Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Thoughts on the failure of the American public school system

No more than any other WOKE Democrat Rhode Island governor will Governor Dan McKee succeed in " improving " public school education. More than 25 years ago browsing in a public library I could locate a whole shelf full of books- many written by burnt out inner city public school teachers - on the disaster that is public school education in the United States. It is naive to think that you can reform the horrible schools and leave an IRRATIONAL capitalist social order essentially unchanged. It would help if public school teachers in the inner city could at least be optimistic about the FUTURE of the kids. But what future do ANY working class kids -of all races and ethnic groups - have in this rapidly decaying, failing on all fronts , CAPITALIST system ? How can these " underprivileged " kids believe in themselves if the very best teachers soon THINK of them as LOSERS in the tone of Donald Trump ? Also, students not being able to read or write half competently by the 12th grade cannot be explained by cruel underfunding of public education. Conservative thinkers often have some sound ideas on THE PROBLEM here : like " Why Johnny Can't Read " , " Why Johnny Can't Add " , Why Johnny Can't Think " , " Why Johnny Still Can't Read ". It all has very little to do with MONEY ! To be sure, higher education is also a dismal failure in " OUR democracy ". Dated but still relevant a book titled : " Why the Professor Can't Teach ". And the neglect of something called " Cultural Literacy " is making it impossible to convey any universal moral and intellectual values . Can some faith in God or a Higher Power be replaced by brainless nihilism or " The Culture of Narcissism " ? Ludicrous SELF-APPRECIATION would at least be tolerable in COMPETENT individuals . As for any future wars, consider just what " OUR democracy " has to offer the not so FREE WORLD .

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