereign " while taking billions of war dollars from US imperialism and being governed by pro- Zionist , pro -imperialist , pro-capitalist thugs ( a lot like " OUR democracy " ! )
We can only smile when we hear American politicians slobber over the puffed up , NATO " hero " war monger, ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky . But what do the majority of American voters really think ?
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