Nobody knows better than the talented -and influential-social critic, film director Michael Moore that American capitalism routinely corrupts innocent souls. And nothing corrupts a person here quite like the smell of philistine " success " : making a lot of money and being embraced by other celebrity and POWER ELITE sell- outs. American sociologist C. Wright Mills wrote with penetrating insight on the relationship between " celebrity " and power in America way back in the 50s.
A danger sign : Moore seeing the charm in Hillary and the " crank " in the " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders.
Ironically both Sanders and Moore will be cheering for " Hillary " should Moore 's " ruling class " anoint her as the next president of the United States.
I recall Michael Moore begging Ralph Nader to drop his Green Party challenge   Nader is still formidable and INCORRUPTIBLE  in 2015 .
When they honestly bash the American Way of Life....$$$$..... I give critical support to the likes of Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders. But only as far as the Kool Aid table.
Is there any ideal more routinely betrayed than S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M ?

Will Michael end up SAVING CAPITALISM ? He sees the CHARM in Harpy Hillary !