Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Has the memory of one disillusioned CIA agent named James Agee gone down the mainstream news media's gaping memory hole ?

Whatever the whole truth here about the Chinese government setting up a virtual Orwellian police station in New York City the indignation of the voices of " OUR democracy " are unctuous and hypocritical . Are not American embassies over seas virtual CIA forts for spying on assorted anti-American villains . Has the memory of one CIA agent named James Agee gone down the mainstream news media's gaping memory hole ? [By Scott Shane Jan. 10, 2008 " Philip Agee, the former Central Intelligence Agency officer who turned against the agency and spent years exposing undercover American spies overseas, died Monday in Havana. He was 72. The cause was peritonitis, said Louis Wolf, a friend. Mr. Agee, whose disillusionment with his work at the agency led him to embrace leftist views, had spent nearly four decades as an avowed enemy of American foreign policy and particularly of the covert intelligence work that supported it. Deprived of his American passport and expelled from several countries at the request of the United States, he had lived for the most part in Germany and Cuba, where he operated a travel Web site, cubalinda.com. " ]

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