Tuesday, August 11, 1998

Gen. C.C Krulak- great letter!

I  am perhaps very far from his kind of guy. He is Gen.

    C.C Krulak ,commandant U.S Marine Corp , Washington , D.C . But

    letter in USA Today (   "  Marines  have to be held to higher

    standards " , Aug. 11   )    deeply impressed  me.  In brief

    it was a mini-lecture on the importance of CHARACTER.

         "  We are not born with character, " he writes. "  It is

    developed by the experiences and decisions that guide our lives."

        In the heat of battle, he points out,  character- that " inner

    strength " and  moral compass -will often carry the day.

          " Cowardliness in character " will soon reveal itself in

    other forms.

                Gen. Krulak ,I believe, knows men. But adolescents

    today - when their character is being formed - need above all

    to hear these words : "  The defense that EVERYONE IS DOING IT

    is no defense at all.... "

                Here I am thinking not about later life adultery but

      drugs and alcohol and smoking  and brainless, heartless sexual

    conduct . Also cheating, stealing, and lazy overindulgent life

    style thats makes too many youths  fat, stupid, and ignorant.

        I can just hear the wise General yelling at them : " Straighten

    out ! "   for your own sake and the sake of your country, the USA .

           I hope other editors discover Gen. C.C Krulak 's letter.

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