GREAT LEADERS of the working class - Jack Barnes and Mary Alice Waters of the Socialist Workers Party ?
You got to be kidding !
Again THE REVOLUTION begins with a FOR SALE BOOK instead of an OPEN LETTER ( via David North of Socialist Equality Party ) .
[SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — “This is a book about the dictatorship of capital and the road to the dictatorship of the proletariat,” Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes said, pointing to Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power. ]
No surprise here : Barnes makes his party a pillar of Zionist Apartheid Israel :
[Refuge for Jews in imperialist epoch - EXCERPT below
The endurance of Jew-hatred in the imperialist epoch, and its use at times of crisis by the capitalist rulers to divide and crush the working class and its communist vanguard, requires the revolutionary party to champion the fight against it and unconditionally defend the right of Israel to exist today, SWP leader Dave Prince said in the second major conference presentation. It was entitled, “For Unconditional Recognition of Israel as a Refuge for Jews in the Imperialist Epoch: The Stakes for the World Working Class.”]

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