Robert was a very close friend of my brother Rick and gave the eulogy at Rick's wake . Rob and Rick were friends as young boys way back in 1950s-1960s . Both fathers, Robert LaChance and Domenic Ruggieri ( WEAN's " Don Rogers ) local radio celebrities. I shared happy memories of youth with older brother Rick and his buddy Rob. The two were both flying airplanes at age 16 . The Ruggieri family and the LaChance family lived only a few houses apart on California Ave. in the Washington Park section of Providence , Rhode Island . Thinking about his wife Nancy and his big, always friendly and charming ,LaChance family . Yes , Rob was a bit of a philosopher . Walking up Broad Street with him ( at age 12 ? ) I recall him saying : " God is Energy ! ". He had his share of divine ( or just COSMIC ) energy and inspiration. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES , Bob.

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