Even though I am not hard of hearing, I find CLOSED CAPTION
TV very useful. Even viewing videos, I am annoyed by garbled conversation.
Often the caption can CLARIFY the dialogue. How pleasant to actually
make some sense of all that song lyric gibberish!
I am no technical brain , but I must ask : Can't radio sets in the
near future also have built in to them a CLOSED CAPTION device with
a screen ( even a print out ! ) ?
Just think how silly a transcript of most talk shows will seem !
In many ways radio has even more potential than TV. People can
listen to radio while they are working. Watching TV on the job is
almost always shilly-shallying .
And would CLOSED CAPTION RADIO be cheap enough to be
marketable ?
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, August 31, 1998
Harrop,Kerr letters SILLY
Two recently published letters commenting on Kerr and Harrop
columns were unusually SILLY!
Not because they disagreed with the points of view :
One of letter writers imagines Kerr to be clinically MISERABLE
because he was dismayed by library vandalism. ( Should we recommend
" The Power of Positive Thinking " for Bob Kerr ? )
The other letter writer recommends mental health therapy for
Aroma Harrop. I guess only the imbalanced will not be cheerleaders
for the STARR CHAMBER proceedings.
I recommend " People of the Lie " for Froma. ( The author, Scott
Peck, does not regret ALL his infidelities ! )
Perhaps one sign of mental health is not even taking yourself
and your weighty OPINIONS too seriously .
The letter writers are perhaps themselves in need of medical
attention. Or a new astrologer !
columns were unusually SILLY!
Not because they disagreed with the points of view :
One of letter writers imagines Kerr to be clinically MISERABLE
because he was dismayed by library vandalism. ( Should we recommend
" The Power of Positive Thinking " for Bob Kerr ? )
The other letter writer recommends mental health therapy for
Aroma Harrop. I guess only the imbalanced will not be cheerleaders
for the STARR CHAMBER proceedings.
I recommend " People of the Lie " for Froma. ( The author, Scott
Peck, does not regret ALL his infidelities ! )
Perhaps one sign of mental health is not even taking yourself
and your weighty OPINIONS too seriously .
The letter writers are perhaps themselves in need of medical
attention. Or a new astrologer !
Sunday, August 30, 1998
Mental illness and the soul
Scientists everywhere are mentally conditioned to seek a
a scientific explanation of all phenomena, They routinely put aside
superstitious , supernatural, metaphysical explanations and seek a
" simple " - MATERIALISTIC - explanations, even for the baffling
social problem of mental illness. Epilepsy, for example, was once thought
to be a form of demonic possession. A famous ancient Greek physician
figured out what it really was - a brain disease .
Our society takes stock in the quasi-theological idea of
FREE WILL. It is our most respectable LIE. We routinely clamor for
death penalty for the criminally insane killer. If a man has a diseased
heart or a diseased liver, we usually do not see this as absolute proof
of an evil soul. But the human brain is an ORGAN just like the heart or
liver. Being more complex it is all the more likely to malfunction.
A diseased brain deserves as much medical attention as a diseased
heart or liver. As far as science is concerned the product of the
brain - thoughts, ideas, consciousness - this product is inseparable
from the physical organ.
But when we put the deranged criminal on trial, we judge his SOUL
to be wicked. And where in the physical brain resides the soul ?
All our babble about EVIL in an individual - like psychopath
Craig Price for example - just ignorantly IGNORES an everyday fact
of medical science : ANY body organ can malfunction !
On the brink of 2000, we still think DARK AGE thoughts !
a scientific explanation of all phenomena, They routinely put aside
superstitious , supernatural, metaphysical explanations and seek a
" simple " - MATERIALISTIC - explanations, even for the baffling
social problem of mental illness. Epilepsy, for example, was once thought
to be a form of demonic possession. A famous ancient Greek physician
figured out what it really was - a brain disease .
Our society takes stock in the quasi-theological idea of
FREE WILL. It is our most respectable LIE. We routinely clamor for
death penalty for the criminally insane killer. If a man has a diseased
heart or a diseased liver, we usually do not see this as absolute proof
of an evil soul. But the human brain is an ORGAN just like the heart or
liver. Being more complex it is all the more likely to malfunction.
A diseased brain deserves as much medical attention as a diseased
heart or liver. As far as science is concerned the product of the
brain - thoughts, ideas, consciousness - this product is inseparable
from the physical organ.
But when we put the deranged criminal on trial, we judge his SOUL
to be wicked. And where in the physical brain resides the soul ?
All our babble about EVIL in an individual - like psychopath
Craig Price for example - just ignorantly IGNORES an everyday fact
of medical science : ANY body organ can malfunction !
On the brink of 2000, we still think DARK AGE thoughts !
Saturday, August 29, 1998
Why I hate talk shows
I gave up TV watching years ago . What an ignorant and
absurd circus. But now I find radio just as bad. Most talk shows - the
arrogant, loud mouthed hosts and dumb and dumber callers -are the
intellectual pits of our times.
The same jackasses check in every day . Many annoy the listener
by taking forever to make a point. Other frequent callers are hit
and run artists.
How much I prefer the written word or the e- mail letter. You
have to THINK first before typing words out on a keyboard. The receiver
of the letter can pay as much or as little attention to it as he or she
I NEVER call talk shows because I insist on having a little time
to think about unpredictable questions that arise in a controversy.
Those regular talk show callers just need a chattering mouth and
a spinal cord.
The talk show hosts are rarely a cut above the callers - just
more articulate and arrogant.
Just now I hear an idiot host that Boston could be made blissful
if only the police would confiscate cars that are double parked !
Just double park once and you lose your car to the city!
" Oh they'll cry fascism but the problem will be solved ". ( near
quote )
In the real world space AND time is precious. Stupid talk show
hosts and their callers are hogging precious air time.
Listening to them is hazardous to your sanity !
absurd circus. But now I find radio just as bad. Most talk shows - the
arrogant, loud mouthed hosts and dumb and dumber callers -are the
intellectual pits of our times.
The same jackasses check in every day . Many annoy the listener
by taking forever to make a point. Other frequent callers are hit
and run artists.
How much I prefer the written word or the e- mail letter. You
have to THINK first before typing words out on a keyboard. The receiver
of the letter can pay as much or as little attention to it as he or she
I NEVER call talk shows because I insist on having a little time
to think about unpredictable questions that arise in a controversy.
Those regular talk show callers just need a chattering mouth and
a spinal cord.
The talk show hosts are rarely a cut above the callers - just
more articulate and arrogant.
Just now I hear an idiot host that Boston could be made blissful
if only the police would confiscate cars that are double parked !
Just double park once and you lose your car to the city!
" Oh they'll cry fascism but the problem will be solved ". ( near
quote )
In the real world space AND time is precious. Stupid talk show
hosts and their callers are hogging precious air time.
Listening to them is hazardous to your sanity !
Friday, August 28, 1998
Craig Price is a VICTIM !
The name of Rhode Island serial killer Craig Price must now
set off mental alarms everywhere in the country. While I hear unctuous
TV lawyers - discussing the Clinton- Starr affair ( Yes, that is how I
see it ! ) - babble about the imbecilic letter of the law, right here
in Rhode Island the " letter of the law " does not seem to apply to
Craig Price , now 24 years old.
Who gets an additional 15 years in prison for a scuffle with a
prison guard - in which racial epithets MAY have been a factor ?
Who gets a seven year term for THREATENING a guard ?
Price lawyer sees the ugly shadow of racism here. But I see Price
not as a victim of racism but as a victim of genuine MENTAL ILLNESS .
A man is clearly mentally ill ( Craig is stark raving MAD )
and the state punishes him severely for bad judgment. I read that
Craig Price is " guilty of criminal contempt for failing to comply
with a court ordered psychological examination while he was confined
to the training school". ( Projo, page B6 , Aug 28 )
The legal system , it seems, must subscribe to the myth of FREE
WILL. You cannot let mentally ill people decide for themselves about
such consequential things as psychological examinations.
A friend of mine, lawyer Pete Gallogly ( brother of the radio
lawyer ) is appalled at the state's ignorance and contempt for
the imprisoned mentally ill. I accompanied him on a recent visit to
the ACI to see a mutual friend - who is often psychotic .
I also note that the ACI prisoners are using now obsolete
type writers. They should have computers available to them, similar
to those in public libraries. Their friend should be able to stay
in touch with them via E- mail.
The state MUST protect the public from the likes of Craig Price.
I understand . But in the past there were mental institutions for
the criminally insane. But today as one " politically correct "
psychiatrist scolded the editor of the Providence Journal : " There
are no MENTAL patients in MENTAL institutions."
And THAT is just the problem !
Thursday, August 27, 1998
David R. Carlin- PHILOSOPHER !
His letter today is titled " The silly faith in computers "
( Projo , Aug.27) but David Carlin, CCRI Professor Meritless, is
actually upset about what he perceives as our culture of SKEPTICISM.
To be sure it won't produce any Hamlets- who was a man of bold
faith in all things dear to the sagacious professor's heart.
Faith in Marriage & Family, for example. Carlin thinks
it unwise for us to " tolerate ( even encourage ) single parenthood
PARTICULARLY AMONG THE POOR ". ( I guess we can wink at single
parenthood of the well to do ? )
I think our society is too tolerant of FRAUDS like
Mr. Carlin in academia .
Radical feminists - it seems a long time ago - were
voicing their very RATIONAL skepticism of Marriage & Family.
Now they are less skeptical about this rock bottom foundation
of BOURGEOIS SOCIETY. Now they whine about glass ceilings in
BOURGEOIS corporations .
I say : Back to skepticism on the sacrosanct FAMILY.
( I do love my mommy & daddy ! )
( Projo , Aug.27) but David Carlin, CCRI Professor Meritless, is
actually upset about what he perceives as our culture of SKEPTICISM.
To be sure it won't produce any Hamlets- who was a man of bold
faith in all things dear to the sagacious professor's heart.
Faith in Marriage & Family, for example. Carlin thinks
it unwise for us to " tolerate ( even encourage ) single parenthood
PARTICULARLY AMONG THE POOR ". ( I guess we can wink at single
parenthood of the well to do ? )
I think our society is too tolerant of FRAUDS like
Mr. Carlin in academia .
Radical feminists - it seems a long time ago - were
voicing their very RATIONAL skepticism of Marriage & Family.
Now they are less skeptical about this rock bottom foundation
of BOURGEOIS SOCIETY. Now they whine about glass ceilings in
BOURGEOIS corporations .
I say : Back to skepticism on the sacrosanct FAMILY.
( I do love my mommy & daddy ! )
Letters - public property ?
An amiable newspaper editor told me in a e-mail message :
" We get zillions of letters ! " A national newspaper like USA TODAY
can get ( by their own count ) a thousand letters a week. About the
same number of letters are received by the national magazine NEWS WEEK.
Of course they all claim that they can publish only a fraction
of them. But that fraction represents raw , unpolished, unpaid, often
unrestrained , undisciplined, unabashed, unpredictable, unpretentious,
and for timid editors - unsettling- PUBLIC OPINION .
Since most people write to the major publications with some
hope of publication, they are REALLY writing for the GENERAL PUBLIC.
As a private business newspapers have no obligation to publish
these letters. Advertising - not public correspondence - is their
life blood. That newspapers are a force for TRUTH, JUSTICE, and
the AMERICAN WAY is only a comic book delusion.
Still an interesting legal question presents itself: Do
newspapers have a right to regard letters - intended for the
public - as their private property ?
Should not ANYBODY be able to walk into a newspaper
establishment- like THE NEW YORK TIMES - and demand to read
PUBLIC letters ? Letters that will never be published ?
To say NO definitely would be to say that FREEDOM OF
SPEECH is in reality just a PROPERTY RIGHT.
Think about it !
" We get zillions of letters ! " A national newspaper like USA TODAY
can get ( by their own count ) a thousand letters a week. About the
same number of letters are received by the national magazine NEWS WEEK.
Of course they all claim that they can publish only a fraction
of them. But that fraction represents raw , unpolished, unpaid, often
unrestrained , undisciplined, unabashed, unpredictable, unpretentious,
and for timid editors - unsettling- PUBLIC OPINION .
Since most people write to the major publications with some
hope of publication, they are REALLY writing for the GENERAL PUBLIC.
As a private business newspapers have no obligation to publish
these letters. Advertising - not public correspondence - is their
life blood. That newspapers are a force for TRUTH, JUSTICE, and
the AMERICAN WAY is only a comic book delusion.
Still an interesting legal question presents itself: Do
newspapers have a right to regard letters - intended for the
public - as their private property ?
Should not ANYBODY be able to walk into a newspaper
establishment- like THE NEW YORK TIMES - and demand to read
PUBLIC letters ? Letters that will never be published ?
To say NO definitely would be to say that FREEDOM OF
SPEECH is in reality just a PROPERTY RIGHT.
Think about it !
Wednesday, August 26, 1998
Plotters arrested -a pleasant surprise !
I was pleasantly surprised to read that the U.S government has
actually indicted seven aging " gusano " exiles for their involvement
in a nefarious plot to assassinate Cuban president Fidel Castro. I
commend the integrity of the government officials who captured
these fanatics of a lost cause. All most ALL of them are embittered
capitalists who lost their robber barron fortunes when Castro 's forces
triumphed in Cuba way back in 1959.
What the gusano's hate is not so much a deplorable lack of democracy
in Cuba but the very idea of a SOCIALIST Cuba. You can kill Castro but
can you kill an IDEA which for all its pathetic failures still represents
HOPE for the wretched masses everywhere ?
Has capitalism brought the GOOD LIFE to the Russian people ? Well
Red China is certainly watching developments in the former Soviet Union
and drawing conclusions like this : Capitalism is a wonderful system
for the capitalists. True enough, they are not capitalists for the
benefit of the working class !
In conclusion let me point out that it would be difficult for
the Clinton administration to pursue world wide terrorism and wink
at yet another crackbrained plot to assassinate FIdel Castro. Besides
I suspect that God may be on HIS side, even if Castro himself does not
appreciate HIM.
Note : Bill Clinton haters take note - you have an ally in
the charming Muslim, Bin Laden .
When Starr smiles !
I have had only negative things to say about witch hunter Ken
Starr. My sympathy is with " Bad Boy Clinton ".
However, looking at Ken Starr's smiling face on the front page
of USA TODAY, I must say that his is a most pleasing face when he
smiles ; it is the benign face of a country preacher or parish priest
( of the literary imagination )
A difficult face to hate ! But come to think of it, Bill Clinton
reminds me of the " good- bad " kid -next-door ( Huck Finn ? )
who got caught robbing a cranky neighbor's peach tree.
Hollywood producers take notice !
Starr. My sympathy is with " Bad Boy Clinton ".
However, looking at Ken Starr's smiling face on the front page
of USA TODAY, I must say that his is a most pleasing face when he
smiles ; it is the benign face of a country preacher or parish priest
( of the literary imagination )
A difficult face to hate ! But come to think of it, Bill Clinton
reminds me of the " good- bad " kid -next-door ( Huck Finn ? )
who got caught robbing a cranky neighbor's peach tree.
Hollywood producers take notice !
Feder and M.Scott Peck
I read your conservative columnist, Don Feder's anti-Clinton
and drooling anti-LIBERAL drivel in the Boston Herald recently.
( by the way congratulations on your new and winning appearance! )
Feder thinks that liberals in general are a contemptuous lot,
unwilling to condemn moral decay in the sacrosanct White House.
He says, I recall, that they are all what the popular
psychiatrist M. Scott Peck would call " People of the Lie ".
Would Peck himself make this judgment and throw stones
at the wicked sinner, Bill Clinton.
Read the article on him in " The Christian Century " ( 11-22-95) .
The good doctor confesses that he does not regret ALL his infidelities
against wife, Lilly. But he owes his readers, he says, " a modicum
of honesty and realism " ( Bill would understand ! )
" During a a dry period in his marriage with Lily, he responded
to the limits of romantic love with sexual infidelities. " ( Christian
Century )
One of M. Scott Peck's recent books is titled " In Search of
Stones ".
and drooling anti-LIBERAL drivel in the Boston Herald recently.
( by the way congratulations on your new and winning appearance! )
Feder thinks that liberals in general are a contemptuous lot,
unwilling to condemn moral decay in the sacrosanct White House.
He says, I recall, that they are all what the popular
psychiatrist M. Scott Peck would call " People of the Lie ".
Would Peck himself make this judgment and throw stones
at the wicked sinner, Bill Clinton.
Read the article on him in " The Christian Century " ( 11-22-95) .
The good doctor confesses that he does not regret ALL his infidelities
against wife, Lilly. But he owes his readers, he says, " a modicum
of honesty and realism " ( Bill would understand ! )
" During a a dry period in his marriage with Lily, he responded
to the limits of romantic love with sexual infidelities. " ( Christian
Century )
One of M. Scott Peck's recent books is titled " In Search of
Stones ".
Tuesday, August 25, 1998
The "cyanide " lady - a victim ?
Without knowing more, I study the haggard face of Kathryn
Schoonover ( she must have lost her hair from the cancer treatment )
and read : " homeless cancer patient ". She won't be homeless now ! She
has been arrested for lunatic behavior - mailing out cyanide containing
envelopes. Just like Kathryn the envelopes, I learn, have no " return
address !
Republicans can scream all they want for the death penalty for
this woman. She is already under nature's own immutable death sentence.
Is this how we treat poor cancer patients ? The clearly mentally
ill? We cannot even manage to give them the dignity of a home to die
in ?
But the poor and the mentally ill just don't have the right
attitude do they, Mr. And Mrs. Republican ?
Jarvis Tyner right about welfare!
I cannot agree that criticism of affirmative action is
always racially tainted but Jarvis Tyner, American Communist Party
leader, is quite right about poor blacks ( and poor people in general )
being kicked off welfare with utter meanness and coldness - and going
from low income to no income. ( See People's Weekly World, Aug. 15 )
Just this morning I read an " inspiring " welfare to work story
in the - let's say it! - BOURGEOIS PRESS.
But just thinking about it for a moment, I smelled a rat ! Of
course the vast majority of poor people " rescued " from welfare
end up in stinking pit jobs - highly exploitive and alas even highly
With no SOCIAL CONTRACT essentially saying that our government
has a moral obligation to care for the down and out, these former
" underclass " workers are just plain fodder for the most ruthless
Perhaps this vast so called " under class " needs a few lessons in
1930s style UNIONISM . Could the big bad Teamsters - once a downright
radical union - help them to organize and champion their cause ?
Could this country get as bad as present day CAPITALIST
Russia ?
always racially tainted but Jarvis Tyner, American Communist Party
leader, is quite right about poor blacks ( and poor people in general )
being kicked off welfare with utter meanness and coldness - and going
from low income to no income. ( See People's Weekly World, Aug. 15 )
Just this morning I read an " inspiring " welfare to work story
in the - let's say it! - BOURGEOIS PRESS.
But just thinking about it for a moment, I smelled a rat ! Of
course the vast majority of poor people " rescued " from welfare
end up in stinking pit jobs - highly exploitive and alas even highly
With no SOCIAL CONTRACT essentially saying that our government
has a moral obligation to care for the down and out, these former
" underclass " workers are just plain fodder for the most ruthless
Perhaps this vast so called " under class " needs a few lessons in
1930s style UNIONISM . Could the big bad Teamsters - once a downright
radical union - help them to organize and champion their cause ?
Could this country get as bad as present day CAPITALIST
Russia ?
Monday, August 24, 1998
ER ennui -a help?
I just read your editorial " ER ennui " and agree with its
points. I wonder if the writer has had a recent experience of " excruciating "
waiting in " grim " emergency rooms. Nothing like a real experience to
focus the mind !
Of course the bottom line must not prevail in hospital emergency
rooms. They must be well staffed !
I also believe that no accident room patients should be asked
ANY questions about their medical coverage or ability to pay fees - until
well after the emergency treatment. This is only common decency !
And I recommend that soothing ,cheerful or at least PLEASANT
CLASSICAL music be piped into the " grim " waiting area .
And Mozart might might even make the staff SMARTER !
Can we hum along about " our favorite things " ( " The Sound of Music " )
while nearly bleeding to death ?
points. I wonder if the writer has had a recent experience of " excruciating "
waiting in " grim " emergency rooms. Nothing like a real experience to
focus the mind !
Of course the bottom line must not prevail in hospital emergency
rooms. They must be well staffed !
I also believe that no accident room patients should be asked
ANY questions about their medical coverage or ability to pay fees - until
well after the emergency treatment. This is only common decency !
And I recommend that soothing ,cheerful or at least PLEASANT
CLASSICAL music be piped into the " grim " waiting area .
And Mozart might might even make the staff SMARTER !
Can we hum along about " our favorite things " ( " The Sound of Music " )
while nearly bleeding to death ?
Sunday, August 23, 1998
Another view of Barnicle debacle
I will not join the " feeding frenzy " in the Mike Barnicle
scandal. He still seems to be a GOOD man -HONEST ,well most of the
time. ( The same is true of the " disgraced " Patricia Smith .)
The problem with Mike, I suspect, was also 25 years as a STAR
columnist. There are lesser Mikes on every major newspaper. There is
also a YOUNGER generation with a lot to say. Mark Patinkin , for
example, is a " star " columnist for the Providence Journal, a man
only in his mid-forties, but already a little " tired " for the job ,
which really demands freshness of mind, the enthusiasm of the unjaded.
These OLD PRO columnists begin to irritate many readers when
they start wallowing in tripe and banality. Imagine precious column
space in major newspapers - like the Boston Globe and Providence Journal -
devoted to cheap -and second hand ! - JOKES; or the up and downs of
domestic life and THE DOUG !
Patinkin's column are so bland ( but he IS a good writer ) that
I am surprised that I have not caught him doing radio or TV commercials
- a REWARD for being non- controversial.
Perhaps newspapers should give those hard working REPORTERS -
who respect REALITY - an opportunity to be a STAR columnist, at least
a few times a year .
Perhaps STAR columnists are an anachronism nowadays .
The still living voice of slavery
Scholars were unaware just how many dead slaves are STILL
TALKING ! They are still -on tape recordings buried in the basement
of the Library of Congress -still CONDEMNING in their own moving words
the horrors of the " peculiar institution ". The forgotten recordings
were mostly the work of Depression era scholars connected to Franklin
Roosevelt's WPA .( How savy of THAT MAN to employ the nation's thinkers
and scholars. They might have gone over to " Uncle Joe " - Stalin ! )
The book and audio tape is titled : " Remembering Slavery-African
Slaves Talk About Their Personal Experiences of Slavery and Emancipation "
( authors, Ira Berlin and Steven Miller - The New Press )
Excerpt : " Course dey cry; you think dey not cry when dey was sold
lak cattle ? "
It is interesting that Darwin's " Origin of the Species " was
published in 1859 just before the American Civil War. Later he published
the even more controversial " Descent of Man ".
The author of these great scientific works - who studied " primitive
people " - would never have judged the black race to be anything but
fully HUMAN - members of homo sapiens .
Leave it to pious Christians of the last century to make
a more cruel and FALSE judgment of the " darkies " as nearly sub -human,
most fit for slavery.
Darwin's doctrine is still believed by many to degrade mankind.
Yet one with this COLD scientific outlook was already ideologically
armed against the ignorant RELIGIOUS defense of slavery.
Yes , the TRUTH will make us FREE ! And keep us FREE !
TALKING ! They are still -on tape recordings buried in the basement
of the Library of Congress -still CONDEMNING in their own moving words
the horrors of the " peculiar institution ". The forgotten recordings
were mostly the work of Depression era scholars connected to Franklin
Roosevelt's WPA .( How savy of THAT MAN to employ the nation's thinkers
and scholars. They might have gone over to " Uncle Joe " - Stalin ! )
The book and audio tape is titled : " Remembering Slavery-African
Slaves Talk About Their Personal Experiences of Slavery and Emancipation "
( authors, Ira Berlin and Steven Miller - The New Press )
Excerpt : " Course dey cry; you think dey not cry when dey was sold
lak cattle ? "
It is interesting that Darwin's " Origin of the Species " was
published in 1859 just before the American Civil War. Later he published
the even more controversial " Descent of Man ".
The author of these great scientific works - who studied " primitive
people " - would never have judged the black race to be anything but
fully HUMAN - members of homo sapiens .
Leave it to pious Christians of the last century to make
a more cruel and FALSE judgment of the " darkies " as nearly sub -human,
most fit for slavery.
Darwin's doctrine is still believed by many to degrade mankind.
Yet one with this COLD scientific outlook was already ideologically
armed against the ignorant RELIGIOUS defense of slavery.
Yes , the TRUTH will make us FREE ! And keep us FREE !
Saturday, August 22, 1998
We ARE a forgiving people !
The press is making it seem that proven LIARS are insufferable
to the public conscience - witness Bill Clinton, Mike Barnicle, Patricia
Smith, etc . But how many politicians have lost elections because they
were HONEST ? How many journalist were drummed out of the profession
because they wrote the truth, indeed exposed the lies of the corrupt,
wealthy and powerful ?
Let the venomous pundits of the bought and sold mass media-
absolutely dominated by the bottom line - understand this : the vast
majority of Americans -who understand the pressures of the work place,
who themselves may be at the mercy of crackpot managers - are NOT
sanctimonious hypocrites !
Everywhere in a capitalist society the BOTTOM LINE - PROFITS - is
the root of all lies !
to the public conscience - witness Bill Clinton, Mike Barnicle, Patricia
Smith, etc . But how many politicians have lost elections because they
were HONEST ? How many journalist were drummed out of the profession
because they wrote the truth, indeed exposed the lies of the corrupt,
wealthy and powerful ?
Let the venomous pundits of the bought and sold mass media-
absolutely dominated by the bottom line - understand this : the vast
majority of Americans -who understand the pressures of the work place,
who themselves may be at the mercy of crackpot managers - are NOT
sanctimonious hypocrites !
Everywhere in a capitalist society the BOTTOM LINE - PROFITS - is
the root of all lies !
Friday, August 21, 1998
Thanks for the " memory "
" Magnetic resonance imagining ", says an AP story today (Aug.21 )
( Projo, " Scientists pinpoint memory -making regions of the brain " )
can now let researchers peer inside the human brain " at the split
second it creates a memory ". If we can just understand the bio-
mechanics of the memory process, we are not far from the beginning
of understanding human CONSCIOUSNESS - almost universally believed to
be a " spiritual " phenomenon .
One noble application of the new insights would be a cure for
the most cruel Alzheimer's disease - which almost completely destroys
important memory making centers.
A less noble application : more effective TV and radio commercials!
To be sure without a long term memory we could never be very unhappy
or miserable. The evil idea of REVENGE would be inconceivable. But we
also would not be HUMAN !
News like this -" scientists pinpoint memory-making regions " -
is of greater consequence in the long run for humanity than these
ephemeral and often silly headlines we read daily in the paper:
" Monica Tells All ! " ..." Lesbian Actress Comes Out of Closet ".
According to the article the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION is : " What
makes your brain more likely to react to one item over another ? "
Just a layman's guess, but haven't popular memory experts
already in part answered this question ? We react to the
already FAMILIAR, what we have already experienced, what we already
A common experience is this : one day we learn the meaning of
a very strange looking word. Then - often the very next day - it
seems to pop up everywhere in our reading!
It seems that we SEE only what we are mentally prepared to
see. In the final analysis we are an EYE WITNESS only to
our own universe. But SANITY demands that it not conflict with
the universe of other people- at least not too much !
Perhaps the Memory- not the eyes alone - the Memory
is the " window of the soul ".
( Projo, " Scientists pinpoint memory -making regions of the brain " )
can now let researchers peer inside the human brain " at the split
second it creates a memory ". If we can just understand the bio-
mechanics of the memory process, we are not far from the beginning
of understanding human CONSCIOUSNESS - almost universally believed to
be a " spiritual " phenomenon .
One noble application of the new insights would be a cure for
the most cruel Alzheimer's disease - which almost completely destroys
important memory making centers.
A less noble application : more effective TV and radio commercials!
To be sure without a long term memory we could never be very unhappy
or miserable. The evil idea of REVENGE would be inconceivable. But we
also would not be HUMAN !
News like this -" scientists pinpoint memory-making regions " -
is of greater consequence in the long run for humanity than these
ephemeral and often silly headlines we read daily in the paper:
" Monica Tells All ! " ..." Lesbian Actress Comes Out of Closet ".
According to the article the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION is : " What
makes your brain more likely to react to one item over another ? "
Just a layman's guess, but haven't popular memory experts
already in part answered this question ? We react to the
already FAMILIAR, what we have already experienced, what we already
A common experience is this : one day we learn the meaning of
a very strange looking word. Then - often the very next day - it
seems to pop up everywhere in our reading!
It seems that we SEE only what we are mentally prepared to
see. In the final analysis we are an EYE WITNESS only to
our own universe. But SANITY demands that it not conflict with
the universe of other people- at least not too much !
Perhaps the Memory- not the eyes alone - the Memory
is the " window of the soul ".
Just for you Froma !
I loved your column today Froma ! Numerous other columnists
conspired to make me see myself -and my dearest buddies - as morally
defective. As I said before: " Three yawns for the Truth here ! "
I read your column while waiting for a haircut -which I get now
and then - a disguise for my hippie, commie, bohemian nature !
But I still VOTE ! Thanks again for your good sense !
conspired to make me see myself -and my dearest buddies - as morally
defective. As I said before: " Three yawns for the Truth here ! "
I read your column while waiting for a haircut -which I get now
and then - a disguise for my hippie, commie, bohemian nature !
But I still VOTE ! Thanks again for your good sense !
Thursday, August 20, 1998
Russian Roulette with Famous
Having helped to create a vapid PUBLIC MIND, unable to focus
on the real problems facing all mankind, the United States news media
is ENTERTAINING us by playing Russian roulette with the famous , the
successful, the achievers among us : Patricia Smith, Mike Barnicle, Bill
Clinton - dozens more . Whose next in the the feeding frenzy ? May I
indulge my own simple minded prejudices and recommend Ken Starr ?
The news media has become the moral equivalent of the ancient
Roman Colosseum - bread and circuses. The passion to tear apart and
taste blood is insatiable.
It is almost 2000 AD and there is still a world out there. It is
bigger than all the bigger than life celebrities .
( edit : Who's next in the feeding frenzy ? )
on the real problems facing all mankind, the United States news media
is ENTERTAINING us by playing Russian roulette with the famous , the
successful, the achievers among us : Patricia Smith, Mike Barnicle, Bill
Clinton - dozens more . Whose next in the the feeding frenzy ? May I
indulge my own simple minded prejudices and recommend Ken Starr ?
The news media has become the moral equivalent of the ancient
Roman Colosseum - bread and circuses. The passion to tear apart and
taste blood is insatiable.
It is almost 2000 AD and there is still a world out there. It is
bigger than all the bigger than life celebrities .
( edit : Who's next in the feeding frenzy ? )
Gingrich-look who's talking !
I note in this morning's news that House Speaker, Newt Gingrich,
wants President Clinton to resign. But look who's talking ! For
those with short memories let me quote some abstracts from the
ancient past :
" Gingrich brings discredit to the House "... " An unworthy
Speaker ".
" Gingrich's view that it was not his fault "
" Gingrich's view of being pilloried "... " Support of
Gingrich reprimand by a majority of Republicans ".
" 395- 28 --- House votes to reprimand Gingrich ".
No, I will stand by my man, Bill Clinton. Better to
have a sex rogue in the White House than an out and out
wants President Clinton to resign. But look who's talking ! For
those with short memories let me quote some abstracts from the
ancient past :
" Gingrich brings discredit to the House "... " An unworthy
Speaker ".
" Gingrich's view that it was not his fault "
" Gingrich's view of being pilloried "... " Support of
Gingrich reprimand by a majority of Republicans ".
" 395- 28 --- House votes to reprimand Gingrich ".
No, I will stand by my man, Bill Clinton. Better to
have a sex rogue in the White House than an out and out
Tuesday, August 18, 1998
Pryrrhic victory for Starr!
I am not shocked by Clinton's admission of GUILT in
a sexual affair with a subordinate, the White House intern,
Monica Lewinsky. Bad judgment yes, but an utterly banal scandal !
After this unsurprising climax, it should be easier for
most Americans to see the Starr for what he is - a politically
motivated , religious crackpot - a greater menace to the Constitution
than Bill Clinton.
Can any corporate executive survive such a ruthless probe
into his private life? Do we wish to be a nation of snoops
and snitches and vapid gossips ?
It is characteristic of totalitarian societies to deny
the private life. There is a scene in the movie " Doctor Zhivago "
( remember the poet doctor is having an extra-marital affair
with the beautiful Lara ) where the Red army general Pasha
tells Zhivago : " The personal life is dead in Russia. History
has killed it ! "
How many Ken Starr clones are out there - just waiting
to distribute Scarlet Letters to black sheep in our midst ?
Now we have the TRUTH about the Clinton - Monica affair.
Three yawns for the Truth !
There is still a world out there .
a sexual affair with a subordinate, the White House intern,
Monica Lewinsky. Bad judgment yes, but an utterly banal scandal !
After this unsurprising climax, it should be easier for
most Americans to see the Starr for what he is - a politically
motivated , religious crackpot - a greater menace to the Constitution
than Bill Clinton.
Can any corporate executive survive such a ruthless probe
into his private life? Do we wish to be a nation of snoops
and snitches and vapid gossips ?
It is characteristic of totalitarian societies to deny
the private life. There is a scene in the movie " Doctor Zhivago "
( remember the poet doctor is having an extra-marital affair
with the beautiful Lara ) where the Red army general Pasha
tells Zhivago : " The personal life is dead in Russia. History
has killed it ! "
How many Ken Starr clones are out there - just waiting
to distribute Scarlet Letters to black sheep in our midst ?
Now we have the TRUTH about the Clinton - Monica affair.
Three yawns for the Truth !
There is still a world out there .
Monday, August 17, 1998
Stop having kids ?
In a letter to the editor of USA Today ( Aug.17 ) Gary D.Zeune
tells off the welfare dependent: " Get a job. Stop bringing children
into the world you can't take care of.... "
But what if our " proletarian class " took his advice seriously ?
What if the wombs of the poor and working class women actually went
on strike for 5 or 10 years - until society took responsibility for
creating the good paying jobs that it will make it possible to CARE
for children ?
The very etymology of the word " proletarian " suggests
producers of offspring , indeed " prolific " producers !
In ancient Rome that is all the proles were required to do :
replenish the ranks of the imperial army.
Ancient Rome took better care of its proles. Indeed leaders like
the Gracchi brothers - both martyred - even championed them .
Are the American prole children just fodder for the capitalist
economic order ? If that is the sad truth, why should our " proletarian "
class reproduce the race at all ?
Think about it you implacable foes of the Welfare State !
tells off the welfare dependent: " Get a job. Stop bringing children
into the world you can't take care of.... "
But what if our " proletarian class " took his advice seriously ?
What if the wombs of the poor and working class women actually went
on strike for 5 or 10 years - until society took responsibility for
creating the good paying jobs that it will make it possible to CARE
for children ?
The very etymology of the word " proletarian " suggests
producers of offspring , indeed " prolific " producers !
In ancient Rome that is all the proles were required to do :
replenish the ranks of the imperial army.
Ancient Rome took better care of its proles. Indeed leaders like
the Gracchi brothers - both martyred - even championed them .
Are the American prole children just fodder for the capitalist
economic order ? If that is the sad truth, why should our " proletarian "
class reproduce the race at all ?
Think about it you implacable foes of the Welfare State !
Sunday, August 16, 1998
Helping Hollywood Avoid Duds
Why do Hollywood producers often blow it when going from
book to movie ? Imagine losing millions of dollars AND insulting
quality literature ? The latest example of this is " The Ransom of
Redchief ", an O'Henry short story. I will not see the movie simply
because ALL the critics I read panned it. Often when it comes to
entertainment " independent " judgment is a waste of time and
I concluded a long time ago that the average competent high school
English teacher - hired temporarily as an advisor - could protect
film makers doing a familiar literary work from costly fiascos.
But unfortunately big shots of entertainment industry -
like the big shots of politics -surround themselves with craven flunkies
who dare not question the GENIUS in charge.
POWER everywhere needs to plug into the COMMON SENSE of
the more ordinary talented people . A little Democracy- outside the
voting booth - can work wonders !
As for filmed books, I would like to see a competent
Hollywood version of Theodore Dresser 's " An American Tragedy ".
Of the O'Henry stories " The Cop and the Anthem " might
have been a better choice to film . It is about a hapless derelict named
Soapy who tries to get arrested in a big city - merely to be warm
and cared for during the long cold winter .
Is Soapy still out there in the cold ?
book to movie ? Imagine losing millions of dollars AND insulting
quality literature ? The latest example of this is " The Ransom of
Redchief ", an O'Henry short story. I will not see the movie simply
because ALL the critics I read panned it. Often when it comes to
entertainment " independent " judgment is a waste of time and
I concluded a long time ago that the average competent high school
English teacher - hired temporarily as an advisor - could protect
film makers doing a familiar literary work from costly fiascos.
But unfortunately big shots of entertainment industry -
like the big shots of politics -surround themselves with craven flunkies
who dare not question the GENIUS in charge.
POWER everywhere needs to plug into the COMMON SENSE of
the more ordinary talented people . A little Democracy- outside the
voting booth - can work wonders !
As for filmed books, I would like to see a competent
Hollywood version of Theodore Dresser 's " An American Tragedy ".
Of the O'Henry stories " The Cop and the Anthem " might
have been a better choice to film . It is about a hapless derelict named
Soapy who tries to get arrested in a big city - merely to be warm
and cared for during the long cold winter .
Is Soapy still out there in the cold ?
Saturday, August 15, 1998
Nude child and pornography
In itself it seems hardly felonious: transmitting a nude
photo of a child over the Internet. The story on page 3 today ( Aug.15 )
about the arrest of a Providence teacher, Gregory S. Mailloux, only
hints at more damning evidence. Attorney David Ciciline expects Mr.
Mailloux, a science teacher at Oliver Hazard Perry Middle to be " fully
exonerated ". But then his reputation is still fully ruined .
Once tainted with so serious a crime , can a man - Mailloux is
only 34- fully recover his good name ?
I was inside a Thayer St. gift shop a few weeks ago when I
noticed a book on bold display : " Naked Babies ". I was not the
least interested in the contents. But I now wonder if the sex police
might be. Perhaps they might even question the curator of the Vatican
Museum . Last month a woman showed me an adorable photo of her two
naked toddlers - a boy and a girl - in the bathroom. They were even
embracing ! I told her that the photo could win a local contest !
Perhaps Mr. Mailloux is indeed a sinister person -and dangerous.
Perhaps not !
There's still a world out there !
I wonder if peaceful times are corrupting times. Have
we forgotten that there's still a big, bad world out there ? We are
about to make a momentous definition of our national character :
Are we a nation of PRIGS or a nation of LIBERTINES ?
Meanwhile we can read a truly hair-raising story on
the front page of the New York Times : " Defector Describes Iraq's
Atom Push " .
The defector scientist, Khidir Abdul Abas Hamza , is not an
admirable person. He does explain just how an ignorant brute like
Saddam Hussein can dominate Iran scientific establishment . They
are controlled like laboratory rats - lavish rewards for pleasing
the dictator of Iraq, horrible torture for disappointing him .
Who said knowledge is power ? If only those murdered
scientists could talk ?
American intelligence officials " grossly underestimated
Iraq's nuclear program ", the article said.
Have we been living in a fantasy world since the end of
the Cold War ? Just months ago India, then Pakistan exploded
nuclear weapons ( " now we have the Islamic bomb. Allah be
praised ! " - a near quote . )
But what we really want to know is this : " Did Monica
Lewinsky have oral sex with Bill Clinton ?
But for ALL of us the ultimate " blow job " might be just
a few years away !
we forgotten that there's still a big, bad world out there ? We are
about to make a momentous definition of our national character :
Are we a nation of PRIGS or a nation of LIBERTINES ?
Meanwhile we can read a truly hair-raising story on
the front page of the New York Times : " Defector Describes Iraq's
Atom Push " .
The defector scientist, Khidir Abdul Abas Hamza , is not an
admirable person. He does explain just how an ignorant brute like
Saddam Hussein can dominate Iran scientific establishment . They
are controlled like laboratory rats - lavish rewards for pleasing
the dictator of Iraq, horrible torture for disappointing him .
Who said knowledge is power ? If only those murdered
scientists could talk ?
American intelligence officials " grossly underestimated
Iraq's nuclear program ", the article said.
Have we been living in a fantasy world since the end of
the Cold War ? Just months ago India, then Pakistan exploded
nuclear weapons ( " now we have the Islamic bomb. Allah be
praised ! " - a near quote . )
But what we really want to know is this : " Did Monica
Lewinsky have oral sex with Bill Clinton ?
But for ALL of us the ultimate " blow job " might be just
a few years away !
Friday, August 14, 1998
I applaud your recent editorial on RIPTA .This morning I
must scold RIPTA while it is in the very process of reforming
itself. I am a regular user of the bus, living on Church Ave. in
Warwick. But I started using passes just last month. Believe me
I appreciate the convenience and the money saving. But I soon
learned that Rhode Island is behind many other states in its
public transportation services. Naturally !
My friend Tommy, who has been living in Austin, Texas , tells
me they have a one-zone system there. And a lot cheaper. In Rhode
Island you now pay $34.50 for a two zone pass, about $45 for a three
zone, and about $65 for a four zone pass covering the whole state ( no
big deal ! ) .
I understand this will change in October, hopefully for the
Today I had my own memorable experience of the stupidity of
the present zone system.For this month of August I bought a one
zone pass. That means I must pay an extra $00.65 to get downtown.
That does not seem too unreasonable. But today I was a little
shocked to learn that the zoning has little to do with DISTANCE !
A rude bus driver did not help. Is rudeness a qualification
for the job ?
Getting on the bus that stops at Church Ave, Warwick about
five past eight-heading toward downtown Providence - I told the
driver that I would get off at St. Paul's Church. I showed him
my one zone pass. When I was about to get off near St. Paul's
Church, the bus driver said -as if I was trying to get away
with something - " You owe $00.65 ! "
Shocked and embarrassed - I had no change - I told him
that I have never gone one mile on a bus and had to pay $1.65 .
" But you crossed the ZONE ! " he said . Did he mean the
Twilight Zone, I thought.
" I'll pay you tomorrow ", I said sheepishly.
You cannot catch this Warwick Ave. bus if you are in Providence
after 8 o'clock. Imagine a main street like Warwick Ave. off
limits to bus riders so early in the evening !
Is this a form of curfew for the inner city residents ? If
I were a black or hispanic person living in Providence, I would
conclude that I am UNWELCOME IN WARWICK ! The lack of a car is
evidence of a certain deplorable shiftlessness. I just do not
measure up to White Warwick's Finest !
Paranoia or the simple truth ?
must scold RIPTA while it is in the very process of reforming
itself. I am a regular user of the bus, living on Church Ave. in
Warwick. But I started using passes just last month. Believe me
I appreciate the convenience and the money saving. But I soon
learned that Rhode Island is behind many other states in its
public transportation services. Naturally !
My friend Tommy, who has been living in Austin, Texas , tells
me they have a one-zone system there. And a lot cheaper. In Rhode
Island you now pay $34.50 for a two zone pass, about $45 for a three
zone, and about $65 for a four zone pass covering the whole state ( no
big deal ! ) .
I understand this will change in October, hopefully for the
Today I had my own memorable experience of the stupidity of
the present zone system.For this month of August I bought a one
zone pass. That means I must pay an extra $00.65 to get downtown.
That does not seem too unreasonable. But today I was a little
shocked to learn that the zoning has little to do with DISTANCE !
A rude bus driver did not help. Is rudeness a qualification
for the job ?
Getting on the bus that stops at Church Ave, Warwick about
five past eight-heading toward downtown Providence - I told the
driver that I would get off at St. Paul's Church. I showed him
my one zone pass. When I was about to get off near St. Paul's
Church, the bus driver said -as if I was trying to get away
with something - " You owe $00.65 ! "
Shocked and embarrassed - I had no change - I told him
that I have never gone one mile on a bus and had to pay $1.65 .
" But you crossed the ZONE ! " he said . Did he mean the
Twilight Zone, I thought.
" I'll pay you tomorrow ", I said sheepishly.
You cannot catch this Warwick Ave. bus if you are in Providence
after 8 o'clock. Imagine a main street like Warwick Ave. off
limits to bus riders so early in the evening !
Is this a form of curfew for the inner city residents ? If
I were a black or hispanic person living in Providence, I would
conclude that I am UNWELCOME IN WARWICK ! The lack of a car is
evidence of a certain deplorable shiftlessness. I just do not
measure up to White Warwick's Finest !
Paranoia or the simple truth ?
Thursday, August 13, 1998
Guglietta The Jackass !
Another jackass is running for Rhode Island attorney general-
Democrat William R. Guglietta ..." recommended the death penalty
for some youngsters who kill ". This is a pretty tired routine
for the less bright candidates for that most honorable office.
Of course the kid's IQ will also be a factor, says Wild Bill.
An 14 year old killer with an IQ of 150 is a good candidate for
roasting, he thinks. He does know enough practical psychology to
understand that a kid can have a high IQ and be emotionally
Since high IQs are so rare in Rhode Island, you would
think that this alone would be reason to spare the kid. But
then our politicians are perhaps prejudiced against INTELLIGENCE
wherever they find it.
Eva Marie Mancuso and Nancy Mayer, the Republican candidate
for attorney general - seem to have more common sense. Mancuso says :
" the death penalty is morally wrong regardless of the age of the
defendants. It doesn't deter murder and appeals make it costly to
Guglietta might hesitate to execute a 7 year old , but
" there's no bright line test . "
Unfortunately there is no bright line test for Rhode Island
politicians.Again and again the voters here must choose between
Dumb and Dumber !
I was just thinking !
Mike Barnicle explained the apparent plagiarism in his last
one liner column as a product of mental laziness and stupidity. I
just read a New York Times signed editorial-not mentally lazy and
not stupid - describing this embarrassing incident as " pathological ".
But perhaps that is precisely why Barnicle should be suspended
rather than fired. Nothing like this before in 25 years ?
I was just thinking : Does Mike Barnicle have a drinking
problem that caught up with him and clouded his judgment ? With
the pressure of a deadline ?
Is there anything UNUSUAL about a drunken journalist with
an Irish background ?
I don't mean to be rude - I was just thinking !
one liner column as a product of mental laziness and stupidity. I
just read a New York Times signed editorial-not mentally lazy and
not stupid - describing this embarrassing incident as " pathological ".
But perhaps that is precisely why Barnicle should be suspended
rather than fired. Nothing like this before in 25 years ?
I was just thinking : Does Mike Barnicle have a drinking
problem that caught up with him and clouded his judgment ? With
the pressure of a deadline ?
Is there anything UNUSUAL about a drunken journalist with
an Irish background ?
I don't mean to be rude - I was just thinking !
Tuesday, August 11, 1998
Take back Barnicle & Smith !
I now think that the Boston Globe will not hurt itself
if it takes back its two stars - Mike Barnicle and Patricia Smith.
To be sure they will still have not less credibility than our national
leaders. And since when is the TRUTH in the mass media absolutely above
advertising interests ?
The story here is All Too Human ! We must not be a punitive
people !
if it takes back its two stars - Mike Barnicle and Patricia Smith.
To be sure they will still have not less credibility than our national
leaders. And since when is the TRUTH in the mass media absolutely above
advertising interests ?
The story here is All Too Human ! We must not be a punitive
people !
Gen. C.C Krulak- great letter!
I am perhaps very far from his kind of guy. He is Gen.
C.C Krulak ,commandant U.S Marine Corp , Washington , D.C . But
letter in USA Today ( " Marines have to be held to higher
standards " , Aug. 11 ) deeply impressed me. In brief
it was a mini-lecture on the importance of CHARACTER.
" We are not born with character, " he writes. " It is
developed by the experiences and decisions that guide our lives."
In the heat of battle, he points out, character- that " inner
strength " and moral compass -will often carry the day.
" Cowardliness in character " will soon reveal itself in
other forms.
Gen. Krulak ,I believe, knows men. But adolescents
today - when their character is being formed - need above all
to hear these words : " The defense that EVERYONE IS DOING IT
is no defense at all.... "
Here I am thinking not about later life adultery but
drugs and alcohol and smoking and brainless, heartless sexual
conduct . Also cheating, stealing, and lazy overindulgent life
style thats makes too many youths fat, stupid, and ignorant.
I can just hear the wise General yelling at them : " Straighten
out ! " for your own sake and the sake of your country, the USA .
I hope other editors discover Gen. C.C Krulak 's letter.
C.C Krulak ,commandant U.S Marine Corp , Washington , D.C . But
letter in USA Today ( " Marines have to be held to higher
standards " , Aug. 11 ) deeply impressed me. In brief
it was a mini-lecture on the importance of CHARACTER.
" We are not born with character, " he writes. " It is
developed by the experiences and decisions that guide our lives."
In the heat of battle, he points out, character- that " inner
strength " and moral compass -will often carry the day.
" Cowardliness in character " will soon reveal itself in
other forms.
Gen. Krulak ,I believe, knows men. But adolescents
today - when their character is being formed - need above all
to hear these words : " The defense that EVERYONE IS DOING IT
is no defense at all.... "
Here I am thinking not about later life adultery but
drugs and alcohol and smoking and brainless, heartless sexual
conduct . Also cheating, stealing, and lazy overindulgent life
style thats makes too many youths fat, stupid, and ignorant.
I can just hear the wise General yelling at them : " Straighten
out ! " for your own sake and the sake of your country, the USA .
I hope other editors discover Gen. C.C Krulak 's letter.
Monday, August 10, 1998
Pit Bull attack in Salem
I just read Paul Sullivan's article on a pit bull attack in
the Boston Herald ( Aug. 10, page 7 ). I hope 7-year -old Carlos Garcia
of Salem does not lose his right eye vision. The pit bulls in the Witch
City, it seems, are commanded from Hell. Ask detective James Page
and patrol woman Kate Noftle - also attacked by the fiendish beasts!
I always suspected that a dog will reflect the personality of its
owner.: the owner of the pit bull that attacked the little boy " has not
contacted him to apologize " . Richard Laquaglia - a class act !
Pits bulls are as dangerous as assault weapons most feared by the
police. They should be banned! They are bred to be vicious ! Young Carlos
just wanted to give the dumb monster a cookie !
Have you ever met a pit bull owner that did not seem a little
deranged ?
Death to all pit bulls !
the Boston Herald ( Aug. 10, page 7 ). I hope 7-year -old Carlos Garcia
of Salem does not lose his right eye vision. The pit bulls in the Witch
City, it seems, are commanded from Hell. Ask detective James Page
and patrol woman Kate Noftle - also attacked by the fiendish beasts!
I always suspected that a dog will reflect the personality of its
owner.: the owner of the pit bull that attacked the little boy " has not
contacted him to apologize " . Richard Laquaglia - a class act !
Pits bulls are as dangerous as assault weapons most feared by the
police. They should be banned! They are bred to be vicious ! Young Carlos
just wanted to give the dumb monster a cookie !
Have you ever met a pit bull owner that did not seem a little
deranged ?
Death to all pit bulls !
Sunday, August 9, 1998
Pacifists with an ax !
Again I read about a " well known local peace activist " and
a young disciple attempting to sabotage federal property ( near the silo
of a nuclear missile -Greely, Colorado )
This 56 year old, Daniel Sicken, I suspect, first went
" ballistic " around 1968 - " the Days of Rage " .
One need not respect Democracy when armed with a crusading
Moral Truth : the U.S. government is the Great Satan as the Islamic
fanatics say it is . However THEY are not pacifists and THEY have struck
again : read front page, Aug. 8 - " 80 killed in embassy bombings ".
It is simply Cultural Suicide to try to undo the military
establishment. THEY are not NICE !
I could never understand the logic of delinquent pacifism -
even when I was marching against the stupid Vietnam War. Have they
no confidence in their own powers of persuasion ? Public opinion in
a democracy is not written in stone. Prevailing ideas can be
peacefully -and more effectively challenged.
But the majority - that is the effective majority that VOTES -
in general RULES . If you believe in Democracy, you have to live
with that.
For example I oppose the death penalty. But it seems that
public opinion supports it. Would I dare suggest cutting down power
lines feeding the prison electric chair ? Is that how you win
support for your point of view ?
Let me quote the Bible as a guide to conduct : " In the beginning
was the WORD ".
a young disciple attempting to sabotage federal property ( near the silo
of a nuclear missile -Greely, Colorado )
This 56 year old, Daniel Sicken, I suspect, first went
" ballistic " around 1968 - " the Days of Rage " .
One need not respect Democracy when armed with a crusading
Moral Truth : the U.S. government is the Great Satan as the Islamic
fanatics say it is . However THEY are not pacifists and THEY have struck
again : read front page, Aug. 8 - " 80 killed in embassy bombings ".
It is simply Cultural Suicide to try to undo the military
establishment. THEY are not NICE !
I could never understand the logic of delinquent pacifism -
even when I was marching against the stupid Vietnam War. Have they
no confidence in their own powers of persuasion ? Public opinion in
a democracy is not written in stone. Prevailing ideas can be
peacefully -and more effectively challenged.
But the majority - that is the effective majority that VOTES -
in general RULES . If you believe in Democracy, you have to live
with that.
For example I oppose the death penalty. But it seems that
public opinion supports it. Would I dare suggest cutting down power
lines feeding the prison electric chair ? Is that how you win
support for your point of view ?
Let me quote the Bible as a guide to conduct : " In the beginning
was the WORD ".
Thursday, August 6, 1998
" Brain Droppings " all over the place !
I read in the Providence Journal this morning that the prominent
Boston Globe columnist, Mike Barnacle , is being asked to resign - " in
the wake of plagarism (sic ) accusations. It seems that in big business
journalism nowadays brains are indeed dropping all over the place.
At first I was tempted to defend Barnicle against an over-reaction.
But reading the more detailed story in Boston Globe, I just feel sad
and a little betrayed. After all plagiarizing jokes is not as big a
deal as telling lies and smearing reputations. Or inventing " characters"
to write about in a " serious " column.
Is it not just plain CORRUPT to plug on TV a book ( " Brain Droppings " by
comedian George Carlin ) that you now say you've not even read ? I recall
Patricia Smith had ounce " reviewed " a performance of a show she had
never attended .
Most " one liner " columns I read in newspapers seem unworthy of
even a mediocre talent. All these columnist are being " stupid and lazy "
to use Barnicle's own words.
There is enough fluff in the very contents of most newspapers
nowadays . Do serious columnists have to compete with cheap, two bit
entertainers ?
Yes indeed, your brains are dropping all over the place. Are
there no H.L Menckens anymore. Are brains taboo in the newspaper
" entertainment " business ?
If the Pope did report the baseball scores, he might just
put you out of business !
Boston Globe columnist, Mike Barnacle , is being asked to resign - " in
the wake of plagarism (sic ) accusations. It seems that in big business
journalism nowadays brains are indeed dropping all over the place.
At first I was tempted to defend Barnicle against an over-reaction.
But reading the more detailed story in Boston Globe, I just feel sad
and a little betrayed. After all plagiarizing jokes is not as big a
deal as telling lies and smearing reputations. Or inventing " characters"
to write about in a " serious " column.
Is it not just plain CORRUPT to plug on TV a book ( " Brain Droppings " by
comedian George Carlin ) that you now say you've not even read ? I recall
Patricia Smith had ounce " reviewed " a performance of a show she had
never attended .
Most " one liner " columns I read in newspapers seem unworthy of
even a mediocre talent. All these columnist are being " stupid and lazy "
to use Barnicle's own words.
There is enough fluff in the very contents of most newspapers
nowadays . Do serious columnists have to compete with cheap, two bit
entertainers ?
Yes indeed, your brains are dropping all over the place. Are
there no H.L Menckens anymore. Are brains taboo in the newspaper
" entertainment " business ?
If the Pope did report the baseball scores, he might just
put you out of business !
Tuesday, August 4, 1998
Clinton owes no apology !
Let sanctimonious half-wits think that President Bill Clinton
owes them an apology for his extra- marital sexual adventures. In
a society where so many are divorced or fooling around with the
spouse of another !
Even no less a moral authority than Ann Landers cautions
unfaithful married people against TELLING ALL . It may do no
good and cause unnecessary heartbreak.
Clinton LIED FOR OUR SINS ! ( if he did lie ).
Rather than COME CLEAN - perhaps impossible in his case - he should
defiantly tell the self-righteous that his private love life is HIS
business . I do not want to know the TRUTH about the Monica Lewinsky
The country owes Bill Clinton an apology for this outrageous
Starr investigation - right out of the Salem Witchcraft era.
Clinton should end this matter by firing the SPECIAL PROSECUTOR !
Monday, August 3, 1998
Treacherous Bimboes Rule ?
How many otherwise decent and competent corporate executives
could survive a Starr Chamber proceeding ? The harassment of President
Bill Clinton is unprecedented in the history of the United States.
Can treacherous bimboes like Monica Lewinsky determine the fate
of a great nation. Would this low-life vixen want to have a private
showing of that semen stained dress ( if that is what she has )
with Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea ?
I heard these words spoken in the McCarthy hearings: " Have
you no SHAME ? "
For me the scandal here is still the Starr investigation. But
I never seem to hear the Voice of God, so I could be just the
all- American jackass. We'll see !
could survive a Starr Chamber proceeding ? The harassment of President
Bill Clinton is unprecedented in the history of the United States.
Can treacherous bimboes like Monica Lewinsky determine the fate
of a great nation. Would this low-life vixen want to have a private
showing of that semen stained dress ( if that is what she has )
with Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea ?
I heard these words spoken in the McCarthy hearings: " Have
you no SHAME ? "
For me the scandal here is still the Starr investigation. But
I never seem to hear the Voice of God, so I could be just the
all- American jackass. We'll see !
I understand Bob, but ?
I love to read your columns Bob . They are always honest. But
I still feel that the SCANDAL is the Starr investigation itself. How
many otherwise decent and competent corporation executives could
survive a ruthless probe into their private lives ?
For me Clinton's personal failings will never make the GOP agenda
look good. Does Newt pass the integrity and morality test ?
The five year old you write about would not be asking those
embarrassing questions were it not for the Star Chamber harassment
of an incumbent president. Should treacherous bimboes like Monica
determine the fate of a great nation ?
But you are right about this : the American people deserve
better! Leave that to the next election.
I never seem to hear the Voice of God, Bob - so I can be all
wrong about this too, We'll see !
Have a nice day. ron
I still feel that the SCANDAL is the Starr investigation itself. How
many otherwise decent and competent corporation executives could
survive a ruthless probe into their private lives ?
For me Clinton's personal failings will never make the GOP agenda
look good. Does Newt pass the integrity and morality test ?
The five year old you write about would not be asking those
embarrassing questions were it not for the Star Chamber harassment
of an incumbent president. Should treacherous bimboes like Monica
determine the fate of a great nation ?
But you are right about this : the American people deserve
better! Leave that to the next election.
I never seem to hear the Voice of God, Bob - so I can be all
wrong about this too, We'll see !
Have a nice day. ron
Car thefts -hushed up crime ?
My brother Michael is RIPTA bus driver, more than 10 years
with the company. A married man with three young-and beautiful-
daughters to support, he needs that good job and also two cars,
one for his wife, Debbie.
For a family man those cars are quite simply a necessity of
life. A car thief is more often than not a mortal threat to
hard working people's family. Does the bum have any idea how
much misery he causes ?
Michael's car was stolen near the RIPTA garage on
Elmwood Avenue in Providence by area delinquents -no doubt -
a couple of weeks ago. When he finally recovered it, it was
only good for junk. They even stole the baby chair !
This morning he told me about all the problems the loss
of Debbie's car has caused. Having just moved to West Cranston,
they have had enough stress for the past month.
It seems that car thefts are not even reported anymore
in the paper's Police Log. The police almost never find the
culprits. If your car is stolen, it is just TOUGH LUCK !
We can easily understand why they use to hang
horse thieves !
with the company. A married man with three young-and beautiful-
daughters to support, he needs that good job and also two cars,
one for his wife, Debbie.
For a family man those cars are quite simply a necessity of
life. A car thief is more often than not a mortal threat to
hard working people's family. Does the bum have any idea how
much misery he causes ?
Michael's car was stolen near the RIPTA garage on
Elmwood Avenue in Providence by area delinquents -no doubt -
a couple of weeks ago. When he finally recovered it, it was
only good for junk. They even stole the baby chair !
This morning he told me about all the problems the loss
of Debbie's car has caused. Having just moved to West Cranston,
they have had enough stress for the past month.
It seems that car thefts are not even reported anymore
in the paper's Police Log. The police almost never find the
culprits. If your car is stolen, it is just TOUGH LUCK !
We can easily understand why they use to hang
horse thieves !
Sunday, August 2, 1998
The Hot 100 ( books )
The Providence Journal editorial this Sunday morning ( August 2 )
" Brewing up book battles " made me recall an old " Freshmen English "
essay : " What is a classic ? " . I can look up the author ,if anyone
is interested.
The essay made the excellent point that what makes any book
a CLASSIC is not its fleeting popularity - its BEST SELLER qualities -
but the love of a passionate minority. The CLASSIC has succeeded in
profoundly touching a PASSIONATE MINORITY in every generation. They
keep it ALIVE with their enthusiasm . Recall Tinkerbell in " Peter Pan " ?
When people stop believing in his delightful LIGHT, he fades
and dies.
I could compose my own list of Hot 100. Sometimes the
passionate minority numbers only ONE .
" Brewing up book battles " made me recall an old " Freshmen English "
essay : " What is a classic ? " . I can look up the author ,if anyone
is interested.
The essay made the excellent point that what makes any book
a CLASSIC is not its fleeting popularity - its BEST SELLER qualities -
but the love of a passionate minority. The CLASSIC has succeeded in
profoundly touching a PASSIONATE MINORITY in every generation. They
keep it ALIVE with their enthusiasm . Recall Tinkerbell in " Peter Pan " ?
When people stop believing in his delightful LIGHT, he fades
and dies.
I could compose my own list of Hot 100. Sometimes the
passionate minority numbers only ONE .
Pigeon nuisance in city
When a particular nuisance crosses a tolerance threshold, you
can expect an E-message from at least one guy. Yesterday was a beautiful
day in downtown Providence, clear blue,sunny sky in early August.
Pigeons -ugly city birds - are a common sight downtown. I have
never been tempted to even throw them a crumb of junk food. Ugly, filthy
creatures. And yesterday I reflected that they were just TOO MANY !
Not a few times they have decorated my thick -nest like - hair, while
flying brainlessly from one messy spot to another. In a scene right
out of Alfred Hitchcock's " The Birds " I was actually dodging the
nasty fliers.
I must ask : Do pigeons serve any useful , ecological purpose ?
And must we put up with their crapping all over the streets and sidewalks
of a " come-back " city ?
I propose a FINAL SOLUTION to the pigeon plague !
can expect an E-message from at least one guy. Yesterday was a beautiful
day in downtown Providence, clear blue,sunny sky in early August.
Pigeons -ugly city birds - are a common sight downtown. I have
never been tempted to even throw them a crumb of junk food. Ugly, filthy
creatures. And yesterday I reflected that they were just TOO MANY !
Not a few times they have decorated my thick -nest like - hair, while
flying brainlessly from one messy spot to another. In a scene right
out of Alfred Hitchcock's " The Birds " I was actually dodging the
nasty fliers.
I must ask : Do pigeons serve any useful , ecological purpose ?
And must we put up with their crapping all over the streets and sidewalks
of a " come-back " city ?
I propose a FINAL SOLUTION to the pigeon plague !
Saturday, August 1, 1998
Olneyville Johns & Hookers
The headline in the Providence Journal this Saturday morning
is familiar ( August 1, page A3) : " 29 arrested in prostitution
sting ". This all took place in the city's Olneyville section.
Neighbors were complaining , I guess. My brother John - who
I'm sure is NOT a " John " owns and rents out property in the area.
I know he already has enough garbage problems. Those other " Johns "
he does not.
But my brother John is a single man in his mid- thirties - the
average age of the gentlemen busted ? ( I 'll figure it out later on
my calculator ).
His girl friend, Shelly, might be furious to read this but I
suspect that John and most American males would agree with this
little bit of bar room MEN'S TALK : " Marriage in general - with
all due respect to the beloved spouse is fundamentally a MONEY for
SEX arrangement. Oh ,yes! I've heard too many stories. There are ,of
course, many inspiring exceptions to this rather sordid RULE.
I will not scold the Providence Journal for printing the
names of the Johns and -quite possibly destroying what little
marital bliss remained in their life. The law is the law, for now.
And I agree they should all know better than to seek truly " filthy "
sex on the streets.
One of the police dept lures said : " You dress up too nice ,
they know it's a cop."
In fact the wisdom of the street wise John is this : " You look
too pretty, they know it's a cop ".
The way to get prostitution off the streets is to LEGALIZE
it ! And that will also promote safe if not sane sex.
Street prostitution just moves around . Elmwood Avenue use to
be the area of those sting operations. I've already warned a
sexually robust friend in Miami - who visits Rhode Island now and
then to stay away from Elmwood Ave.
Looking over the list of Johns busted all I can say is : " There
but for the grace of Grace go I "
is familiar ( August 1, page A3) : " 29 arrested in prostitution
sting ". This all took place in the city's Olneyville section.
Neighbors were complaining , I guess. My brother John - who
I'm sure is NOT a " John " owns and rents out property in the area.
I know he already has enough garbage problems. Those other " Johns "
he does not.
But my brother John is a single man in his mid- thirties - the
average age of the gentlemen busted ? ( I 'll figure it out later on
my calculator ).
His girl friend, Shelly, might be furious to read this but I
suspect that John and most American males would agree with this
little bit of bar room MEN'S TALK : " Marriage in general - with
all due respect to the beloved spouse is fundamentally a MONEY for
SEX arrangement. Oh ,yes! I've heard too many stories. There are ,of
course, many inspiring exceptions to this rather sordid RULE.
I will not scold the Providence Journal for printing the
names of the Johns and -quite possibly destroying what little
marital bliss remained in their life. The law is the law, for now.
And I agree they should all know better than to seek truly " filthy "
sex on the streets.
One of the police dept lures said : " You dress up too nice ,
they know it's a cop."
In fact the wisdom of the street wise John is this : " You look
too pretty, they know it's a cop ".
The way to get prostitution off the streets is to LEGALIZE
it ! And that will also promote safe if not sane sex.
Street prostitution just moves around . Elmwood Avenue use to
be the area of those sting operations. I've already warned a
sexually robust friend in Miami - who visits Rhode Island now and
then to stay away from Elmwood Ave.
Looking over the list of Johns busted all I can say is : " There
but for the grace of Grace go I "
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