Tuesday, November 16, 1999

Bad Dunkin Donuts coffee - Cream Spoiled!

For breakfast I have a coffee to go with the Projo on the side.But the newspaper is a better deal for the money-always FRESH !

Not so the coffee. I order coffee with cream at the Dunkin Donuts -and get TOO OFTEN stale coffee with vomit ( spoiled cream ).

Does this happen to YOU ? A cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee is almost as expensive as a gallon of gasoline. The company should show more respect for us coffee

How can the worthy help not notice bad cream ? How listless and inconsiderate can you be ?

Should this be an election year issue ? Kids should be taught that not paying attention to your job- no matter how humble or poorly paid- is frequently

We whine and whine about our precious rights. But more and more people think that they really owe nothing to the " stranger " - not even ,and now uncommon,
common courtesy, a moment of attention.

Perhaps we are just getting the world that we deserve !

- - - - - - -  -

Ron - I was married once, and I had better coffee in the morning to be
        sure. But marriage didn't save much moneh! - Dave

Ronald Ruggieri wrote:

       Dave, I loathe the standardized Dunkin Donuts building. Late

at night that awful fluorescent lighting actually repels me from

the place. Always a nightmare out of the surrealistic movie " Midnight

Cowboy ".

        WGBH in Boston has just reminded me - with " Fidelio " in the

background - that today is the great Beethoven 's birthday. How

greatful I am for the little culture that is out there.  I can't

picture myself listening to "  " in a Dunkin Donuts joint.

        And by the way they are often careless about little

things like FRESH CREAM . If you're paying attention, bad cream looks

like an infant vomited in your coffee !

          Save that $ 3600 . Make your own coffee. Or get married -

that will save big bucks - I'm sure !

                         Have a perking nice  day  - Ron

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