Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, January 28, 2022
The capitalist system exploits and oppresses ALL working class people . And our once stable MIDDLE CLASS is clearly in free fall .
The MONEY GOD of Zionism has corrupted the SOCIALIST movement for a long, long time.
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Radical Ron's censored reply to WSWS comment by person in despair over hope for socialism: SOCIALIST parties should still ADVOCATE for the exploited and oppressed
[Is there still a possibility that humanity will survive this mess much longer? The prospects are really depressing (Covid with its never ending death toll, climatic disaster, imminent war threat of nuclear armed powers) and as I get the idea, that a socialist revolution could eliminate capitalism and install a new system that treats humans and nature as they should be treated, how can these war-mongering rulers be stopped ... before it´s literally too late? Sometimes, my hope is in shambles and fear is the only thing I feel...]
NOTE : I wanted to reply to this comment
" Sometimes, my hope is in shambles and fear is the only thing I feel.." The FEAR you feel comes close to H.P. Lovecraft's " cosmic horror ". In the 19th century UTOPIAN thinkers imagined that godless LOGIC & RATIONALISM could conquer the INDIFFERENT universe for the species homo sapiens. In the 20th century various Marxist " socialist " parties had a fatuous belief that HISTORY was on the side of the oppressed. Since the 1917 Russian Revolution- more than a century now- they have ALL degenerated into Orwellian nightmare personality cults ( which will never realize DEMOCRATIC socialism ). The Socialist Equality Party reminds me of the infamous Church of Scientology with its legion of " Clears ".
An honest " socialist " party today would be wise to free itself of grandiose " VANGUARD PARTY " delusions. Guided by what can still pass for a scientific analysis of decaying capitalism ( and in this universe it is still very true that EVERYTHING comes into existence and passes away ) these " socialist " parties should ADVOCATE for the exploited and oppressed . And not pretend that a world of seven billion mostly ignorant wretches- now increasingly ILLITERATE in a High Tech Dark Age !- is on the brink of SOCIALIST utopia.
But we must never stop telling the truth about the EVIL of capitalism, never stop EXPLAINING capitalism as an economic system based on the exploitation and oppression of the working class of the whole world. Karl Marx got that right in his classic revolutionary book DAS KAPITAL .
We should never stop trying to organize significant PUBLIC OPINION opposition against the evil plutocracy and what socialist writer Jack London described as its " Iron Heel ".
NOTE : In " OUR democracy " no ideas and opinions- at odds with the Democratic Party establishment - will get past the secular ZIONIST Jew censorship.
" Covert migration " - a belligerent ZIONIST Jew conspiracy against the Christian working class of the United States
What is also relevant in millionaire Jeff Zients " background " - he is a belligerent ZIONIST Jew ! ( WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE article today )
[ "In order to understand the catastrophic response of the Biden administration to the pandemic, it is necessary to examine the background and political career of the man quietly operating at the center of this response. "]
What is also relevant in millionaire Jeff Zients " background " - he is a belligerent ZIONIST Jew ! ( WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE article today )
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 at 11:46
To: <>
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
It is really stretching it to link Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with some " fascist " agenda. Does the " Marxist " Socialist Equality Party take its cue on Anti-Semitism from the New York Times ?
Robert LaChance ( RIP) was a very close friend of my brother Rick Ruggieri and gave the eulogy at Rick's wake .