Tuesday, August 25, 1998

Jarvis Tyner right about welfare!

I cannot agree that criticism of affirmative action is

    always racially tainted but Jarvis Tyner, American Communist Party

    leader, is quite right about poor blacks ( and poor people in general )

    being kicked off welfare with utter meanness and coldness - and going

    from low income to no income. ( See People's Weekly World, Aug. 15 )

         Just this morning I read an " inspiring " welfare to work story

    in the - let's say it! - BOURGEOIS PRESS.

        But just thinking about it for a moment, I smelled a rat ! Of

    course the vast majority of poor people " rescued " from welfare

    end up in stinking pit jobs - highly exploitive and alas even highly


          With no SOCIAL CONTRACT essentially saying that our government

    has a moral obligation to care for the down and out, these former

    " underclass " workers  are just plain fodder for the most ruthless


        Perhaps this vast so called " under class " needs a few lessons in

    1930s style UNIONISM . Could the big bad Teamsters - once a downright

    radical union - help them to organize and champion their cause ?

        Could this country get as  bad as present day CAPITALIST

    Russia ?

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