Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Could not the Islamic A-Bomb be a good thing?

The capitalist news media– not a little influenced by its "professional Jew" Zionist overseers - is spreading panic over the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran.  The unasked American public might wonder: why is it OK for Israel to have a nuclear arsenal and not Iran? Are the Iranians more vicious theologians than the Zionist clique that rules Israel? The chant "Allah is great!" is no more inherently pernicious than the centuries old, Old Testament delusion of being "The Chosen People." A secular democracy recognizes no group of humanity as "special".
The Islamic A-Bomb-call it "The Wrath of Allah" just might stabilize the Middle East by creating a balance of real terror. Don't tell us that ISIS is more terrorist than the atomic bombs that were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And they were dropped with a terrorist motivation: not to end the war in the Pacific but to show the post war world– namely the Soviet Union– who was now the new super-power in the world: U.S imperialism.

I really find it difficult to listen to insincere and rather ludicrous political speeches on the unique EVIL of ISIS.

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