Friday, December 2, 2016

Having abandoned working class American, the Hillary Democrats deserved to lose

Hate mail sent to Providence mosque
Did Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary herself rise above Islamophobia when she made herself the darling of the Israel lobby in America ? Does the New Colonialism in the Middle East-the endless phony war on " terrorism " - do anything to moderate anti-Muslim sentiments in this country ?

 " White privilege " did not deny the presidency to neo-liberal Hillary Clinton. Her effete " identity politics " just seemed ridiculous to the now desperate white working class in states like Michigan.

A tiny minority of working class whites - influenced by mainstream news media smears against Donald Trump as a KKK type racist- were looking for an American Hitler. But Trump is ALL show business - dangerous enough I am sure.

Bernie Sanders - himself a proud Jew- showed more compassion for the Palestinians than " Corrupt Hillary " with her own billionaire backers.

The Hillary Democrats abandoned working class America. They deserved to lose.
Image result for Hate mail sent to Providence mosque
Hate mail sent to Providence mosque

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