Monday, March 29, 2021

Notes on the passing scene

How can Joe Biden keep this Zionist Jew Ayn Rand disciple on as head of the Social Security Administration? Stiffing 30 million seniors of their $1,400 stimulus check is a crime against humanity. I have just signed the petition to fire this moral monster. By the way no Jew has to be a Zionist Jew any more than any Italian has to belong to the Mafia.
Ron Ruggieri updated his status.
tr4San hrrponssaorsed ·
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Just tell the name of the Zionist Jews doing CENSORSHIP on Facebook. Really , there are good Christian working class individuals among them ! Very much like NPR - a virtual social club for " liberal " Zionist Jews !
ALL deleted posts not flattering Zionist Apartheid Israel . How vulgar of me !

Joseph P Kennedy did tell a colleague:" Individual Jews are alright Harvey but as the race they stink. They spoil everything they touch. Look what they did to the movies." To what degree is prejudice in general simply based on personal experience? I certainly don't think Joseph P Kennedy was a Nazi type just because he made this observation. Roman Catholics simply could not collaborate with Nazism.
Joseph P Kennedy did tell a colleague:" Individual Jews are alright Harvey but as the race they stink. They spoil everything they touch. Look what they did to the movies." To what degree is prejudice in general simply based on personal experience? I certainly don't think Joseph P Kennedy was a Nazi type just because he made this observation. Roman Catholics simply could not collaborate with Nazism.
The corrupt for-profit nursing home industry in the United States is one big factor behind the very many deaths of seniors in this coronavirus pandemic. Before the pandemic conditions were deplorable in most of these nursing homes. I know because I worked in one.

It is also a common knowledge that Zionist Jews control the pornography industry in this country. Even the amateurs. A while back the son of the great science writer Isaac Asimov was arrested for possessing the largest child pornography collection in the United States. Google David Asimov.

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