Monday, December 19, 2016

Working class Americans need fewer anti-socialist socialists -like Bernie Sanders

Could Bernie Sanders have defeated Donald Trump ?

As a democratic socialist I am amused by " leftists " who imagine Bernie Sanders was too ideologically extreme. And also -despite some critical support-by a " socialist " like Sanders who is invariably anti-socialist in practice.

The American ruling class will ALWAYS consider socialism -no matter how modest and meek - anathema. The working class does need fewer of these ruling class sponsored anti-socialist socialists. " Socialists " who gave critical support to Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary , are even less " radical " than FDR liberals.

Neo- liberal Hillary Clinton - sounding more and more like a neo-con - was completely out of touch with working class anger.That is why she lost those Rust Belt states. No recounts necessary.

Remember that the first Bernie Sanders shock victory was in the Michigan primary. Sanders also won - surprise - here in the Rhode Island primary. Yet the Rhode Island delegation - led by the plutocrat Clay Pell- supported Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

 Today Clay Pell -grandson of the famous Senator Pell - is raising hopes that the Electoral College can stop the Donald Trump presidency. What matters, you see, is what our plutocracy wants. Establishment USA wanted Hillary Clinton.

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