Monday, October 27, 2014

They rarely let Socialists speak for themselves

Talk radio is dominated by conservatives. It would be irrational for any real SOCIALIST to think it could be dominated by left-wing types. The so called  Left is far more representative of the CLASS interests of the majority of eligible voters than Tea Party loud mouths. But as Karl Marx said "the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class".

To make it simple Gene, if you ever started quoting the most famous quotes of famous socialists -like Eugene V. Debs - you would quickly join Bob Kerr on the UNEMPLOYED rolls. John DePetro was always referring to him as "Comrade Kerr". But Bob was really just a sincere and compassionate traditional liberal.

My quarrel with your Talk Radio station is not their pro-capitalist propaganda. That is to be expected in the so called Free Market of ideas.  But it is not OPINION but downright IGNORANCE when talk radio hosts start referring to President Obama or Hillary Clinton as some shade of Marxist. Or associating Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, state welfare programs as creeping Socialism".

I am presently listening to your Red Eye Radio scholars explain how pernicious would be any significant raise in the minimum wage. They must wonder how the Socialist Idea ever won the hearts and minds of several generations of the Best and the Brightest.

If they ever read a book by some well educated socialist - and not with their brain shut down-they might learn there are deeper considerations in human life than the dubious wisdom of the Free Market. I try to clarify all this on my daily blog: "Time Enough at Last":  (

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