Wednesday, August 26, 1998

Feder and M.Scott Peck

I read your conservative columnist, Don Feder's anti-Clinton

        and drooling anti-LIBERAL drivel in the Boston Herald recently.

        ( by the way congratulations on your new and winning appearance! )

            Feder thinks that liberals in general are a contemptuous lot,

        unwilling to condemn moral decay in the sacrosanct White House.

               He says, I recall, that  they are all what the popular

        psychiatrist M. Scott Peck would call " People of the Lie ".

              Would Peck himself make this judgment and throw stones

        at the wicked sinner, Bill Clinton.

             Read  the article on him in " The Christian Century " ( 11-22-95) .

         The good doctor confesses that he does not regret ALL his infidelities

        against wife, Lilly. But he owes his readers, he says, " a modicum

        of honesty and realism "  ( Bill would understand ! )

               " During a a dry period in his marriage with Lily, he responded

        to the limits of romantic love with sexual infidelities. " ( Christian

        Century )

               One of M. Scott Peck's recent books is titled " In Search of

        Stones ".

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