Wednesday, November 17, 1999

Let us NOT pray ?

Why do liberal Jewish lawyers -who vow loyalty to the Jewish State of Israel - have convulsions over school pray in the United States ?

They think that individuals here - if only a few - must " not be made to feel like outsiders in their own community because of their religious views " ?

Since when must the Constitution protect our FEELINGS ? Your economic status in this capitalist society can make you FEEL like a pariah more quickly and effectively than your religious views. How many affluent, anti-school prayer lawyers are socialist at heart - feeling guilty ,not proud, about living in exclusive neighborhoods ? What about the feelings of the homeless downtown ?

It was only a few decades ago that school prayer was outlawed. I guess guys like George Washington, who established Thanksgiving, did not have a clue about the implied wisdom of their Constitution on this matter of the separation of Church and State.

I personally FEEL that those prayers before a high school football game -invoking the favor of the Almighty (who was absent during the Holocaust ) - are sub-idiotic. But I can live with this religious fervor -just as I live with fatuous capitalist advertising.

Allowing school prayer is a long way from establishing a theocracy or from persecuting citizens for religious non-conformity.

Minority rights must be protected-not their FEELINGS. Does a contemptuous anti-religious minority have a constitutional right to muzzle the religious majority ?

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