Tuesday, April 18, 2023

President Biden and Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee out of touch with the old Catholic Church . But in touch with the New World Order Catholic Church ?

I can only wonder if professed Irish Catholics like President Joe Biden and Rhode Governor Dan McKee are completely out of touch with the old Catholic Church or quite in touch with the NEW WORLD ORDER Catholic Church now being founded by Pope Francis. It is one thing if a Catholic politician feels that he simply must compromise on the abortion issue ( on solid grounds of the democratic principle of separation of Church and State ) . It is quite another thing when he approves of the WOKE secular, often openly Anti-Christian, ZIONIST Jew and New Atheist smear that RIGHT TO LIFE Catholics are the New Haters. The venerable New York Times does not promote this BIG LIE ? They get little news media attention but old fashioned, religious , ORTHODOX Jews also oppose abortion . And probably disapprove not only all this WOKE nonsense but also modern APARTHEID Israel. While the Neo-Democrats reject the " friend of labor " old liberalism of FDR and JFK they embrace the Christian hating New Atheism. They will never again be the party of the MASSES. NOTE : How reliable is the FDA in assuring the public that any BIG PHARMA drug is safe ?

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