Friday, February 8, 2019

Why Catholics were not Hitler's favorite people

 Like many right-wing intellectuals of his generation, he despaired at the liberalism, and instability, of the modern world, which he felt to be, with his strong Catholic middle class background, devoid of order and meaning. "

           Does a " strong Catholic middle class background " predispose an individual to Nazism ? In Germany the Catholics were not Hitler's favorite people. One worshipped God - not Hitler ( and not Stalin ) .

              The Jews as a people are not nearly as threatened in the present moment in time as the poor ,oppressed Palestinians. Malignant Islamo-phobia is louder and more sinister than enclaves of vintage anti-Semitism.

        The World Socialist Web Site might consider doing a scholarly Marxist article on the HATE inspired lectures on " dirty, inferior Palestinians " by young Ben Shapiro and the long dead militant atheist Ayn Rand.

            Militant atheism does not have much of a record anywhere for inspiring KINDNESS in anybody . That is why a sane socialist movement will not embrace it.

Image result for Why Catholics opposed Hitler ?
Catholic resistance to Hitler

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