Thursday, February 26, 2015

Alan Dershowitz - Zionist with "Chutzpah"

I am following this story of a growing boycott of Israel's leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, soon to disgrace the Congress of the United States with an unauthorized and meddling speech.

Not for nothing, President Obama is not welcoming the world champion of Zionism. But a so called Liberal Democrat, celebrity defense lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, scolds any Democrats thinking of snubbing this arrogant war criminal in a Feb. 23 Wall Street Journal article.

You really don't have to have any mad affinity for the Third Reich to find this guy rather despicable. For years now he has been a cheer leader for Israel no matter what its latest crimes against the Palestinians. As a "professional Jew," he complained in a well titled book "Chutzpah" that Jews were still treated as "second class citizens" here in the United States. This is as a big a lie as his assertion in the  Wall Street Journal  article that Israel is the "only vibrant democracy in the Middle East."

But just a question from a dumb goyim: "If Jews should be FIRST CLASS CITIZENS, then just who must serve them as second or third class citizens?" To be sure, Dershowitz client, "Queen of Mean" billionaire Leona Helmsley, did not suffer even unconsciously from an inferiority complex. She fired one of her gay hotel managers and cheated the federal government out of millions of dollars in taxes. And so, in need of a rescue operation from lawyer Dershowitz, she is seen in a newspaper photo with Alan tenderly touching this greedy, cold hearted witch.

With Alan's embrace of the ONE PERCENT – Jewish and non-Jewish- we need not wonder why this LIBERAL DEMOCRAT sees racist Israel as both Jew Heaven and "vibrant democracy." In Israel Jews are indeed FIRST CLASS CITIZENS. A pity for the Palestinians!

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