Sunday, February 15, 2015

New Atheism a front for Zionism?

Link to "The New Atheism" on Wikipedia
I have no quarrel with your Sunday editorial pointing out anti-Semitism where it is clearly evident. But the hot story in the blogosphere the past week is the evidence of a Hate Crime in the slaying of three young Muslims in North Carolina.

I have had a problem with the very concept of HATE CRIME for years. If a maniac blows your brains out, what consolation would it be to your family if it were determined that HATE was not a motive? What brutal crimes are not motivated by HATE?

But there is certainly a political slant on the killer Craig Hicks. He does represent the New Atheism with a vengeance. A lot of research makes me suspect that the New Atheism is a front for Zionism. It just might be funded and encouraged by FBI/CIA operatives. I recall the infamous COINTELPRO program of the Nixon era. The agencies would actually plant "violent types" in respectable political organizations. Think about it. You will soon be reading about it.

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