Friday, November 26, 1999

Unequal care for kidney patients

A little dense perhaps - The New York Times article:" Report discovers unequal care for kidney patients " ( By Denise Grady , Nov.25). " Blacks and those cared for by for profit centers less likely to receive the best treatment: a transplant operation ". (Projo, front page ) .

Let the alert reader ask this question: Is being BLACK hazardous to your health - or is it being POOR ? Almost any quack in business will think a black man's money is as good as a white man's money . Capitalism is not prejudiced against affluent GREEN !

Would a poor white on Medicare be equally endangered if he or she had a serious kidney disease ? If so , the New York Times article makes a false RACE issue here. The real issue is poverty and there are millions of poor whites too .

ALL human beings are entitled to quality medical care. We just cannot escape the necessity for a national health care plan - even if the mean-spirited Republicans call it Socialized Medicine.

CLASS - not RACE - is the fundamental issue .

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