Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How would Hawk Hillary stop the spread of anti-Semitism ?

The Donald Trump victory and creeping anti-Semitism

If " liberal " Jews want to check the spread of anti-Semitism, they could voice a more critical view of global capitalism. And stop making an idol of the state of Israel - the faithful ally of the United Stares in all its imperialistic adventures, its intrigues against Russia and China, and its phony war on terrorism in the Middle East- in reality setting up a New Colonialism.

The rich supporters of Hillary Clinton were not on a higher moral level than the working class " deplorables " who -in desperation for change- voted for the right wing nationalist Donald Trump.

In just a few months - after the sabotage of the Bernie Sanders " political revolution"- the Hillary Democrats evolved into a neo-con War Party.

" Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary " would check anti-Semitism ? How ? By being the darling of the Israel lobby ? By calling working class Catholics Dark Age benighted citizens ?

How many Jewish intellectuals have forgotten the ideal of socialist internationalism ?

 [There were tears at preschool drop off hours after Donald Trump was declared president-elect, but at Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn they weren’t from the 3-year-olds. It was parents who cried, many of them overcome by grief and fear after Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss to a man who throughout his campaign crudely expressed explicitly anti-Semitic, racist and sexist views.
Explicitly anti-Semitic views such as "Israel should pay us for defending them." What a monster!
During the course of the election, neurotic Jews – and many non-Jews, for the record – compared Trump to Hitler at every turn. In fact, some Jews literally believe that Trump harbors genocidal intentions toward their race.
This is absurd for a number of reasons.... ]

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