Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
State paid $11.6M in Medicaid benefits for deceased Rhode Islanders
[“As Rhode Island’s Medicaid Director, Kristin brings expertise and a dedication to providing high quality services to this vulnerable population,” said Governor McKee. ]
Another " My MEDICAID " update from brother Steve
Another UPDATE from brother Steve :
[ Hi Ron,
Hope all is well! I've been on the phone with Medicaid (DHS) and HealthSource RI since 10:45 am. Talked to 3 people so far. All useless and clueless! And all referred me to another "appropriate department. I've been on hold for Medicaid now since 12:20 – going on 2 hours more. Just amazing!!! More amazing is that I consider myself a fairly good and clear communicator, especially when dealing with bureaucracies . . . but this experience has been extremely non-productive. My experience back in December was much better. So I'm personally noticing a clear shift in "attitude" from these agencies!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I haven't dropped the ball. I'm now taking my phone upstairs now to grab some lunch (while they have me on hold and listening to an incessant loop of irritating "calm-down" music. Couldn't they at least play some Mozart or Beethoven?!? LOL!
Talk soon!
Steve ]
Providence branch of the NAACP will remain subservient to the state's corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM , to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party
Whoever gets to lead the Providence branch of the NAACP he or she will remain servile to the state's corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM , to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
Both Black Muslim leader Malcolm X and Black civil rights icon Martin Luther King were wary of " friends " in the Democratic Party. Both ,in fact , were leaning toward some form of democratic socialism. Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism.
Strangely they were both assassinated soon after expressing this view.
How " sovereign " can any country be in the embrace of American imperialism ?
Can any of whom are left of my Baby Boom Generation - who protested the criminal war in Vietnam for nearly 10 years - possibly sincerely applaud the NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky's now permanent ( ? ) war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
How " sovereign " can any country be in the embrace of American imperialism ?
Can a suffering working class and and an increasingly desperate middle class offer the US military machine its children as cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
Are young people of military recruiting age responding to the stale Wilsonian blather in the mainstream news media ( once again " make the world safe for democracy " ) ?
Not a single " progressive " Democrat was an ANTI-WAR voice in the 2022 midterm election . In the middle of the " Tumultuous 60 " one US Senator J. William Fullbright wrote a notable book titled " The Arrogance of Power ". Nobody like J. William around today .
Getting " high " by any means should be none of BIG BROTHER'S business !
Way back in the " Tumultuous 60s " - despite being quite puritanical myself in the matter of self-intoxication, and fake drug " euphoria " - I disagreed with the fatuous WAR ON DRUGS .
An unfortunate consequence of this misguided WAR is that even sick elderly people now are being cheated of effective pain medicine. How many people over 70 are in danger of becoming drug- addict threats to society ? You can also kill yourself with booze and cigarettes. Getting " high " by any means should be none of Big Brother's business.
We can begin by abolishing FOR PROFIT health care in the United States. Then health care will at least begin to become a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. This is still not the case in capitalist America. So many sad stories of NEGLECT go unreported .
A WHITE SUPREMACIST government is simply forever impossible in the USA
Do not expect any " progressive " Democrat -no matter how WOKE - to think with any solid scientific reasoning on the issue of rampant police brutality in the United States. The true nature of the capitalist STATE and the role of THE POLICE was well explained by Marxist socialists way back in 1848 . Around 1917 the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin wrote " State and Revolution ".
For democratic socialists it is not a matter of brainless cop hatred or low life animus toward the privileged capitalist class. It is all about finding a more RATIONAL and JUST basis for human society compatible with modern civilization.
ONLY a democratic MAJORITY can achieve this SANE SOCIETY . This MAJORITY in the USA is already extremely DIVERSE consisting of all races and ethnic groups. A WHITE SUPREMACIST government is simply forever impossible in the USA
Monday, January 30, 2023
" Big Girls Don't Cry " . I hear ironic pop song in my head . Virtual WAR FEVER in packed football stadiums for championship games
I am not avid TV fan of professional football . But this game was really exciting . Watching some weekend football games on TV I see what a rough tough game football is. The screaming ,almost hysterical, fans packing the stadiums create an almost WAR FEVER atmosphere. And the game can change dramatically in seconds -even with a few seconds left. Those last minute field goals. " GOOD ! " .
Then seeing on camera the shocked , angry , grief stricken LOSER players - some with tears ! - I hear an ironic pop song in my head : " Big Girls Don't Cry ! "
Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky's book review of Celine's novel " Journey to the End of the Night "
This is what Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky wrote about Celine's novel " Journey to the End of the Night " :
[ " Celine does not at all set himself the goal of exposing social conditions in France. True, in passing, he spares neither priests nor generals nor ministers, nor the president of the republic. But all the while the warp of his tale extends considerably below the level of the ruling classes, cutting across the milieu of little men, functionaries, students, traders, artisans, and concierges; and in addition, on two occasions, it transports itself beyond the boundaries of France. The present social system is as rotten as every other, whether past or future. Celine, in general, is dissatisfied with men and their affairs.
The novel is conceived and executed as a panorama of life's meaninglessness, with its cruelties, conflicts, and lies, with no issue, and no light flickering. A non-commissioned officer torturing the soldiers just before he perishes together with them; an American coupon clipper airing her emptiness in European hotels; French colonial functionaries brutalized by greed and failure; New York, with its automatic unconcern for the man without a checkbook, technically perfected to suck the marrow from human bones; then Paris again; the petty and envious little universe of scholars; the protracted and docile death of a seven-year-old boy; the rape of a little girl; the little virtuous rentiers who murder their mother in order to economize; the priest in Paris and the priest in darkest Africa, both equally alert to sell a man for a few hundred francs, the one an accomplice of civilized rentiers, the other in cahoots with cannibals … from chapter to chapter, from one page to the next, the slivers of life compose themselves into a mud-caked, bloody nightmare of meaninglessness. Receptivity which is passive, with its nerves sliced open, without the will straining toward the future — that is the psychological base of despair, sincere in the convulsions of its cynicism.
Celine the moralist follows the footsteps of the artist, and step by step he rips away the halo from all those social values which have become highly acclaimed through custom, from patriotism and personal ties down to love. Is the fatherland in danger? "No great loss, when the landlord's house burns down. … There will be rent to pay just the same." He has no use for historical criteria. Danton's war is not superior to Poincaré's: in both instances the "patriotic function" was paid in the coin of blood. Love is poisoned by selfishness and vanity. All forms of idealism are merely "petty instincts draped in high-faluting phrases." Even the image of the mother is not spared: on meeting her wounded son "she squealed like a bitch whose pup had been restored. But she was beneath a bitch because she had faith in those syllables she was told in order to deprive her of her son."
Celine's style is subordinated to his receptivity of the objective world. In his seemingly careless, ungrammatical, passionately condensed language there lives, beats, and vibrates the genuine wealth of French culture, the entire emotional and mental experience of a great nation, in its living content, in its keenest tints. " ]
Image: Journey to the End of the Night, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Penguin ...
Image: Journey to the End of the Night, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Penguin ...
Found on Google from
The rest of the world must live up to the high moral standards of " OUR democracy " ?
All the bourgeois governments of Europe in alliance with " Arrogance of Power " United States , all dripping with blood from centuries of colonialism and imperialism . are prepared to start nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over " sovereign " Ukraine ? How sovereign can Ukraine be in the embrace of American imperialism ? Also American History is all about defending FREEDOM and " sovereign " nations on all continents ( especially in Central and South America ) .
The mainstream news media in the United States whips up support for NATO hero , war monger V. Zelensky with stale Wilsonian blather which was FALSE more than a century ago. Once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately under corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden ? Biden , the " Conqueror of Afghanistan ", our next great American war time president ?
But the rest of the world must live up to the high moral standards of " OUR democracy " ! Is not the American plutocracy superior on all counts to Putin's Russian oligarchy ?
But what do WE THE PEOPLE think ? Have we even been asked ?
FBI Director Christopher Wray pretends that the FBI is innocent as the Boy Scouts of POLICE TERROR
FBI Director Christophe Wray pretends that the FBI is innocent as the Boy Scouts of POLICE TERROR . Very interesting reading connecting the FBI with the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 and Martin Luther King in 1968.
During the McCarthy era J. Edgar Hoover's FBI was the arch-enemy in the United States of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
And they still use police terror to stifle FREE SPEECH in the USA . Hunter Biden and The Big Guy ' father should know something about this
Fwd: Those Jews who embrace capitalism, imperialism , and Zionism are hardly friends of working class people
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 at 10:26
Subject: Those Jews who embrace capitalism, imperialism , and Zionism are hardly friends of working class people
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 at 10:26
Subject: Those Jews who embrace capitalism, imperialism , and Zionism are hardly friends of working class people
To: Letters, NYT <>
Have WOKE Democrats not noticed that the pillars of Critical Race Theory in the academic community are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews who do not apply this theory -sound or wacky - to APARTHEID Israel ? Do the phony " progressive " Democrats ever consider the democratic socialist perspective on racism ? Way back in 1965 Black Muslim leader Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism. Those Jews who embrace capitalism, imperialism , and Zionism should not - by what political logic ? - be categorized as antagonists of working class people in " OUR democracy " and in the so called " Free World " ? How can any democratic socialist group - inspired by socialist internationalism - not UNFRIEND Zionist APARTHEID Israel ? I understand that the ex-Trotskyist American Socialist Workers Party embraced Zionism years ago. But Jack Barns ' SWP is exceptional on the Left - for years now a crackpot personality cult. One wonders if any current members ever browse the archives of their newspaper " The Militant ". They are in for an Orwellian big shock .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
The pillars of Critical Race Theory in the academic community are invariably secular , ZIONIST Jews who do not apply CRT -sound or wacky - to APARTHEID Israel
Have WOKE Democrats not noticed that the pillars of Critical Race Theory in the academic community are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews who do not apply this theory -sound or wacky - to APARTHEID Israel ?
Do the phony " progressive " Democrats ever consider the democratic socialist perspective on racism ? Way back in 1965 Black Muslim leader Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism.
Those Jews who embrace capitalism, imperialism , and Zionism should not - by what political logic ? - be categorized as antagonists of working class people in " OUR democracy " and in the so called " Free World " ? How can any democratic socialist group - inspired by socialist internationalism - not UNFRIEND Zionist APARTHEID Israel ?
I understand that the ex-Trotskyist American Socialist Workers Party embraced Zionism years ago. But Jack Barns' SWP is exceptional on the Left - for years now a crackpot personality cult. One wonders if any current members ever browse the archives of their newspaper " The Militant ". They are in for an Orwellian big shock .
Sunday, January 29, 2023
God bless Edward Snowden and protect him from evil DEEP STATE !
These so called CLASSIFIED documents are invariably never inaccessible to the political servants of the American capitalist ruling class. It takes a courageous Edward Snowden to reveal how TOP SECRET is above all that because it would shame the democratic feelings and instincts of the common people of this country.
In other words : TOP SECRET from us !
God bless Edward Snowden and protect him from evil DEEP STATE !
Still relevant in any " Rules for Radicals " is the Marxist -Leninist theory of the state
The obvious issue is NOT White Supremacist cops but the daily brutality of generic cops making themselves the proverbial " enemies of the people ". Still relevant in any " Rules for Radicals " is the Marxist-Leninist theory of the state.
Above all, the cops-good or bad - protect the private property interests of the capitalist-landlord ruling class. " Progressive " Democrats will never reform the cops right out of their assigned role.
Expect more " Officer Friendly " slop !
Time to UNFRIEND racist Benjamin Netanyahu's APARTHEID Israel !
Belligerent ZIONISM is a force for nuclear World War III . Ordinary working class people in the United States have no quarrel with Iran or Russia or Venezuela or Cuba or China .
Ordinary working class people -even in dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine - do not plan wars or start wars. But history teaches that they do finish them . Time to UNFRIEND racist Benjamin Netanyahu's APARTHEID Israel ?
Corrupt , senile Joe Biden has packed his administration with militant Zionists. And these individuals always enjoy the fawning of the mainstream news media in the United States.
For years now the " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism . And they pressure even social media to censor anti-war views. Risk nuclear World War III with POST COMUNIST Russia ? For what ? The triumph of " OUR democracy " in the big world ? Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately ?
Fwd: A SOCIALIST perspective on GOOD cops and BAD cops
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 at 14:23
Subject: A SOCIALIST perspective on GOOD cops and BAD cops
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 at 14:23
Subject: A SOCIALIST perspective on GOOD cops and BAD cops
To: <>
From the point of view of the nearly 200 year old SOCIALIST movement it is not a matter of separating GOOD cops from BAD cops. It is a matter of understanding with the SCIENTIFIC METHOD the role of the generic COP in capitalist society . The Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin explained it very well in his classic " State and Revolution ". In general, THE COP everywhere serves the interests of the ruling class - the sometimes pit bull guardian of capitalist -landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. Democratic SOCIALISM has nothing to do with cop hatred or animus toward the privileged classes. It is all about establishing human society on a HUMAN , RATIONAL basis. Don't expect any " progressive " , " FAR LEFT " Democrats to agree with me . Today in the year 2023 the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are long way from the party of FDR and JFK .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
The generic COP is invariably the pit bull guardian of capitalist-landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights
From the point of view of the nearly 200 year old SOCIALIST movement it is not a matter of separating GOOD cops from BAD cops. It is a matter of understanding with the SCIENTIFIC METHOD the role of the generic COP in capitalist society . The Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin explained it very well in his classic " State and Revolution ". In general, THE COP everywhere serves the interests of the ruling class - the sometimes pit bull guardian of capitalist -landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights.
Democratic SOCIALISM has nothing to do with cop hatred or animus toward the privileged classes. It is all about establishing human society on a HUMAN , RATIONAL basis.
Don't expect any " progressive " , " FAR LEFT " Democrats to agree with me . Today in the year 2023 the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are long way from the party of FDR and JFK .
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Belligerent Zionists in Israel and in USA should heed Arthur Miller's character Willy Loman's advice
How can Zionist APARTHEID Israel now led by the RACIST Benjamin Netanyahu be an effective counter force on anti-Semitism in the world ? Long ago the United Nations declared Zionism to be a form of racism. Yet the mainstream news media in the United States does seem to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism .
Perhaps Netanyahu should read the popular book " How to Win Friends and Influence People ". Remember Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's play " Death of a Salesman " reflecting that in order to succeed you cannot just be liked -you must be " WELL LIKED " !
How many belligerent Zionists in Israel or in the USA are " WELL LIKED " ?
Just how does FREE WILL and KNOWING RIGHT FROM WRONG function in the deranged ? Case of Michael Soares and case of Lindsay Clancy ?
Why was a Warwick , RI man's mental illness [ "Michael Soares, 37, pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity in the 2013 killing of 66-year-old John “Jack” Fay ] not taking seriously by the judge and jury in contrast to the news media sympathy for the Mass. mother who - suffering from post-partum depression ( ? ) - recently killed her three kids ?
" The Massachusetts [ Lindsay Clancy ] mom accused of strangling her two young kids and trying to kill her infant before jumping out a window had revealed online months earlier that she was struggling with her mental health after giving birth. "
Just how does FREE WILL and KNOWING RIGHT FROM WRONG function in the deranged ?
Whatever, reformed ,humane mental institutions in these cases are morally preferable to the state's horrendous prison system.
Excellent article by : " We are losing this unnecessary proxy war about as steadily as possible , and actually making Russia look good . "
“Not only is there no threat from Russia that is independent of American policy, but it is also the expansion of NATO to ‘meet the threat from Russia’ that creates the very threat that expansion was supposed to meet.”
— Alistair Crooke
Kunstler writes:
I doubt that many Americans — even the masses sunk in vaccine smuggery and obsessive Trump-o-phobia — believe that America’s Ukraine project is working out for us. Of course, to even begin thinking about this debacle, you must at least suspect that our government is lying about virtually everything it has its hand in. Name something it is not lying about, I dare you.
So, what is the Ukraine project about? To use that sad-ass country as a vector to disable and destroy Russia. You can’t over-state the stupidity of that objective. And why did we want to do that? Because… reasons. Oh? And what were they? Well, Russia was… there. Oh? And what was it doing? Trying to take over the world? Uh, no. It was actually just trying to be a normal European nation again after its traumatic 75-year-long experiment with communism, which ended in 1991.
And then, after that, coming along pretty well under Mr. Putin. Did I say that? Yes, I did, because it is a fact. Russia wrote new private property laws, made commerce legal again, and allowed its citizens to do business. Russia wasn’t threatening any other nations, most particularly not its former province, Ukraine. It had even invited Ukraine to be a sovereign member of its trade association, the customs union, with a bunch of other regional states who had rational interests in good regional relations. That’s what set off the maniacs at the US State Department — under Secretary John Kerry, a.k.a. the haircut-in-search-of a-brain — who, in 2014, decided to overthrow Ukraine’s government.
The project since then has been to use the US-controlled Ukraine government to antagonize Russia and, finally, to draw Russia into a military operation intended, SecDef Lloyd Austin said more than once, “to weaken Russia.” Well, everything we’ve done there, from eight years of shelling the Donbas, to kicking Russia out of the West’s banking system, to pouring billions of US dollars into Ukraine’s corrupt government, has only strengthened Russia internally, earned the approbation of many other nations who object to US interference in their regions, and steered poor Ukraine into the graveyard of failed states.
We are losing this unnecessary proxy war about as steadily as possible, and actually making Russia look good in the process. Russia could have ended the war in five minutes by turning Kiev into an ashtray, but it spent the first eight months of the operation trying to avoid busting up Ukraine’s infrastructure, so as not to turn it into a failed state (that would present new and worse problems). Mr. Putin made many overtures to negotiate an end to the conflict, all rejected by Ukraine, the US, and its NATO “partners.”
So, now Russia is grinding on-the-ground to reduce Ukraine’s ability to continue making war by systematically killing the troops Ukraine foolishly throws into the battle line, and destroying Ukraine’s heavy weapons. Ukraine is about out of its own soldiers and weapons. Russia is maneuvering to roll over what’s left there and put an end to these pointless and needless hostilities. Contrary to US propaganda, Russia has no ambition to conquer NATO territory. Rather its aim is to restore order to a corner of the world that has been its legitimate sphere of influence for centuries — and more than once been used as a doormat for European armies to invade Russia.
Apparently, we can’t allow Russia to clean up this mess we made — or we pretend that we can’t, even though it’s happening anyway, whether we like it or not. So now, the US promises to send thirty-one M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. A bold move, you think? Not exactly. By the time these tanks get anywhere in the vicinity of Ukraine, this war is likely to be over. Never mind the difficult business of training the few remaining eligible Ukrainian men between sixteen and sixty how to operate the tanks, and training maintenance crews, and delivering inventories of spare parts — you see where this is going — not to mention the certainty that the Russians will simply blow them up as fast as they appear on the premises. Anyway, a measly thirty-one tanks that can barely be operated is meaningless compared to hundreds of T-72s backed by newer T-14 tanks the Russians can muster from just over their border with Ukraine.
The tank proffer is, sad to say (for the dignity of our country), a joke, kind of a last feeble pretense before the whole thing ends in ignominy for the “Joe Biden” team — whoever that actually is. The repercussions are liable to be ugly for our country, not necessarily in terms of more military trouble in other lands (which we probably lack the capacity to engage in now), but something more personal: the collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and a vicious loss of purchasing power here at home. That would provoke a situation worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s, and that’s probably where things are going.
The Ukraine misadventure will disappear from America’s collective consciousness in a New York minute and a Fourth Turning jamboree of serious domestic political disorder will commence in short order. If you think “Joe Biden’s” term in office has been a disaster so far, just wait. You ain’t seen nuttin yet."
Read the entire post: Link:
Friday, January 27, 2023
" I will end my life before being admitted into a nursing facility " ( Steve Miller -You Tube post )
The frail elderly are daily neglected by our FOR PROFIT nursing homes . And not much better treated by mostly state run nursing homes put on stingy MEDICAID rations .
Since when has HEALTH CARE become a basic human right in " OUR democracy " , in the United States ?
Thank God for OBAMA CARE ?
Steve Miller
[ " I will end my life before being admitted into a nursing facility. I have 200 pages of notes documenting the lack of care and treatment. The state doesn’t want to know. " ] Steve Miller
[I’ve been in different skilled nursing facilities and they don’t want to find problems in these places. They are all disgusting, understaffed and full of excuses.
What do they do with the people when they should be closing down the facility.
I’m 53 years old and completely coherent. You don’t want to know what goes on in these places.
I am lucky to be getting my ability to walk again. I will end my life before being admitted into a nursing facility. I have 200 pages of notes documenting the lack of care and treatment. The state doesn’t want to know. They cannot inspect a skilled nursing facility unless all the management are present- so they delay someone until they get enough staff present and immediate concerns dealt with while the state sits in the parking lot- banned by legislation from actually entering and preforming a surprise inspection.]
The tragedy and horror of the Jewish Holocaust is rationally explained by the irrationality of decaying capitalism degenerating into modern FASCISM
As a long time independent democratic socialist I fail to see how re-elected RACIST, Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of APARTHEID Israel is a progressive step toward checking the real or perceived growth of anti-Semitism in the world. Years ago the United Nations declared Zionism to be a form of racism. The tragedy and horror of the Jewish Holocaust is rationally explained by the irrationality of decaying capitalism degenerating into modern FASCISM. There were once more than a few Jewish international socialist intellectuals who agreed with this view. Sadly , too many then evolved into professional Zionist pillars of APARTHEID Israel.
But consider the opinion of popular science writer Isaac Asimov ( himself from a Jewish background ) on modern Israel :
[ “I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back. " ]
Good or bad cops , their main job is to protect CAPITALIST law and order
" The five officers are Black " ! This fact should make BLACK LIVES MATTER zealots think about the charge of a " White Supremacist " police force . As a long time independent democratic socialist I accept the traditional MARXIST view of the police and the state in capitalist USA. Good or bad , the main job of the cop is to protect CAPITALIST law and order, mostly to protect the property and the various interests of the ruling class plutocracy . Isn't it obvious ?
The " progressive " , " liberal " Democrats , the so called FAR LEFT of the Democratic Party, will never admit this . These falsely named " socialists " ( by the FAR RIGHT ) are made of pure Jello !
Is there any pill to make people always NICE ?
A SICK society naturally mass produces sick individuals , sociopaths, and numerous mentally disturbed individuals . Show me a professional , respected psychiatrist who connects lunatic behavior with the profoundly irrational capitalist system ?
Or is toxic drinking water to blame ? Is there any pill to make people always NICE ?
Democratic socialism has nothing to do with hatred of the police or animus toward the privileged class
As a long time independent democratic socialist I can only agree with the Marxist view of THE POLICE and the role of THE STATE in our capitalist system. To be sure , there are GOOD cops and BAD cops as in any other profession.
I can understand this jury verdict on the Pawtucket police officer in the context of the last few years of anarchist street violence , a rising crime rate, a climate of FEAR among the " respectable " middle class.
It would seem that CIVILIZATION itself is protected by that " thin blue line ". But this is a superficial view which ignores the inherent social injustice of an economic system based on the barely disguised exploitation and oppression of the working class majority.
Hot heads over-vilify the police falsely accusing them of WHITE SUPREMACY . The main job of the cop - good or bad- is the protection of capitalist private property .
Only a clear MAJORITY of the population can decide to nullify PRIVATE PROPERTY rights- without reducing anybody to destitution , misery and social humiliation.
Knowing that the vast majority of the population in capitalist USA have been effectively deprived of significant PRIVATE PROPERTY gives democratic socialists a spirit of OPTIMISM in promoting their ideology which is indeed based on SCIENTIFIC reasoning.
This has nothing to do with hatred of the police or animus toward the privileged class. It has everything do do with finally establishing a RATIONAL social order.
Encouraging words for people near or beyond AGE 70
[Studied Registered Nurses (RN) & Psychiatric Nursing at Darton CollegeJan 15
Is there a reason why many people in their late sixties or older seem to age overnight?
"I think beyond seventy we begin to age more quickly. I read that somewhere. In fact, I believe aging accelerates a lot. Our seventies seem to be the start of real old age. At best we can work hard to take care of our selves so that we can maintain good quality of life. That’s really all we can do. We are all going to get old and we are all going to die."
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Too many professional psychiatrists just accept rat race capitalism as the natural order of human society
So many mentally disturbed people always " falling through the cracks " of our vanished mental health care system. As a long time independent democratic socialist I suspect the word ALIENATION - alienation in the context of a decaying capitalist society- explains most individual crack ups in this decidedly UN-SANE Society . As a young man I was influenced by socialist-humanist Erich Fromm's book " The Sane Society ".
In particular, the often isolated nuclear family - in contrast to old fashioned EXTENDED FAMILY ( also , the old Chinese family , for example ) contributes to unbearable stress in young mothers with un-supporting mates.
A real feeling of COMMUNITY could prevent these tragedies.
Too many professional psychiatrists just accept rat race capitalism as the natural order of human society. How are they not useless charlatans?
Belligerent Zionist Jew war monger Adam Schiff to run for the Senate ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I have no use for any of these WOKE-WARRIOR Democrats. Rep. Adam Schiff as representing the finest in " OUR democracy " ? What a joke ! He and his corrupt " liberal " , " progressive " party promoted the HATE RUSSIA ,New McCarthyism from the very beginning of the Trump administration.
Three cheers for the coming GREAT DEPRESSION II and nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia ?
Three cheers for NATO hero , war monger V. Zelensky ? How " sovereign " is his Ukraine in the embrace of American imperialism ?
The mainstream news media in the United States smothers ANTI-WAR public opinion . All we get daily is stale Wilsonian blather - once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " under senile, corrupt , " Sleepy Joe : Biden , the Conqueror of Afghanistan ? Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " in the COVID-19 era ?
If there is a " far Left " in the Democratic Party , it is made of pure Jello . Not one ANTI-WAR voice in this party in the recent 2022 midterm election. Do I hear YOU , Bernie Sanders resident " socialist " ?
The American working class majority must be heard in the streets . Forget about the hopeless TWO PARTY SYSTEM .
And don't forget the more and more ruined by MEGA-INFLATION , once solid American middle class.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
To be sure , militant ZIONISTS are in the vanguard of
T o be sure ,militant ZIONISTS are in the vanguard of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. Now promoting war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over NATO hero , war monger V. Zelensky's dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine . So much Wilsonian blather from the bought and sold mainstream news media : once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " under the great war time leader , " Conqueror of Afghanistan " , corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden ? " OUR democracy " in COVID-19 era ?
Why is Rhode Island MEDICAID suddenly inaccessible ?
UPDATE from brother Steve on my MEDICAID " process " :
[ Hi Ron,
Just more of the same . . . call again . . . nobody answers . . . leave a detailed message . .. and wait.
Not even put on hold anymore– just an abrupt implied "tough shit". ]
I'll let you know when I hear back from the Medicaid bureaucrats! They're just SO BUSY – probably working double-duty taking calls with donations for those poor Ukrainians.
Talk soon!
Ron Ruggieri
There is no excuse for Rhode Island MEDICAID to be inefficient and understaffed. The MONEY is there to put a smile on the face of MEDICAID workers. My recent experience of applying for RI MEDICAID with the help of my brother Steve's computer skills : [
I [ brother Steve ] was on the phone with the Health Source RI for the past hour after being on hold for 35 minutes. When I did finally got connected and actually spoke to someone they, after putting me on hold again, came back and apologized that the system " is showing no data under your name " , even after I gave them all your reference numbers and the case number I was provided. So the guy at Health Source RI connected me to the RI DHS but I was told that "call volume is high at this time " and would not take my call– and to try calling again . But I did check your online account and everything still seems okay with your status for Medicaid.] NOTE : Brother Steve was trying to get information on my MEDICAID application status .
Are not Rhode senior citizens already on Social Security and MEDICARE but in need of additional MEDICAID entitled to a little more RESPECT ?
Making itself often INACCESSIBLE is one way for any state agency to DENY help to people.
Follow the " Conqueror of Afghanistan " , " Sleepy Joe " Biden , right until " The Day after " ?
Don't expect any ANTI-WAR voices to thunder in this WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party . For years now " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism. The so called " far left " of the Democratic Party is an impotent joke ! Ask Bernie Sanders.
Is working class America and " Middle America " all fired up by stale Wilsonian blather ( once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? ) of the mainstream news media in the United States ? How " sovereign " can NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky's Ukraine be in the power drunk embrace of American imperialism ?
Corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden will add to coming GREAT DEPRESSION II misery nuclear World War III with Russia ?
Follow the " Conqueror of Afghanistan " right until " The Day After " ?
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Ordinary working class people in Rhode Island have a right to safe drinking water
Ordinary working class people in Rhode Island should not have to depend on some PRIVATE solution for having healthy drinking water in their homes. Kids exposed to lead compounds in drinking water risk developing learning disabilities. What else does a poor person have for survival skills but a " sound mind in a sound body " ?
The state of Rhode Island, controlled by a corrupt Democratic Party machine ,uses federal funds irresponsibly and perhaps illegally.
The RIGHT TO LIFE under greedy capitalism must be considerably expanded .
Our most " progressive " Democrats are also the most jackass oblivious !
No excuse for Rhode Island MEDICAID to be inefficient and understaffed
There is no excuse for Rhode Island MEDICAID to be inefficient and understaffed. The MONEY is there to put a smile on the face of MEDICAID workers. My recent experience of applying for RI MEDICAID with the help of my brother Steve's computer skills : [
I [ brother Steve ] was on the phone with the Health Source RI for the past hour after being on hold for 35 minutes. When I did finally got connected and actually spoke to someone they, after putting me on hold again, came back and apologized that the system " is showing no data under your name " , even after I gave them all your reference numbers and the case number I was provided. So the guy at Health Source RI connected me to the RI DHS but I was told that "call volume is high at this time " and would not take my call– and to try calling again . But I did check your online account and everything still seems okay with your status for Medicaid.] NOTE : Brother Steve was trying to get information on my MEDICAID application status .
Are not Rhode senior citizens already on Social Security and MEDICARE but in need of additional MEDICAID entitled to a little more RESPECT ?
Making itself often INACCESSIBLE is one way for any state agency to DENY help to people
Corrupt , senile Joe Biden gave the CORRUPT government of the Ukraine the keys to the US Treasury
What a joke ! A SOVEREIGN Ukraine ? Led by puffed up NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky . ? He has the powerful backing of our own great war time leader , the Conqueror of Afghanistan , CORRUPT , senile " Sleepy Joe " Biden. CORRUPT Biden gave the decidedly CORRUPT government of the Ukraine the keys to the US Treasury.
The mainstream news media in the United States tries daily to sell the war to ordinary working class Americans with stale Wilsonian blather which was FALSE 100 years ago . Once again " make the world safe or democracy " ? At the cost of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
How can any country be SOVEREIGN while getting billions of dollars from American imperialism ( of course , with no agenda but glorious FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY ! ) . The history of American imperialism for more than a century is all about defending " sovereign " nations , especially in Central and South America ?
The ANTI-WAR voice of the nation will soon roar in the streets : NO SUPPORT for WAR MONGER ZELENSKY AND HIS CORRUPT UKRAINE !
Fwd: ANTI-COP blacks should read Lenin's Marxist classic " State and Revolution "
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 at 13:52
Subject: Fwd: ANTI-COP blacks should read Lenin's Marxist classic " State and Revolution "
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 at 13:52
Subject: Fwd: ANTI-COP blacks should read Lenin's Marxist classic " State and Revolution "
To: <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 at 13:52
Subject: ANTI-COP blacks should read Lenin's Marxist classic " State and Revolution "
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 at 13:52
Subject: ANTI-COP blacks should read Lenin's Marxist classic " State and Revolution "
To: Letters, NYT <>
This civil rights crime against humanity should make Black Lives Matter groups reflect on the real role of the cops in capitalist society. Far more than being foolishly WHITE SUPREMACIST ( some cops are ) THE POLICE are invariably antagonists of organized labor ( well documented history of cop brutality in strikes of working people ) and of working class people in general. They routinely protect landlords not tenants in televised eviction dramas. One Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin explained the role of THE STATE and THE POLICE in his Marxist classic : " State and Revolution ". Recommended reading for BLACK LIVES MATTER. Don't expect any " Officer Friendly " to wear a VOTE SOCIALIST campaign button. The capitalist system uses RACISM to divide the working class. For more than 100 years the history of organized labor in CLASS STRUGGLE battles testifies to the truth of this - the reactionary role of THE POLICE and THE STATE in capitalist USA . Way back in 1965 Black Muslim leader Malcolm X made a connection between RACISM and capitalism, between RACISM and imperialism.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
The capitalist system uses racism to divide the working class
This civil rights crime against humanity should make Black Lives Matter groups reflect on the real role of the cops in capitalist society. Far more than being foolishly WHITE SUPREMACIST ( some cops are ) THE POLICE are invariably antagonists of organized labor ( well documented history of cop brutality in strikes of working people ) and of working class people in general. They routinely protect landlords not tenants in televised eviction dramas.
One Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin explained the role of THE STATE and THE POLICE in his Marxist classic : " State and Revolution ". Recommended reading for BLACK LIVES MATTER.
Don't expect any " Officer Friendly " to wear a VOTE SOCIALIST campaign button.
The capitalist system uses RACISM to divide the working class. For more than 100 years the history of organized labor in CLASS STRUGGLE battles testifies to the truth of this - the reactionary role of THE POLICE and THE STATE in capitalist USA .
Way back in 1965 Black Muslim leader Malcolm X made a connection between RACISM and capitalism, between RACISM and imperialism.
Fwd: Explaining 100 years of Marxist " Vanguard Party " failure
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 at 13:19
Subject: Explaining 100 years of Marxist " Vanguard Party " failure
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 at 13:19
Subject: Explaining 100 years of Marxist " Vanguard Party " failure
To: Letters, NYT <>
Political science majors might select this for a Masters Degree thesis : Since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and those " Ten Days That Shook the World " why have so many self-described Marxist Vanguard Parties self-destructed , collapsed , or degenerated into bizarre personality cults ? Please explain . As a long time independent democratic socialist I think that a vulgar contempt for Christianity making them resonate more with the obnoxious New Atheism was a big factor in a long century of failure to reach the masses. And the biggest mistake of the Russian government -led by Lenin-Trotsky and then Stalin- after the revolution was to declare itself " officially atheist ". Also when the inner core of a Marxist " vanguard party " harbors too many decidedly neurotic Jews or crypto-Zionist Jews, with college and university educations , they invariably turn off the WORKING CLASS members. They feel as alienated in THE PARTY as they do in the capitalist factory or place of work . The political science major might focus on two parties in particular : the US based Socialist Workers Party still led by Jack Barnes and the Socialist Equality Party still led by David North. Ex-members of the SWP and SEP offer on line accounts of their experience with the " cult ".
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
For more than a century now why have so many self-proclaimed Marxist vanguard parties collapsed, self-destructed, degenerated into bizarre personality cults ?
Political science majors might select this for a Masters Degree thesis : Since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and those " Ten Days That Shook the World " why have so many self-described Marxist Vanguard Parties self-destructed , collapsed , or degenerated into bizarre personality cults ? Please explain .
As a long time independent democratic socialist I think that a vulgar contempt for Christianity making them resonate more with the obnoxious New Atheism was a big factor in a long century of failure to reach the masses. And the biggest mistake of the Russian government -led by Lenin-Trotsky and then Stalin- after the revolution was to declare itself " officially atheist ".
Also when the inner core of a Marxist " vanguard party " harbors too many decidedly neurotic Jews or crypto-Zionist Jews, with college and university educations , they invariably turn off the WORKING CLASS members. They feel as alienated in THE PARTY as they do in the capitalist factory or place of work .
The political science major might focus on two parties in particular : the US based Socialist Workers Party still led by Jack Barnes and the Socialist Equality Party still led by David North.
Ex-members of the SWP and SEP offer on line accounts of their experience with the " cult ".
Monday, January 23, 2023
Trying to get on MEDICAID in Rhode Island
I [ brother Steve ] was on the phone with the Health Source RI for the past hour after being on hold for 35 minutes. When I did finally got connected and actually spoke to someone they, after putting me on hold again, came back and apologized that "the system" is showing no data under your name, even after I gave them all your reference numbers and the case number I was provided. So the guy at Health Source RI connected me to the RI DHS but I was told that "Call volume is high at this time and would not take my call– and to try calling again later". Oof!
So I'll try again later. But I did check your online account and everything still seems okay with your status for Medicaid.
Talk soon,
ps: Susan and I have to do a curbside pickup at Whole Foods in Garden City around 2:30 ish. I can call you if you are still at the library and you can come out and get that box of alcohol wipes. Let me know.
NOTE : Brother Steve was trying to get information on my MEDICAID application status
A democratic socialist opinion on US government " debt ceiling "
You rarely hear a democratic socialist opinion on the " debt ceiling " of the US government . If the government of the United States owned and controlled the industry and resources of the country, there could be no talk of this government owing some mysterious CREDITORS anything . To whom would we - with fear and trembling - owe money ? The Man in the Moon ?
But our mind corrupting , bourgeois university professors cannot even imagine a more RATIONAL economic system. The American ruling class has fostered the most docile , subservient intellectual sub-class in human history. The Ivy League schools -like glorious Harvard University - specialize in mass producing professional enemies of the working class !
Kids are constantly told to GET AN EDUCATION - in order to get ahead ? Ahead of everybody else in " OUR democracy " ?
There is indeed a " Black Crime Wave " in the big cities of the United States
Uncontrolled criminal violence will certainly lead to AUTHORITARIAN government in the United States -on the RIGHT or on the LEFT .
There is indeed a : " Black Crime Wave " in the big cities . Even though we democratic socialists understand the roots causes of social injustice ,we also know that without CIVILIZATION social justice is just a fatuous day dream.
Are you looking forward to " THE DAY AFTER " and GREAT DEPRESSION under our great leader , corrupt , senile " Sleepy Joe " Biden ?
All the bourgeois NATO alliance governments of Europe - still soaking in the blood of colonialism and imperialism - now pretend that they are the oh-so-democratic ( in contrast to Putin's POST-COMMUNIST Russia ) guardians and defenders of " SOVEREIGN " nations everywhere.
In particular, 100 years of American imperialism is all about defending " SOVEREIGN " nations ( especially in Central and South America ) ?
Ordinary working class people in all countries have no interest in war monger V. Zelensky's " sovereign " Ukraine. To be sure , a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine is not worth nuclear World War III with Russia. Is our American plutocracy really on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy ? Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately under the great war time leader , the Conqueror of Afghanistan , corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden ? Are you looking forward to both " THE DAY AFTER " and GREAT DEPRESSION II?
Whatever " socialism " lurks in the " FAR LEFT " of the Democratic Party is purely delusional .
As a long time independent democratic socialist I am very cynical of children of the decidedly PRIVILEGED CLASS in the United States taking up leadership positions in social justice causes. They invariably direct the " movement " into the WOKE " progressive " wing of the Democratic Party. They get all sorts of accolades and narcissistic recognition while the SOCIAL INJUSTICE remains. The homeless still " live " in the streets ! We sees this here in Rhode Island with the episode of homeless people camping out on the grounds of the State House. Affluent , " activist " liberals thought camping out with the desperate , pitiful, NEGLECTED homeless was nothing less than heroic . As if they had the soul of Mother Teresa !
Way back in 1965 Black Muslim leader Malcolm X warned his followers not to be misled by phony " liberal " Democrats . Also, Malcolm X made a connection between RACISM and capitalism , between RACISM and imperialism. Not even " socialist " Bernie Sanders speaks like this years after the assassination ( FBI ? CIA ? ) of Malcolm X.
Whatever " socialism " lurks in the " FAR LEFT " of the Democratic Party is purely delusional .
Mass protests of Jews in Israel - Jews with a social conscience must sense that militant ZIONISM has no future in the 21st century
@Hello No, decades ago the United Nations-then the conscience of humanity- condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism. We have WOKE ACLU lawyers with a Jewish background who never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. And oddly enough they rarely defend the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Along with the rest of the WOKE Democrats.
It does seem to many decent Christians that militant ZIONIST Jews ,in the " liberal " Democratic Party and in corrupt , senile Joe Biden's " Brain Trust " , are a menace to world peace. They have been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years now. In APARTHEID Israel the blatant RACIST Benjamin Netanyahu is back in power. Happily there are mass protests against his government . Jews with a social conscience must sense that militant ZIONISM has no future in the 21st century.
The mainstream news media in the United States censors the voice of anti-Zionist Jews and it continues to censor ANTI-WAR views . As if we are all slobbering over the puffed up NATO " hero" V. Zelensky. Not one " progressive " Democrat was an anti-war voice , a voice for world peace, in the 2022 midterm elections in the USA.
Sunday, January 22, 2023
A little DIVERSITY here ! More white midgets on college basketball teams ?
Are there no AFFIRMATIVE ACTION programs for white guys in college and professional basketball ? An embarrassing question but unavoidable : If blacks exceed naturally in basketball , do whites exceed naturally in scholarship ? Check out the basketball team then check out the college debating team ?
A little DIVERSITY here ! More white midgets on college basketball teams ?
Amazing how many Zionist Jews constitute American president Joe Biden's " Brain Trust "
To be replaced by :
Early life and education
[ Jeffrey ] Zients was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Kensington, Maryland.[3] His family is Jewish.[4][5][6] Zients graduated from the St. Albans School prep school in 1984 and received a degree in political science from Duke University,[7] graduating summa cum laude in 1988.[8] ( WIKI )
Amazing how many Zionist Jews constitute American president Joe Biden's " Brain Trust ". Good news for the growing anti-war movement in the United States ?
The cheering will never stop for this guy Zelensky and NATO war moves against Russia ?
In what strange way can the RACIST, corrupt Zionist Jew Benjamin Netanyahu and his right wing government of blatantly APARTHEID Israel be an effective force for countering pernicious ( not based on any RATIONAL reasons ) anti-Semitism ?
Corrupt Netanyahu as a firm ally of corrupt , senile American president , " Sleepy Joe " Biden, and the puffed up, war monger NATO " hero " V. Zelensky , president ( or now dictator ) of the dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ? This shady triumvirate would start nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? How much support is there among working class and middle class Americans for another stupid and endless war in the interest of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism? As we face a GREAT DEPRESSION II at home !
Militant Zionism is well represented in President Joe Biden's " Brain Trust ". And in his WOKE WARRIOR not so " progressive " Democratic Party. Militant Zionism is well defended in the mainstream news media of the United States. Presently there is much censorship of anti-war views . The cheering will never stop for this guy Zelensky and war moves against Russia ? Consult the ghosts of Napoleon and Hitler on war with the Russia Bear .
What a mess in the 21st century - " OUR democracy " !
Saturday, January 21, 2023
The vast majority of working class Christian families in the United States are rightfully offended by the odious WOKE agenda propaganda in the public schools
The vast majority of working class Christian families in the United States are rightfully offended not by well established universal civil rights but by WOKE agenda propaganda in the public schools. I speak as longtime independent democratic socialist . Amazing that " science " in Ivy League schools no longer believes in objective reality. The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are a long way from the party of FDR and JFK . They probably will lose big time in the 2024 election .
The job of COP in capitalist USA attracts more than a few psychopaths
The job of COP in capitalist USA does attracts more than a few psychopaths . Of course , we cannot DEFUND THE POLICE without profoundly changing the social-political- economic system based on the ruthless exploitation of the working class and the increasing ruin of the once solid American middle class.
Why are so many young people killed or nearly killed by decidedly UNPROFESSIONAL cops over quite trivial incidents -petty violations of LAW & ORDER ? BLACK LIVES MATTER groups know all about this .
Senile , corrupt " Sleepy Joe " Biden - the conqueror of Afghanistan - as our 21st century equivalent of FDR ?
Has the ANTI-WAR movement of the working class of the whole world been consulted on this American imperialism ,APARTHEID Israel proxy war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ?
Three cheers for nuclear World War III with Russia ? Three cheers for the coming GREAT DEPRESSION II in the United States ? With senile , corrupt " Sleepy Joe " Biden-the Conqueror of Afghanistan - as our 21st century equivalent of FDR ?
COMING ATTRACTIONS from " progressive " Democrats : GREAT DEPRESSION II and nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia !
This puffed up NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky will soon demand a nuclear arsenal from the United States. Where is his support among working class Christian Americans ?
In the full embrace of American imperialism and APARTHEID Israel just how " sovereign " is Zelensky 's Ukraine ?
This is what " progressive " Democrats have to offer us : COMING ATTRACTIONS - GREAT DEPRESSION II and nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
Friday, January 20, 2023
Consider the Edward Snowden point of view on TOP SECRET government documents
Why should any democratic socialist get boiled up about careless handling of TOP SECRET documents ? I think the heroic Edward Snowden has explained what most TOP SECRET government documents are all about : OPENED TO PUBLIC they can only shock the moral conscience of ordinary Americans not attached to DEEP STATE and the military industrial complex.
Above all, they must be TOP SECRET for the common people of the United States.
DEEP STATE , the CIA , the FBI , Homeland Security , the Pentagon War Crimes Machine - the vital core of " OUR democracy " ?
Ancient Roman poet Lucretius -atoms and the void . But is that all there is ?
Amazing this ancient Roman poet Lucretius' thoughts on THE NATURE OF THINGS so very long ago. Even today an honest thinker might despair wondering IF THAT 'S ALL THERE IS - ATOMS and the VOID ? Still it is an antidote to morbid supernatural and metaphysical fears. And a universe of natural order does suggest a SANE way for intelligent human beings to live.
In the interest of world peace cut off all military support to war monger V. Zelensky , now dictator of the Ukraine
In the interest of WORLD PEACE - a value now completely forgotten by the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats - cut off all military support to the puffed up NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky . A dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine is not worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. With the MISERY INDEX rising among ordinary working class American ( and MEGA INFLATION destroying the once solid middle class ) , do not expect any Wilsonian blather inspired enthusiasm for another stupid war ( " to end all wars " ? ) .
Enough of this obnoxious " NAVAGE " commercial . We are being bludgeoned with it !
We live in the Golden Age of False Advertising . How many times must I hear this unctuous ( not quite on the level ) " NAVAGE " commercial on local radio- 630 WPRO and TV -WPRI ? There should be a legitimate LIMIT for all product advertising .
To suggest that NOSE CLEANING should be as commonplace as tooth brushing is just plain irresponsible .
Should not this obnoxious " NAVAGE " commercial come with a WARNING from authentic medical science ?
Healthy nasal membranes should not be assaulted with daily nose cleaning !
Soon the ANTI-WAR voice in this country will be heard as a roar !
Soon the ANTI-WAR voice in this country will be heard as a roar ! Ordinary working class Americans are not losing sleep over the Wilsonian blather ideal of a " sovereign " Ukraine . Make the world safe for " OUR democracy " as represented by corrupt , senile MILLIONAIRE " Sleepy Joe " Biden and MAGA MANIAC BILLIONAIRE ( ? ) Donald Trump. Recommend our nutty TWO PARTY SYSTEM for Putin's Russia ?
Risk nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over the puffed up NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky , now dictator of the Ukraine ? Have a referendum on this in the United States ?
Trouble finding a job , young man ? Why not join the Marines ?
The fundamental law of capitalism is that you have a job in this economy as long as some group of capitalist employers finds your work profitable for them.
When you lose your job you are obliged to continuously look for work but no capitalist employer is obliged to hire you.
If you end up collecting state welfare checks , no landlord is obliged to offer you an AFFORDABLE place for rent.
If you and your family end up homeless here in Rhode Island : WELCOME TO THE CRANSTON STREET ARMORY !
And our corrupt, bought and sold , university professors babble daily to their classes about how wonderful is this capitalist system .
Trouble finding a job, young man ? Why not join the Marines ?
" Sleepy Joe " Biden the last " Conqueror of Afghanistan " !
How can any politically literate person think that American imperialism and puffed up NATO " hero " war monger Zelensky are all about Wilsonian blather high ideals ( SOVEREIGN nations ! ) in this ugly Ukraine War ? For 100 years American imperialism was all about defending " sovereign " countries everywhere ( especially in Central and South America ) ?
American imperialism fizzled out in Afghanistan after 20 stupid years of " WAR ON TERRORISM ". Never again will the military- industrial complex be able to recruit enough innocent minded " patriotic " young Americans to fight another Vietnam War or another Gulf War or another Afghanistan War. But how many able bodied recruits do they need to start nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
The sun sets on the American Empire . As Shelly's " Ozymandias " poem reads : " Look around you and despair ! "
" Sleepy Joe " Biden the last " Conqueror of Afghanistan " !
The " liberal " Democrats have become a party of morally grotesque WOKE WARRIORS !
Does the mainstream media in the United States think it can arouse support ( among ordinary working class Americans ) for the puffed up war monger, NATO " hero " Zelensky with the stale Wilsonian blather of a century ago ( " make the world safe for democracy ! " ) ?
Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " these past few years ? Is our American plutocracy really on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy ?
Why is FREE SPEECH on ANTI-WAR themes being smothered in " OUR democracy " ?
There was not one ANTI-WAR voice among " progressive " Democrats in the 2022 midterm election.
The " liberal " Democrats have become a party of morally grotesque WOKE WARRIORS !
What about reparations for working class WAGE SLAVERY ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think this TALK of MEGA-MILLIONS reparations for selected black residents of San Francisco is just that for the vast majority of the " black community "- empty talk !
What should my family on my mother's side( named Engley ) with ancestors who fought in both the Revolutionary War and the American Civil War contribute to any proposed REPARATIONS FUND ?
A long time ago I read a nightmarish account of " The Condition of the Working Class in England " ( 1844 ) by Karl Marx's partner Fred Engels . Engels said that the condition of the poor white Irish in the slums of Manchester, England certainly rivaled in misery the black plantation slaves of the Old South. And he documents this horror on every page.
And after President Lincoln " freed " the black slaves in the South , they very soon became the WAGE SLAVE prey of the Northern industrialists. Just like " white trash " , Irish, Italian , Polish immigrants and many German and Russian Jews ( read Irving Howe's " World of Our Fathers " ) .
If you had poor white ancestors who constituted for years the wretched HELP of the New England Industrial Revolution , what is your claim for REPARATIONS from today's thriving CAPITALIST class ? Ask a friendly ACLU lawyer . Ten million dollars ?
Have the common people of the United States been heard on NATO and Zionist Israel war plans ?
Our mainstream news media in the United States is sounding the alarm on perceived rise in anti-Semitism . But what do you think RACIST Zionism and hawkish support for puffed up NATO war monger, Ukraine president V. Zelensky, contribute to this ?
What a waste : billions for APARTHEID Israel ! Billions for war monger Zelensky !
Have the common people of the United States been heard on NATO and Zionist Israel war plans ?
Thursday, January 19, 2023
It is good that public libraries show respect ( hopefully well balanced ) for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization .
Most SANE parents will not approve of their kids being prematurely exposed to the gross DIVERSITY of adult sexuality.
The mystery of the DIVISION OF LABOR in capitalist society
In all countries CAPITALISM is based on the exhaustive and exhausting EXPLOITATION of the working class. Most of the time working class people hate their jobs and can't wait to retire. In capitalist USA the bottom retirement age for collecting social security is still 62. While life expectancy is declining !
In general, the rigid DIVISION OF LABOR itself tends to create a economic caste system. How many mentally healthy individuals really are content to do some one thing -no matter how well paid - for 20, 30, 40 years ? Consider an aging but still excellent dentist reflecting : " Do I really want to look at rotten teeth for another five years ! " .
Yet , we expect that there is a dentist to see when a tooth aches , a plumber to call when the toilet won't flush , firemen to call when your house is on fire, public school teachers to be there for your children's compulsory education .
Can this necessary DIVISION OF LABOR in any economy possibly come about by individual FREE WILL ? Every kid will be asked some time : " And what do you want to be when you grow up ? " . ( no kid thinks " I want to be a convicted criminal " or " I want to be an unemployed homeless bum " )
HOW can individual CHOICE possibly guarantee the necessary division of labor in a civilized society ?
Whatever , I am always glad to see the garbage men twice a week at Randal Manor in Cranston, Rhode Island.
When does human FREEDOM really become possible ?
Kennedy Plaza in Providence today could have inspired Jack London's " People of the Abyss " or H.P. Lovecraft's " Horror at Red Hook "
Kennedy Plaza today could have inspired Jack London 's " People of the Abyss " and H.P. Lovecraft's ( " I AM PROVIDENCE " ) horror tale " Horror at Red Hook ".
In the last years of his life HPL - also horrified by the GREAT DEPRESSION - spoke of his conversion to some form of democratic socialism. He favored then Socialist Party leader Norman Thomas. Consult his numerous " LETTERS " for 1936 and 1937 ( the year of his death ).
The visible decay of capitalism . But SOCIALISM is not even a thought in the heads of our bourgeois " progressive " Democrat , Rhode Island politicians. They must think FOR PROFIT capitalism is just the eternal law of the cosmos. Or our ruling class rules by divine right ?
STEP 1 in balancing US federal budget : JUNK THE PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE !
As longtime independent democratic socialist I must suggest junking the Pentagon War Crimes Machine as STEP 1 in balancing the budget of the US federal government .
No more billions for puffed up NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky and his not so " sovereign " Ukraine.
UNFRIEND Apartheid Israel - now led by the openly RACIST Benjamin Netanyahu . No more money for belligerent Zionism .
NATIONALIZE the gargantuan BIG ENERGY industry !
Just a beginning for the democratic socialist plan for a real NEW WORLD ORDER .
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Note that President Joe Biden's administration and his WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party is packed with militant ZIONIST Jews
Note that President Joe Biden's administration and his WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party is packed with militant ZIONIST Jews -perhaps more belligerent than ZIONIST Jews in APARTHEID Israel.
The mainstream news media in the United States will never tell the whole truth about the war in the Ukraine.
For years now the " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism .
Mainstream America , however , is in no mood for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine .
Does US military recruitment show young Americans enthusiastic about being cannon fodder for the next stupid endless war of American imperialism ?
Sooner or later the puffed up war monger ,Ukrainian president V. Zelensky ,will demand a nuclear arsenal from Uncle Sam !
Sooner or later the puffed up war monger Ukrainian president V. Zelensky will demand a nuclear arsenal from Uncle Sam !
Don't believe that ordinary working class Americans are losing sleep over a " sovereign " Ukraine . In general " Miserable America " can not get involved with " Sovereign " ( ? ) Ukraine.
Homeless CZAR's task : ameliorate the " problem ", or make it less visible , without threatening PRIVATE PROPERTY rights
ALL the Rhode Island public officials with their " higher education " degrees are clearly clueless of sociology as a SCIENCE . If they inquired about the CAUSE of homelessness , they could be directed by honest librarians to books -long ago published - on the irrational side of the capitalist economic system. The main obstacle to finding homes for the homeless is capitalist-landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights.
The task for government bureaucrats is this : ameliorate the " problem " - or at least make it less visible - without threatening capitalist -landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights.
Check out Providence Journal archives early in Reagan Years ( 1981- 1984 ) . Homeless people make news headlines . But the " liberal " politicians say the same things as they do today . But , of course , accomplished nothing ! Still it was " Morning in America ! "
Earlier in the Kennedy-Johnson era American socialist Michael Harrington attracted attention to much social injustice and inequality in this country with his book " The Other America ".
Drag Queen entertainment for school kids ? The WOKE Democratic Party is losing the heart of the nation here
Public libraries are right to boldly defend the great FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. But they must also not smother - the OPPOSITE of free speech , free thought - the growing working class CHRISTIAN based anti-WOKE point of view.
It is the common sense of THE MAJORITY that children should not be corrupted by pre-mature exposure to decidedly DIVERSE adult sexuality . Better for their young , innocent minds are classic FAIRY TALES most of which have a moral message.
The WOKE Democratic Party is losing the heart of the nation here !
" Sovereign " Ukraine - another stupid endless AMERICAN IMPERIALISM war . Will end like Afghanistan and Vietnam
No need to panic " sovereign " Ukrainians . Puffed up NATO puppet war monger , US money grabber, V. Zelensky , has appointed himself PRESIDENT FOR LIFE of the Ukraine with the blessing of " OUR democracy " ! Yet another endless stupid war which under the leadership of our great war time leader , the Conqueror of Afghanistan , Joe Biden , can only end like Afghanistan and Vietnam . Any statues of American president George W. Bush in Iraq ?
Zelensky's Ukraine - an odd couple alliance of Zionist Jew and Neo-Nazi ? Of APARTHEID Israel and Berlin 1932 ?
[ "At the time, the appointment of Mr Monastyrsky was interpreted as consolidating the president's grip on power.
As interior minister, Mr Monastyrsky was responsible for the police and security inside Ukraine.
When Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, he rose to the challenge of rallying international support for Kyiv's fightback. "]
One can only wonder what kind of " democracy " has been established in war monger NATO hero Zelensky 's " sovereign " Ukraine ?
Has Zelensky elected himself PRESIDENT FOR LIFE in the Ukraine ? Along with his oh-so- exquisitely " democratic " regime ?
What if Zelensky Ukraine is no less a POLICE STATE today than Vladimir Putin's Russian oligarchy ? An odd couple alliance of Zionist Jew and Neo-Nazi ? APARTHEID Israel and Berlin 1932 ?
Naturally " OUR democracy "- as controlled by the CIA , Pentagon , and " Deep State "- has the right instincts for finding true FREEDOM FIGHTERS on all continents. And assassinating enemies of " freedom " wherever they raise their ugly heads -like Salvador Allende in 1973 , the democratically elected Marxist president of Chile in 1973.
For more than one hundred years American imperialism has been all about protecting " sovereign " countries on all continents ?
Even our corrupt professors of American History in Ivy League schools might know something about this ( in their scholarly footnotes ) .
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Fwd: Budget cutting suggestion
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2023 at 10:19
Subject: Budget cutting suggestion
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2023 at 10:19
Subject: Budget cutting suggestion
To: Letters, NYT <>
The American plutocracy controls the TWO PARTY SYSTEM. Working class and middle class America might suggest a STEP 1 in cutting the federal budget : Retrieve a key to the US Treasury from the war mongering , puffed up NATO " hero " , president of the not so " sovereign " Ukraine , V. Zelensky.
The American capitalist class and the Pentagon War Crimes Machine and sinister " Deep State " have no intention of afflicting economic " discipline " on themselves.
Do they expect a SUFFERING nation to applaud more brainless militarism and possibly nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia ? Our plutocracy is on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy ?
No war crimes to report from the many dirty wars of American imperialism ?
In the recent midterm election not a single " progressive " Democrat was an anti-war voice, a sane voice for world peace. All WOKE warriors !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Federal budget cutting suggestion : retrieve a key to US treasury from puffed up NATO war monger V. Zelensky
The American plutocracy controls the TWO PARTY SYSYTEM. Working class and middle class America might suggest a STEP 1 in cutting the federal budget : Retrieve a key to the US Treasury from the war mongering , puffed up NATO " hero " , president of the not so " sovereign " Ukraine , V. Zelensky.
The American capitalist class and the Pentagon War Crimes Machine and sinister " Deep State " have no intention of afflicting economic " discipline " on themselves.
Do they expect a SUFFERING nation to applaud more brainless militarism and possibly nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia ? Our plutocracy is on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy ?
No war crimes to report from the many dirty wars of American imperialism ?
In the recent midterm election not a single " progressive " Democrat was an anti-war voice, a sane voice for world peace. All WOKE warriors !
Saturday, January 14, 2023
What would great American revolutionary Thomas Payne think about our slobbering over British royalty today ?
It is ridiculous to decide who is and who is not a villain within the Byzantine world of British royalty. But how can the official pillars of " OUR Democracy " forget that our country was founded on contempt for the very principle of royalty and dynastic succession ? After the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia Leon Trotsky - rather cold blooded- but not without revolutionary LOGIC- argued in self-defense that the Czar's executed family " fell victim to dynastic succession ".
What would great American revolutionary Thomas Payne think about our mainstream news media slobbering over British royalty today ?
I guess criticism of THE SYSTEM is taboo even for investigative reporters ?
This is what the wealthiest capitalist country on earth has to offer hapless and hopeless homeless Americans ? None of the housing CZARS or official advocates for the homeless connect this humanitarian crisis with the inherent irrationality and injustice of the capitalist system. They always imagine some BUREAUCRATIC " solution " . If they ever briefly studied scientific sociology in college or graduate school , it was like the proverbial water off the duck's back.
Pretending that social injustice has no definite CAUSE is the height of intellectual dishonesty .
I guess criticism of THE SYSTEM is taboo even for investigative reporters . Don't expect it from WOKE " progressive " Democrats. Nothing radical about " taxing the rich ". Was that Karl Marx's idea ? That is what DAS KAPITAL was all about ? Ask Bernie Sanders ?
Homeless people living in the street entitled to armed self-defense ?
There will be no solution to "HOMELESS IN AMERICA " until the vast working class voter majority of the country declares landlord capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY detrimental to HUMAN civilization.
WE could begin to help the homeless and families threatened with homelessness by immediately instituting RENT CONTROL laws.
Next a national referendum on the FOR PROFIT capitalist system ? How popular can it be with millions more property-less American ?
I speak as a long time , independent democratic socialist .
Also, homeless people living in the streets are entitled to ordinary, collective and individual SELF-DEFENSE .
Working class Christians in the United States not infatuated with NATO war monger Zelensky
The vast majority of working class Christians in the United States - not besotted with the ZIONIST agenda - are not infatuated with the NATO war monger Zelensky.
No " peaceniks " in this " progressive " WOKE Democratic Party ? They have been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years now. Also they have made themselves enemies of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. They have for years now afflicted ideological terror on decent ,anti-WOKE Americans. Their mainstream news media continues to cover up for the corrupt , senile, Conqueror of Afghanistan ", Sleepy Joe " Biden. You would think that TRUTH itself was TOP SECRET !
Three cheers for nuclear World War III and the coming GREAT DEPRESSION ?
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Hero and martyr Edward Snowden knows all about the significance of TOP SECRET government documents
Both President Biden and ex-president Trump are equally " patriotic " in their proven zeal to defend American imperialism from all enemies real or imagined. They disagree on tactics and priorities.
As for the significance of TOP SECRET government documents I can only refer you to the honorable Edward Snowden -hero and martyr for TRUTH . These documents are TOP SECRET simply because they would outrage the genuine democratic feelings of our country's working class and lower middle class majority.
Do WE THE PEOPLE ever get to have a referendum on war or insane military spending , on the unchecked activities of the military industrial complex in " OUR democracy " ?
For years now the WOKE Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism - psychological warfare preparation for nuclear World War III .
But recall a " Tumultuous 60s " thought crime : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
How soon can working class Americans junk their gas stoves or buy electric cars ?
These ideas for saving the environment -and human life and indeed LIFE ON EARTH - would be worth considering only if the once venerable institution of SCIENCE had not been corrupted by greedy FOR PROFIT capitalism . Corporate America has smothered the spirit of FREE THOUGHT and FREE SPEECH indispensable in the research scientist.
We see this outrage during three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. DISSENT in Science was considered pernicious misinformation. I commend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his " Profile in Courage " challenge to state " science " tyranny.
Today any PUBLIC VOICE of Science has for me as much credibility as a 1990s late night Keven Trudeau TV charlatan infomercial.
Decades ago at the height of the McCarthy era the science genius Albert Einstein was telling university students : better to become a FREE spirit plumber than a state enslaved professional scientist .
How soon can working class Americans junk their gas stoves or buy electric cars ?
Can we live sanely in a world with no transcendence ? The Bach Mass in B-Minor
[The Mass was described in the 19th century by the editor Hans Georg Nägeli as "The Announcement of the Greatest Musical Work of All Times and All People" ("Ankündigung des größten musikalischen Kunstwerkes aller Zeiten und Völker").[47] Despite being seldom performed, the Mass was appreciated by some of Bach's greatest successors: by the beginning of the 19th century Forkel and Haydn possessed copies. ]
This work of Bach captures the long lost mystique and gravitas of the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. Can we live sanely in a world with NO transcendence ?
To be sure , no city or state governments are " killing with love " the homeless population !
Josh Saal definitely showed no talent for his job as Housing CZAR - and not much empathy . But he can easily be made a scapegoat here. What can any Housing CZAR do for the growing homeless population within the economic structure of capitalism and sacrosanct landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights ? Were MILLIONS of dollars really made readily available to him to rescue homeless people ?
Perhaps there should be a congressional investigation of corruption in the Rhode Island Democratic Party ?
Is that all cold hearted capitalism can offer the chronically homeless -this shameful , shabby treatment ? Behold the description on 630 WPRO radio this morning of the filth , drug addiction disorder , and lawlessness at the Cranston Armory . True , homeless animals get more compassionate treatment. To be sure , no city or state governments are " killing with love " the homeless population.
None of the individuals officially concerned with homeless people ever mention IRRATIONAL capitalism as the root of the problem
The news this morning ( Jan.11 , 2023 )on 630WPRO is that this newly created " shelter " for homeless people in Greater Providence area - the Cranston Street Armory - has quickly turned into a nightmare of filth and drug addiction disorder and overcrowded chaos.
I note that none of the concerned and compassionate radio talk show hosts , none of the interviewed " bleeding heart " ( ? ) advocates for homeless, certainly not the now daily ridiculed Housing CZAR Josh Saal , ever make a reference to the intrinsic problems of a rapidly decaying, cold hearted and insanely irrational capitalist system.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think there is no solution to this homeless people nightmare as long as landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights are sacrosanct .
Immediately there should be a public demand ( most of us are not enterprising landlords or smug capitalists ) for RENT CONTROL . The federal government could make so many of its resources available to the homeless population.
The deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill decades ago has proved to be a human catastrophe , a " progressive " idiot crime against humanity.
It will take an AUTHORITARIAN government -on the right or on the left - to declare that homelessness - apart from people on the move in transition - is AGAINST THE LAW.
A democratic socialist government would simply commandeer unused or misused, often VACANT, capitalist private property.
Ultimately it would put an end to the irrational FOR PROFIT economic system. And no doubt with the complete support of the vast majority of working class and lower middle class Americans.
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