Saturday, April 15, 2023

To be sure , there is not a MARXIST " vanguard party anywhere in the world with any vitality to it

[ " However, on every issue, the Democratic Socialists of America has shown itself not to be an instrument for realizing socialism or even the most meager social reforms, but a “left” cover for the shift ever further to the right of the political apparatus of the ruling class. The fight for socialism requires the independent political organization of the working class against the capitalist state and against an economic system based on the exploitation of the working class for the purpose of appropriating surplus value. Socialism is a revolutionary movement. If it is not that, it is nothing. " ] FROM the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE I agree with the idea here but my own personal experience for decades now is that there is not a Marxist " vanguard party " anywhere in the world with any VITALITY to it. The ones that I am more familiar with ( but would never join ) have degenerated into bizarre personality cults not unlike the notorious Church of Scientology. And they are ugly militant atheist - very unlike THE MASSES whom they would lead. I remain an INDEPENDENT Democratic Socialist . Too late in life for me to look for a new " Church " ( Indeed among any " Church " to choose from I prefer the Pre-Vatican II CATHOLIC Church. So I am safely in a spiritual fourth dimension and there prepare myself on this side of Paradise for ETERNITY - with a spark of saving humor . An Open Letter to members of the Young Democratic Socialists of America from the Socialist Equality Party WSWS.ORG An Open Letter to members of the Young Democratic Socialists of America from the Socialist Equality Party

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