Friday, October 10, 2014

Post under "Phillipe And Jorge" column "Lies and damned lies"– October 1, Providence Phoenix

Ed Achorn, the Providence Journal's editorial page editor, no doubt, sincerely believes that a vote for former Mayor "Buddy" Cianci is a vote for corruption.

Living in Cranston, I am spared this unpleasant choice. As a lifelong socialist I just cannot accept what we call ordinary "bourgeois morality"- which in no way is a rejection of common standards of decency.

The majestic LAW-and all those black robed YOUR HONORS- represent, in the final analysis, the collective will and economic interests of the American ruling class. So does their two party system. Without being judged a criminal, a political leader of the capitalist class can devote his life to oppressing the working class. And now the American middle class has lost its sense of security, of being above sordid "class struggle."

In a way, we socialists judge very many prisoners and convicted felons to be victims of the capitalist system, to be POLITICAL PRISONERS. The root of corruption is found in the ugly soul of an evil social order.

The ONE PERCENT plutocracy does not arouse any moral indignation on the 4th floor of 75 Fountain St. Still I can understand Mr. Achorn's righteous crusade.
After this exciting election, I hope a lot of "Hi Neighbor Have a Gansett" beer flows. I might have a few bottles myself.

( I just learned that soon the provocative Providence Phoenix- sad to hear it- is going out of business. No SECURITY anywhere in the rotten world of MAKE A BUCK capitalism ) BEST WISHES TO THE PROVIDENCE PHOENIX STAFF!

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