Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, May 30, 1998
Dance Macabre in Lahore
Your front page today, Friday, May 29 : " Pakistan answers India,
sets off own nuclear tests ". A picture shows Pakistani children -
who have the most to lose from this " nuclear power " madness - dancing
in the street. Truly a dance macabre !
The " Islamic bomb " has arrived as if descended from Heaven. Allah
is great !
The news has set off " pandemonium " in the Indian Parliament.
Just the right word - all hell is now loose in that " overpopulated "
region. Allah in his infinite wisdom will soon solve the population
problem. A mathematician reminded me that the Indians literally
contributed ZERO to civilization.
Dance, dance my little ones. If that's all there is, then let's
keep dancing ... ( song lyrics )
Sorry Chat Line Mix Up ! (Warwick online)
Sorry about a misfire . You were so close to eavesdropping on
a my scandalous private life , which would have exposed me as the
Uriah Heep of Rhode Island.
I was composing my thoughts on the nature of physical beauty,
inspired by those lovely young faces I saw on the front page of
the Warwick Beacon yesterday.
This morning I read : " becoming obese is a normal response to
the American environment ".
Must ordinary people be highly motivated to stay attractively
thin ? Why do most married people rapidly put on the pounds, the men
with beer bellies by the time they are 30 and the women at about the
same age with an often irreversible matronly look ?
I wonder if the real reason besides the " American environment "
is that all " romantic " feelings are dead in them, long before middle
age. I remember the character " Rabbit " in an John Updike novel thinking
that his wife Janet looked old at age 24 .
Is being fat a way of telling the world : " I don't care anymore ! " ?
If these people tending to obesity would just WALK a half hour a
day , they would have their 18 year old body back in two years.
The philosophy of Self -Esteem nowadays encourages us merely
to accept or sometimes even to love our imperfections. It does not
challenge us to be our best physically and intellectually.
Quite often there is a mental torpor associated with obesity.
The ancient Greeks wisely preached the ideal of " a sound mind in
a sound body. "
At least 99% of the obese people out there can get back into
fairly good shape if they have the WILL.
Even if BEAUTY is just VANITY, then so is every other pleasant
thing in the world. Indifference to beauty is a sin against life !
a my scandalous private life , which would have exposed me as the
Uriah Heep of Rhode Island.
I was composing my thoughts on the nature of physical beauty,
inspired by those lovely young faces I saw on the front page of
the Warwick Beacon yesterday.
This morning I read : " becoming obese is a normal response to
the American environment ".
Must ordinary people be highly motivated to stay attractively
thin ? Why do most married people rapidly put on the pounds, the men
with beer bellies by the time they are 30 and the women at about the
same age with an often irreversible matronly look ?
I wonder if the real reason besides the " American environment "
is that all " romantic " feelings are dead in them, long before middle
age. I remember the character " Rabbit " in an John Updike novel thinking
that his wife Janet looked old at age 24 .
Is being fat a way of telling the world : " I don't care anymore ! " ?
If these people tending to obesity would just WALK a half hour a
day , they would have their 18 year old body back in two years.
The philosophy of Self -Esteem nowadays encourages us merely
to accept or sometimes even to love our imperfections. It does not
challenge us to be our best physically and intellectually.
Quite often there is a mental torpor associated with obesity.
The ancient Greeks wisely preached the ideal of " a sound mind in
a sound body. "
At least 99% of the obese people out there can get back into
fairly good shape if they have the WILL.
Even if BEAUTY is just VANITY, then so is every other pleasant
thing in the world. Indifference to beauty is a sin against life !
Friday, May 29, 1998
Health Care Issue Comes Back
I read on the front page of The Christian Science Monitor ( May 18 ) :
" Growing frustration with health care puts it back in center of political
arena ." A newspaper publisher here in Rhode Island - a mentally depressed
man - said recently in a suicide note that our mental health system had
let him down. Assuming he was at least fairly well off, what chance do
the do the poor and the working class have of getting adequate care for
mental depression ?
Living with my mentally ill brother, who is lithium dependent, I
can better understand the now dead and buried , young newspaper publisher's
long suffering grief.
I can say a lot more but time and space are limited. Is our
humanity also limited ?
" Growing frustration with health care puts it back in center of political
arena ." A newspaper publisher here in Rhode Island - a mentally depressed
man - said recently in a suicide note that our mental health system had
let him down. Assuming he was at least fairly well off, what chance do
the do the poor and the working class have of getting adequate care for
mental depression ?
Living with my mentally ill brother, who is lithium dependent, I
can better understand the now dead and buried , young newspaper publisher's
long suffering grief.
I can say a lot more but time and space are limited. Is our
humanity also limited ?
Thursday, May 28, 1998
Applause for today's " Americanize immigrants "
John J. Miller's column today ( May 27 ) " We must rediscover
how to Americanize immigrants " was more rational and benign in
tone than most Left or Right perspectives on this sensitive issue.
At its worst the Right offers the vision of the Nazi gas chamber
as a " final solution " to assimilation problem. Even the more
reasonable " liberal ' left is downright embarrassed by displays of
patriotic sentiment. They seem to think that American History is
- when honestly told - a shocking tale of WASP depravity .
Is it " politically correct " to admire every culture and
civilization but one's own - which has a claim to being the best
in the world, even with its many problems ?
The new immigrants will not be imposed upon by asking them to
be " patriotic Americans " . In its best sense that is not just a
pop phrase suggesting " Joe " types - pot bellied, red necked, gun
swinging idiots.
I feel a little like Rhett in " Gone with the Wind ". He had
an impulse to defend a lost cause ( not a moral one in my opinion )
when it was clearly lost, when Atlanta was burning and the Old South
was gone forever.
how to Americanize immigrants " was more rational and benign in
tone than most Left or Right perspectives on this sensitive issue.
At its worst the Right offers the vision of the Nazi gas chamber
as a " final solution " to assimilation problem. Even the more
reasonable " liberal ' left is downright embarrassed by displays of
patriotic sentiment. They seem to think that American History is
- when honestly told - a shocking tale of WASP depravity .
Is it " politically correct " to admire every culture and
civilization but one's own - which has a claim to being the best
in the world, even with its many problems ?
The new immigrants will not be imposed upon by asking them to
be " patriotic Americans " . In its best sense that is not just a
pop phrase suggesting " Joe " types - pot bellied, red necked, gun
swinging idiots.
I feel a little like Rhett in " Gone with the Wind ". He had
an impulse to defend a lost cause ( not a moral one in my opinion )
when it was clearly lost, when Atlanta was burning and the Old South
was gone forever.
Tuesday, May 26, 1998
" Boomers cracking up "
The Lifebeat headline under " Stuff " this morning reads :
" Boomers cracking up " . At first glance I thought it was good
news for the " grief industry ". I always suspected that my generation
was just not made of the "right stuff "- like the early astronauts and
formidable WW II combat veterans , and Richard Nixon. Seriously I'm
not impressed with the bunch. But I'm terrified by the new generation,
which a talented surreal artist could symbolize and represent with
a haunting blank stare.
But " cracking up " in the Stuff section refers to our teeth." All
those fillings boomers got as children are aging" and painful dental
catastrophes are lurking behind the brightest smiles in the country.
We benefited from that once controversial flourinated water. So
much so that I suspect that most of our so called " cavities " were
actually made by those terrifying dentist drills.
Greedy dentists did not want to go completely out of business.
If they were not obvious to you, they were obvious in the dangerously
overused dental X-ray . " look
Ma more cavities ! "
I say: Never underestimate the greed of the small time entrepreneur!
For months I went to coin laundry where the hot water plumbing always
seemed to be malfunctioning. Most of the customers were oblivious of
this. But impish I would cynically test the water with my hand. " Not
even lukewarm ! " I protested. After a while I caught on to the owner's
racket. How profitable to have cold water only !
Perhaps he was related to my dentist. This type invariably votes
Republican and complains about Big Government depriving them of their
first million dollar year.
A word of warning : when you are downtown at lunchtime, watch those
$20 bills. I have been cheated twice in one week out of the right
change. " Oh there was something in the machine ! But there was nothing
in your head or you were trying to pull a fast one !
Perhaps the editor will think that I am " cracking up " .
Sunday, May 24, 1998
Fishy News for the Ocean State
The author of "Eat Right, Live Longer " has very bad news for
the Ocean State: Even unpolluted fish is bad for us !
Neal D. Barnard writes in a column today ( May 23 ) : " Women who
often eat fish are more likely to give birth to sluggish infants with
small head circumferences and learning disabilities than women who rarely
or never eat fish ".
When I was a kid , influenced by fish as brain food misinformation,
I took bigger servings of that delicious fish. I have never measured
the circumference of my head but I am a little sluggish . I once scored
significantly over 130 on an IQ test.
It seemed to me in those days of youth - looking at library picture
books - that the Polynesian people , living mostly off the sea, were
most healthy and beautiful people in the world.
Did the Burger King finance Mr. Bernard 's research ? To counter
hysteria over mad cow disease ?
Here is a statistical insight : If I buy a lottery ticket I am more
likely to win the lottery than somebody who rarely or never buys lottery
If this letter is printed, I can expect to sleep with the fishes.
the Ocean State: Even unpolluted fish is bad for us !
Neal D. Barnard writes in a column today ( May 23 ) : " Women who
often eat fish are more likely to give birth to sluggish infants with
small head circumferences and learning disabilities than women who rarely
or never eat fish ".
When I was a kid , influenced by fish as brain food misinformation,
I took bigger servings of that delicious fish. I have never measured
the circumference of my head but I am a little sluggish . I once scored
significantly over 130 on an IQ test.
It seemed to me in those days of youth - looking at library picture
books - that the Polynesian people , living mostly off the sea, were
most healthy and beautiful people in the world.
Did the Burger King finance Mr. Bernard 's research ? To counter
hysteria over mad cow disease ?
Here is a statistical insight : If I buy a lottery ticket I am more
likely to win the lottery than somebody who rarely or never buys lottery
If this letter is printed, I can expect to sleep with the fishes.
Saturday, May 23, 1998
Codoms in schools
I recall a deceased friend , a high school chemistry teacher,appalled
by the very idea of making condoms available in schools. He was convinced
that they would stimulate the very sexual activity requiring condom
protection. And he was no religious zealot but a free thinking Jew.
Rep. Michael Pisaturo 's perspective is that we must face reality:
the kids will have sex " no matter how much we preach abstinence and we
need to protect them ".
Still I'm inclined to my departed friend's opinion. The schools
have an obligation to enlighten and educate . Schools can't compete
with TV in sending wise or foolish sex education messages to youth.
Too many teachers naively believe they can tell the kids something new.
In reality the kids cannot be protected from their own stupidity. In
the winter time I see a number of not too bright kids skating on very
thin ice - with DANGER signs clearly in view.
If some of them drown , we should not blame reading teachers.
But a suggestion : it may be wiser to dispense cheap but high
quality condoms in a discreet corner of drug stores. Even adults might
hesitate to buy them with teen age girls at the cash register. The
condoms could be sold in non-judgmental vending machines.
by the very idea of making condoms available in schools. He was convinced
that they would stimulate the very sexual activity requiring condom
protection. And he was no religious zealot but a free thinking Jew.
Rep. Michael Pisaturo 's perspective is that we must face reality:
the kids will have sex " no matter how much we preach abstinence and we
need to protect them ".
Still I'm inclined to my departed friend's opinion. The schools
have an obligation to enlighten and educate . Schools can't compete
with TV in sending wise or foolish sex education messages to youth.
Too many teachers naively believe they can tell the kids something new.
In reality the kids cannot be protected from their own stupidity. In
the winter time I see a number of not too bright kids skating on very
thin ice - with DANGER signs clearly in view.
If some of them drown , we should not blame reading teachers.
But a suggestion : it may be wiser to dispense cheap but high
quality condoms in a discreet corner of drug stores. Even adults might
hesitate to buy them with teen age girls at the cash register. The
condoms could be sold in non-judgmental vending machines.
Thursday, May 21, 1998
Joe Paolino is not an " ignorant racist "
John St. Lawrence's letter today ( May 20 )
excoriating ex- Providence mayor, Joseph Paolino, is
a masterpiece of rabid political correctness.
Mr. Paolino was a perfect gentleman in trying to
recover his reputation with the politically important
Hispanic community. It had been nearly ruined during
a campaign by a fiasco of misunderstanding and ill
I remember voting for him in the primary precisely
because I agreed with his view that -after all-
English - is for all practical purposes, the national
language of the United States . And that we should
be proud of it, the language of Shakespeare!
A check of newspapers, television, radio programs,
and bulletin boards in welfare offices should
convince the ardent Mr. St. Lawrence that there is
no suppression of the Spanish language in the United
States. On the contrary !
He would make it mandatory for us to learn
Spanish " at the earliest possible age ".
I myself am a great believer in studying foreign
languages FREELY .
Spanish is no more " inferior " in the United
States than English is in France .
But don't listen to the likes of me. Like Joe
Paolino I am just a blatant white supremist .
excoriating ex- Providence mayor, Joseph Paolino, is
a masterpiece of rabid political correctness.
Mr. Paolino was a perfect gentleman in trying to
recover his reputation with the politically important
Hispanic community. It had been nearly ruined during
a campaign by a fiasco of misunderstanding and ill
I remember voting for him in the primary precisely
because I agreed with his view that -after all-
English - is for all practical purposes, the national
language of the United States . And that we should
be proud of it, the language of Shakespeare!
A check of newspapers, television, radio programs,
and bulletin boards in welfare offices should
convince the ardent Mr. St. Lawrence that there is
no suppression of the Spanish language in the United
States. On the contrary !
He would make it mandatory for us to learn
Spanish " at the earliest possible age ".
I myself am a great believer in studying foreign
languages FREELY .
Spanish is no more " inferior " in the United
States than English is in France .
But don't listen to the likes of me. Like Joe
Paolino I am just a blatant white supremist .
Tuesday, May 19, 1998
Anthony Lewis on affirmative action
I can understand why columnist Anthony Lewis is relieved by
a recent House vote on affirmative action . ( May !8 )
He sees no wisdom in the federal government penalizing colleges
and universities with active affirmative action programs. Canceling
these well intentioned programs , he thinks, will quickly result in
a situation profoundly embarrassing to the very idea of " democratic
legitimacy ".
400 black students with 4.0 grade averages are rejected by the
University of California , I read . But isn't it rather ironic that
being rejected by an " elitist " college ruins your opportunities
for leadership roles in a " democratic " society.
Perhaps " elitist " schools should be abolished ? Why
should " elitists " professors make " elite " students their
exclusive concern ? Most of their brilliant lectures, for example,
can be easily and cheaply marketed for the peasant masses .
With computers omnipresent in our society , any information or
wisdom available to an elite can be made quickly available to
some poor but intelligent black kid in a South Providence, Rhode
Island public library.
I am convinced that an " elite " education in the United States
is nothing more than a very undemocratic exploitation of the upper
middle classes and an affront to the lower classes.
The Ivy League is just full of baloney !
a recent House vote on affirmative action . ( May !8 )
He sees no wisdom in the federal government penalizing colleges
and universities with active affirmative action programs. Canceling
these well intentioned programs , he thinks, will quickly result in
a situation profoundly embarrassing to the very idea of " democratic
legitimacy ".
400 black students with 4.0 grade averages are rejected by the
University of California , I read . But isn't it rather ironic that
being rejected by an " elitist " college ruins your opportunities
for leadership roles in a " democratic " society.
Perhaps " elitist " schools should be abolished ? Why
should " elitists " professors make " elite " students their
exclusive concern ? Most of their brilliant lectures, for example,
can be easily and cheaply marketed for the peasant masses .
With computers omnipresent in our society , any information or
wisdom available to an elite can be made quickly available to
some poor but intelligent black kid in a South Providence, Rhode
Island public library.
I am convinced that an " elite " education in the United States
is nothing more than a very undemocratic exploitation of the upper
middle classes and an affront to the lower classes.
The Ivy League is just full of baloney !
Rename Conimicut Point after Hayes
Conimicut Point sounds like an old Indian name of no great
significance today. But one young man, Stephen Hayes, drowned there
recently while going to the rescue of two children. They were saved
and he is dead at age 31.
Fishermen familiar with that sandbar extending a few hundred yards
into Narragansett Bay know what a treacherous nightmare it is when
the tide rushes in. Anyone on it will feel his feet sinking deep
into the sand and could soon be sucked under water.
Living nearby on Church Ave, I take frequent walks to Conimicut
beach. It has its charms but on the whole strikes me a melancholy
place, at times even desolate. Certainly not a friendly place to
swim with the " polluted " sign never removed. From the shore it
seems that any swimmer will quickly find himself in deep water .
It amazes me that people pay for admission to this pathetic
"recreation area " in the summer time. Of course there should be
a lifeguard or two there. But nearby Oakland Beach is much nicer
with its grander view - and bars.
I think Conimicut Point might well be renamed after the heroic
young man who gave his life to rescue an 11 year old boy and a
nine year old girl.
I recall a novel by Albert Camus, " The Fall ".The hero, a Parisian
lawyer fancied himself a very high minded type until one night : he
was walking along the wharf when he hears the desperate screams of
a woman drowning. But the water was cold and dangerous. He refused
to even attempt a rescue. In a few minutes he learned that he was
a miserable coward despite his very successful life.
Whenever I take my pensive walks to Conimicut Point I will think
about Stephen A. Hayes and the qualities that can make human beings
rise above the level of rodents .
significance today. But one young man, Stephen Hayes, drowned there
recently while going to the rescue of two children. They were saved
and he is dead at age 31.
Fishermen familiar with that sandbar extending a few hundred yards
into Narragansett Bay know what a treacherous nightmare it is when
the tide rushes in. Anyone on it will feel his feet sinking deep
into the sand and could soon be sucked under water.
Living nearby on Church Ave, I take frequent walks to Conimicut
beach. It has its charms but on the whole strikes me a melancholy
place, at times even desolate. Certainly not a friendly place to
swim with the " polluted " sign never removed. From the shore it
seems that any swimmer will quickly find himself in deep water .
It amazes me that people pay for admission to this pathetic
"recreation area " in the summer time. Of course there should be
a lifeguard or two there. But nearby Oakland Beach is much nicer
with its grander view - and bars.
I think Conimicut Point might well be renamed after the heroic
young man who gave his life to rescue an 11 year old boy and a
nine year old girl.
I recall a novel by Albert Camus, " The Fall ".The hero, a Parisian
lawyer fancied himself a very high minded type until one night : he
was walking along the wharf when he hears the desperate screams of
a woman drowning. But the water was cold and dangerous. He refused
to even attempt a rescue. In a few minutes he learned that he was
a miserable coward despite his very successful life.
Whenever I take my pensive walks to Conimicut Point I will think
about Stephen A. Hayes and the qualities that can make human beings
rise above the level of rodents .
Sunday, May 17, 1998
Sportcaster might be fired !
I cannot describe myself as any kind of sports fan. But I'll
pick baseball - the " all American game " - as my favorite game to
watch. " But it's so BORING ! " a friend complained. " That's why I
like it ", I said. " It gives me time to think and solve my problems
while savoring that classic ball park atmosphere - the sights ,sounds,
noise and smells of Fenway Park in Boston. Watching the game on TV, I
still could get my life together.
Half listening to Yankee ball game on the radio last night, I
could not believe my ears when one of the sportscasters ( he said he
was 37 years old ) protested not just how BORING this particular game
was but how BORING baseball in general is for the younger fans!
I'm a great believer in FREE SPEECH but this man was clearly
undermining his JOB ! He may get a rude awakening from his " field
of dreams " !
You can't ALWAYS say exactly what is on your mind, Ask me !
pick baseball - the " all American game " - as my favorite game to
watch. " But it's so BORING ! " a friend complained. " That's why I
like it ", I said. " It gives me time to think and solve my problems
while savoring that classic ball park atmosphere - the sights ,sounds,
noise and smells of Fenway Park in Boston. Watching the game on TV, I
still could get my life together.
Half listening to Yankee ball game on the radio last night, I
could not believe my ears when one of the sportscasters ( he said he
was 37 years old ) protested not just how BORING this particular game
was but how BORING baseball in general is for the younger fans!
I'm a great believer in FREE SPEECH but this man was clearly
undermining his JOB ! He may get a rude awakening from his " field
of dreams " !
You can't ALWAYS say exactly what is on your mind, Ask me !
Saturday, May 16, 1998
Idiotic religious persecution bill
I hope Bill Clinton wisely vetoes it -if it ever gets to his desk :
the asinine religious persecution bill. It demands that the impossible:
that our government can make a fair judgment in the matter of the
persecution of religious minorities in foreign countries. What if the
" persecuted " minority are Moslems in Israel ? What if they are a
just a fanatical and violent cult ?
Is every form of religious lunacy sacrosanct ? How about a bill
protecting teachers of Darwinian evolution from religious cranks ?
A bill protecting rational non-believers everywhere ? Heretics and
infidels everywhere ?
Just plain EGGHEADS ? .... Eggheads of the world unite . You have
nothing to lose but your yolks !
the asinine religious persecution bill. It demands that the impossible:
that our government can make a fair judgment in the matter of the
persecution of religious minorities in foreign countries. What if the
" persecuted " minority are Moslems in Israel ? What if they are a
just a fanatical and violent cult ?
Is every form of religious lunacy sacrosanct ? How about a bill
protecting teachers of Darwinian evolution from religious cranks ?
A bill protecting rational non-believers everywhere ? Heretics and
infidels everywhere ?
Just plain EGGHEADS ? .... Eggheads of the world unite . You have
nothing to lose but your yolks !
Prisoner of war story ( May 14 )
If I had been among the audience at the Naval War College when
he spoke there, I too would have listened with rapt attention to
Porter Halyburton . He " suffered unspeakable dignities at the
hands of his North Vietnamese captors ... tortured, placed in
solitary confinement and fed food unfit for farm animals ."
( Providence Journal , May 14 , " From Suffering , Life Emerged " )
Years after his ordeal as a prisoner of war, he seemed to experience
a sort of epiphany reading existentialist psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's
book " Man's Search for Meaning ". Frankl learned in Nazi concentration
camps how to find meaning in the most extreme situations. More than
anything that would help you to survive.
His book -which I myself read while Halyburton was in North
Vietnam - is deeper than the rather shallow " When bad things happen
to good people ".
But just a foot note to balance the enemy atrocity story :
Last night I came across another prisoner of war story in " The
Wartime Journals of Charles Lindberg ".
On Wednesday , June 21, 1944 he writes about the sad fate of
a helpless Japanese prisoner of war. A sergeant complained that he
had no real experience fighting and " would like the chance to kill
at least one Jap before he went home ".
So the Jap prisoner was brought to him . " Here was his
opportunity". But he was too decent a fellow to kill the
man, a helpless prisoner.
But another soldier was made of " the right stuff ". He
offered the Jap a cigarette and a light. He had a puff or
two, the prisoner and then quickly and treacherously his throat
was " slit from ear to ear ".
Writes Lindberg : " The entire procedure was thoroughly approved
by the general giving the account."
In general WAR IS HELL !
he spoke there, I too would have listened with rapt attention to
Porter Halyburton . He " suffered unspeakable dignities at the
hands of his North Vietnamese captors ... tortured, placed in
solitary confinement and fed food unfit for farm animals ."
( Providence Journal , May 14 , " From Suffering , Life Emerged " )
Years after his ordeal as a prisoner of war, he seemed to experience
a sort of epiphany reading existentialist psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's
book " Man's Search for Meaning ". Frankl learned in Nazi concentration
camps how to find meaning in the most extreme situations. More than
anything that would help you to survive.
His book -which I myself read while Halyburton was in North
Vietnam - is deeper than the rather shallow " When bad things happen
to good people ".
But just a foot note to balance the enemy atrocity story :
Last night I came across another prisoner of war story in " The
Wartime Journals of Charles Lindberg ".
On Wednesday , June 21, 1944 he writes about the sad fate of
a helpless Japanese prisoner of war. A sergeant complained that he
had no real experience fighting and " would like the chance to kill
at least one Jap before he went home ".
So the Jap prisoner was brought to him . " Here was his
opportunity". But he was too decent a fellow to kill the
man, a helpless prisoner.
But another soldier was made of " the right stuff ". He
offered the Jap a cigarette and a light. He had a puff or
two, the prisoner and then quickly and treacherously his throat
was " slit from ear to ear ".
Writes Lindberg : " The entire procedure was thoroughly approved
by the general giving the account."
In general WAR IS HELL !
Friday, May 15, 1998
Israel at 50
I agree with your editorial " Israel at 50 " that this Jewish
state is an inspiration for any people or individuals fighting to
to survive. It literally has arisen from the ashes of the Holocaust-
which was no myth. It is also -despite its Jewish identity - a bastion
of Western Civilization in a region dominated by the dark influence
of the fanatical Islamic faith:
Hey, hey is that the Moslem Way ?
How many heads will you cut off
Today ?
But how can this nation finally find peace ? As your editorial
points out a permanent state of war is " a condition that no nation
can sustain indefinitely . "
I dare suggest that the Jewish state must gradually dissolve
its strictly Jewish identity. It should evolve into nation very much
like the United States. Most of us know how influential Christianity
is here . Many of us -wrongly - think we are a Christian nation.
Separation of Church and State makes genuine DEMOCRACY possible.
In romance novels we find that opposites often attract. There may
be many so called Jews in Israel today who are really half Arab .
If a Jewish man can fall in love with an Arab woman and live
happily ever after, what does that tell the state of Israel ?
May I recommend that the future prime minister of Israel be
one of those " bastard " Jews, with a nice Arab mother . There
are a lot of NICE ARABS you know ?
Like the legendary Solomon , a bastard prime minister- half
Arab, half Jew - will know instinctively how to DO THE RIGHT THING !
Shalom !
Thursday, May 14, 1998
The " victim " collects
Accuse three men of raping of you - wrongly according - to
a jury , continue to remain anonymous after the damage to the
" innocent " males is done ,and collect $20,000 in victim award
money from the state of Rhode Island.
This woman really is a bit of a hustler !
She is entitled to help from the state- if she needs it - for
legal bills and medical expenses. Maybe even $20,000, maybe more.
But not as " victim " of a non-crime whom the state failed to
protect. This woman , it seems now. was victim of her own bad
judgment . She was clearly an " accomplice " in the rape case.
The morning after she saw herself as a " victim " .
The state has ,in effect, paid her $20,000 for services
rendered .
a jury , continue to remain anonymous after the damage to the
" innocent " males is done ,and collect $20,000 in victim award
money from the state of Rhode Island.
This woman really is a bit of a hustler !
She is entitled to help from the state- if she needs it - for
legal bills and medical expenses. Maybe even $20,000, maybe more.
But not as " victim " of a non-crime whom the state failed to
protect. This woman , it seems now. was victim of her own bad
judgment . She was clearly an " accomplice " in the rape case.
The morning after she saw herself as a " victim " .
The state has ,in effect, paid her $20,000 for services
rendered .
Wednesday, May 13, 1998
Hearing Truths about Society
Good morning Froma - I have a theory that the reason even deeply
honest people cannot talk TOO honestly about Marriage & Family
issues is that most of them are married or divorced - and blunt
talk about the INSTITUTION may be mistaken tragically for an unloving
and uncaring attitude. It is the common experience of the race that
only a few people care about the individual -mostly just friends
and family. From strangers we expect just a measure of kindness ( " A
Street Car Named Desire " )
The more militant feminists diagnosed the FAMILY in general as
an oppressive institution. I am not a dogmatic Marxist - quite
frankly I don't know what can replace it, that is not an abomination
of human nature.
The family oppresses the male just as much as the female. A
child can be crushed by ignorant and stupid parents - yet must endure
their authority for nearly two decades.
The other day I observed a very young woman talking ignorantly and
viciously to her 4 year old kid. " The kid is doomed to a wretched
life ", I reflected.
Have a nice day anyway Froma !
honest people cannot talk TOO honestly about Marriage & Family
issues is that most of them are married or divorced - and blunt
talk about the INSTITUTION may be mistaken tragically for an unloving
and uncaring attitude. It is the common experience of the race that
only a few people care about the individual -mostly just friends
and family. From strangers we expect just a measure of kindness ( " A
Street Car Named Desire " )
The more militant feminists diagnosed the FAMILY in general as
an oppressive institution. I am not a dogmatic Marxist - quite
frankly I don't know what can replace it, that is not an abomination
of human nature.
The family oppresses the male just as much as the female. A
child can be crushed by ignorant and stupid parents - yet must endure
their authority for nearly two decades.
The other day I observed a very young woman talking ignorantly and
viciously to her 4 year old kid. " The kid is doomed to a wretched
life ", I reflected.
Have a nice day anyway Froma !
The Human Genome Research - awesome potential
The federal government simply MUST have the upper hand in its
vastly important project to " find and decode all 60,000 or more
genes in the human body . The $3-billion project is the moral
equivalent of the famous Manhattan Project that developed the first
atomic bomb : " The Italian navigator has entered the New World ! "
That was a cryptic message to announce physicist Enrico Fermi 's
successful - and perhaps highly dangerous nuclear fission experiment.
When the Human Genome project is completed we all will enter an
exciting and highly dangerous New World.
I remember in junior high school first learning about this mysterious
DNA -the raw material of genes. Its elegant structure quite simply
explained its reproductive function . I recall pictures of ecstatic
scientist gazing reverently at models of the " double helix " The
names Watson and Crick were etched in my memory . It was as if these
two young men had finally discovered the Holy Grail of bio-chemistry .
The fact that some 60,000 genes define a HUMAN BEING tells us
a great deal about old disputes. Racist ideas are immediately reduced
to the intellectual rubbish which sane people always rejected.
But what about class differences ? What about the difference
between the smart and the dumb, brave and the cowardly, the beautiful
and the ugly ? More significantly what about the genetic difference
between the good and the evil ?
What will we DO with the new knowledge ? Only a democratic
society - a VERY democratic society - can make wise decisions.
That is why I prefer the relatively democratic and idealistic
federal government to have the advantage in Human Genome research.
A private corporation like Perkin-Elmer can be trusted -in
the long run- only to do the PROFITABLE thing .
India goes nuclear -on Gandhi's 50th !
I never for a moment thought that the end of the Cold War
was the end of the Nuclear Age. Never in the long history of
" civilized " warfare has the latest technology been simply put
aside as a matter of " good sport ".
This morning's ominous headline : " India explodes H -bombs "
should awake us from our peaceful slumbers. It was of immediate
political consequence : headline USA TODAY - " India -Pakistan
tensions now have a hair trigger ".
The patron saint of modern pacifism, the great Indian Mohandas
Gandhi -still the most revered name in India -was assassinated
fifty years ago in 1948 . When disorder broke out in the volatile
Punjab region Gandhi " underwent a 72 hour fast to atone for
some Indians' loss of self control " (Encyclopedia Americana )
What would he do today ? Talk about a " loss of self-control " !
The Pakistan foreign minister, Gohar Ayub Khan , says India
has now " sucked Pakistan into an arms race ". He talks nonsense !
The United Nations can and should guarantee that no nuclear
war will be " won " on the Indian continent . It can treat India
at least as harshly as it treats Iraq .
was the end of the Nuclear Age. Never in the long history of
" civilized " warfare has the latest technology been simply put
aside as a matter of " good sport ".
This morning's ominous headline : " India explodes H -bombs "
should awake us from our peaceful slumbers. It was of immediate
political consequence : headline USA TODAY - " India -Pakistan
tensions now have a hair trigger ".
The patron saint of modern pacifism, the great Indian Mohandas
Gandhi -still the most revered name in India -was assassinated
fifty years ago in 1948 . When disorder broke out in the volatile
Punjab region Gandhi " underwent a 72 hour fast to atone for
some Indians' loss of self control " (Encyclopedia Americana )
What would he do today ? Talk about a " loss of self-control " !
The Pakistan foreign minister, Gohar Ayub Khan , says India
has now " sucked Pakistan into an arms race ". He talks nonsense !
The United Nations can and should guarantee that no nuclear
war will be " won " on the Indian continent . It can treat India
at least as harshly as it treats Iraq .
Monday, May 11, 1998
Two 1968 Memories
In a column today ( May 10 ) , Jonah Raskin, the author of
the " Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman " ( RIP Abbie! ) flashes back
to the most outstanding year in my personal memory - 1968, the Apocalypse
Now year . His column is poignantly titled : " If you were there, 1968
is you ". Being in my core mostly just an " observer of life "- even way
back then - I managed to stay out of all kinds of potential trouble. The
anti-war demonstrations I attended were big hearted and peaceful. But I
felt in the depths of my soul the " violence " of the year -a most
powerful " energy field of HISTORY ". Yes indeed " something is happening
here ". We were all going to heaven; we were all going to hell.
I remember while stretched out on a lawn cot the day after the
horrifying Democratic National Convention , deciding that I would not
vote for anybody on election day running for President of the United
States " Nixon, Humphrey, Wallace - don't make me puke ! "
I have changed a little. I now always vote in elections - even if
just for the lesser evil. There is too much " devil " in me not to
compromise with the DEVIL.
A very personal memory is being evicted from my college English
composition class. I had written an essay titled : " The Meaning of
the Hippies " . The professor waved in the air. Not even knowing me
he declared that I had plagiarized it. " We don't want people like
YOU in our class ! "
He was really a decent man and an excellent teacher. " You could
not SPELL half the words you used in this paper ! " he challenged me.
I went to the blackboard an spelled correctly all ten words he yelled
at me. Then I left the classroom, not humiliated but defiant.
Exiting I heard him say : " He was clever enough to to memorize
the words before he came to class this morning."
The matter was straightened out . I proved from my notes that
every sentence in the " radical " essay was my own. It is to write
half well when you FEEL DEEPLY about an issue. ( easy to write well )
That essay is still ME but it has disappeared . But somehow I
still feel that THEY do not want people LIKE ME in THEIR class !
the " Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman " ( RIP Abbie! ) flashes back
to the most outstanding year in my personal memory - 1968, the Apocalypse
Now year . His column is poignantly titled : " If you were there, 1968
is you ". Being in my core mostly just an " observer of life "- even way
back then - I managed to stay out of all kinds of potential trouble. The
anti-war demonstrations I attended were big hearted and peaceful. But I
felt in the depths of my soul the " violence " of the year -a most
powerful " energy field of HISTORY ". Yes indeed " something is happening
here ". We were all going to heaven; we were all going to hell.
I remember while stretched out on a lawn cot the day after the
horrifying Democratic National Convention , deciding that I would not
vote for anybody on election day running for President of the United
States " Nixon, Humphrey, Wallace - don't make me puke ! "
I have changed a little. I now always vote in elections - even if
just for the lesser evil. There is too much " devil " in me not to
compromise with the DEVIL.
A very personal memory is being evicted from my college English
composition class. I had written an essay titled : " The Meaning of
the Hippies " . The professor waved in the air. Not even knowing me
he declared that I had plagiarized it. " We don't want people like
YOU in our class ! "
He was really a decent man and an excellent teacher. " You could
not SPELL half the words you used in this paper ! " he challenged me.
I went to the blackboard an spelled correctly all ten words he yelled
at me. Then I left the classroom, not humiliated but defiant.
Exiting I heard him say : " He was clever enough to to memorize
the words before he came to class this morning."
The matter was straightened out . I proved from my notes that
every sentence in the " radical " essay was my own. It is to write
half well when you FEEL DEEPLY about an issue. ( easy to write well )
That essay is still ME but it has disappeared . But somehow I
still feel that THEY do not want people LIKE ME in THEIR class !
Sunday, May 10, 1998
Medical care as needed as car care !
The subject of medical care in labyrinthine in its confusion and
complexities. I have always believed that -in general - medical care,
a reasonable amount of it that is - is quite simply a fundamental
human right. If you are a HUMAN BEING you qualify for it!
But in this brief letter I must indulge in victim bashing, even
with a heavy heart.
I know quite a few people myself who have no medical insurance. It
magnifies their paranoia about any health problem. The wise insurance
companies -and ruthless - know that most of the time, most of our
medical problems are minor. It is just like cars -always some little
People with no health insurance often don't hesitate to come up
with hundreds of dollars every few months for car repairs. After all
a car is necessity of life! But life itself is also -excuse the wisecrack-
a necessity of life.
Take a man with no health insurance who seems to have a minor eye
infection. He avoids seeking any treatment at all because he is embarassed
about his lack of coverage. Also, what if it is more serious ?
An honest doctor would probably treat and cure the problem for
$50.00 . But no, they dare not approach a high priest of medicine
unless fully prepared for catastrophic diagnosis.
Does this behavior make any sense ? Are our cars more important
than our bodies ?
complexities. I have always believed that -in general - medical care,
a reasonable amount of it that is - is quite simply a fundamental
human right. If you are a HUMAN BEING you qualify for it!
But in this brief letter I must indulge in victim bashing, even
with a heavy heart.
I know quite a few people myself who have no medical insurance. It
magnifies their paranoia about any health problem. The wise insurance
companies -and ruthless - know that most of the time, most of our
medical problems are minor. It is just like cars -always some little
People with no health insurance often don't hesitate to come up
with hundreds of dollars every few months for car repairs. After all
a car is necessity of life! But life itself is also -excuse the wisecrack-
a necessity of life.
Take a man with no health insurance who seems to have a minor eye
infection. He avoids seeking any treatment at all because he is embarassed
about his lack of coverage. Also, what if it is more serious ?
An honest doctor would probably treat and cure the problem for
$50.00 . But no, they dare not approach a high priest of medicine
unless fully prepared for catastrophic diagnosis.
Does this behavior make any sense ? Are our cars more important
than our bodies ?
Saturday, May 9, 1998
A spaghetti " special "
Several days a week I usually have the " breakfast special " at
a New York System restaurant in downtown Providence, right near the
public library . Ted, the manager, quickly serves me two eggs over -
medium with home fries, rye toast and coffee - always just two dollars.
But yesterday I arrived a little to late for my usual breakfast. A
young waitress quickly suggested to me the lunch special- "spaghetti
and meatball with power ball ( a lottery ) . I was thinking of American
chop suey -usually about $4.00. But I quickly decided for the " power
ball special ", though I never -on principle - gamble.
For a modest restaurant Ted's meat sauce was quite good -" better
than the Mayor 's Own ", I complimented him . ( Mayor Cianci has a little
business on the side ) . I paid no attention to the price until I was
at the cash register. I expected the " special " would cost about as
much as American chop suey. Surprise ! " Six dollars ", Ted tells
me. Just a moment of " shock " as I considered the power ball ticket.
I only had about $7.00 in my bill fold ! I did not study the numbers
on the power ball ticket.
This morning I ripped it up, again without looking at it . It was
the principle of the thing. But I am not mad at Ted .
a New York System restaurant in downtown Providence, right near the
public library . Ted, the manager, quickly serves me two eggs over -
medium with home fries, rye toast and coffee - always just two dollars.
But yesterday I arrived a little to late for my usual breakfast. A
young waitress quickly suggested to me the lunch special- "spaghetti
and meatball with power ball ( a lottery ) . I was thinking of American
chop suey -usually about $4.00. But I quickly decided for the " power
ball special ", though I never -on principle - gamble.
For a modest restaurant Ted's meat sauce was quite good -" better
than the Mayor 's Own ", I complimented him . ( Mayor Cianci has a little
business on the side ) . I paid no attention to the price until I was
at the cash register. I expected the " special " would cost about as
much as American chop suey. Surprise ! " Six dollars ", Ted tells
me. Just a moment of " shock " as I considered the power ball ticket.
I only had about $7.00 in my bill fold ! I did not study the numbers
on the power ball ticket.
This morning I ripped it up, again without looking at it . It was
the principle of the thing. But I am not mad at Ted .
Friday, May 8, 1998
Honk for Jesus !
Perhaps I'll drive by city hall around noontime to see the
circus. God bless H.L Mencken ! He had the drooling religious fanatics
figured out decades ago. They have organized yet another National Day
of Prayer. I guess that is why bad things happen to good people- even
their God gets sick of them !
I read in the Warwick Beacon this morning ( May 7 ) this fatuous
headline : " Prayer Day aims to cleanse society ". The story is by
Patrick Luce. I can't blame the reporter for being assigned to interview
religious crackpots and fanatics - like Kathy Davenport and Armand
Boucher. ( the latter lead an Elmer Gantry type crusade to rid West
Warwick of those filthy strip clubs - which I confess I miss )
Perhaps Mayor Lincoln Chafee will show up to honor this " work
of the Lord ". There may be a critical vote or two in the pious
I'll admit our society is morally confused and I've been doing
my damned best to straighten it out . But it is not easy, with the
" brain drain " and all.
In the Beacon we read the usual drivel from the Jesus Junkies :
" If people pray together it will make the prayers stronger ". For
what purpose - to bend the will of the Almighty? It is as if they
imagine a completely capricious God - in the image of an oriental
despot. Tyrant that He is, he may give in to the vociferous mob
or at least His Mother will put pressure on him to DO THE RIGHT
Cynics have been way too polite in their public discussions
of the " opium of the people " . Our contempt for them deserves
the literary equivalent of the King James Version .
The latest astronomical news about a vast cosmic event suggest
that our world could perish in an huge explosion of LAUGHING GAS !
Perhaps the Creator will have the last laugh, after all .
Thursday, May 7, 1998
Swiss Guard murder & Shakespeare
The recent story of the murder - inside the Vatican - of the Swiss
Guard commander, Alois Estermann and his wife - this " moment of madness "
and then equally mad self-destruction by the 23 year old Cedrich Tornay -
apart from shocking us also helps explain why we still read William
Shakespeare 's plays. The oldest human emotions endure through the
centuries - despite all the technical " progress ".
Tornay had received an insufferable blow to his ego from the
commander - a reprimand for a commonplace folly of youth - being
out all night with responsibilities to face the next day.
Tornay notes that his name is omitted from the " honorable
service " list - no ego-boasting medal for him, a young man protecting
Christ's vicar on earth. But Estermann himself the good Pope appoints
commander, a position his humble social status by tradition should
make unattainable. To be humiliated and reprimanded by a low -life,
who just happened to be at the Pope's side on a very evil day when
he was shot by Communist conspirators.
The medieval aspects of the story are also worthy of Shakespeare.
Why must the commander of the Swiss Guard be of noble birth ? What
anachronistic snobbery so near the year 2000 !
And why must the Swiss Guard be all Swiss. Remember that it
was no longer thought terribly important for the Pope himself to
be Italian . Logically -tradition is seldom logical - it is no more
necessary for the pope's Guard to be all Swiss then it is for our
cheese .
Then if LIFE itself were logical there would be no emotional need
for Shakespeare . It would not be " a tale told by an idiot ... "
Guard commander, Alois Estermann and his wife - this " moment of madness "
and then equally mad self-destruction by the 23 year old Cedrich Tornay -
apart from shocking us also helps explain why we still read William
Shakespeare 's plays. The oldest human emotions endure through the
centuries - despite all the technical " progress ".
Tornay had received an insufferable blow to his ego from the
commander - a reprimand for a commonplace folly of youth - being
out all night with responsibilities to face the next day.
Tornay notes that his name is omitted from the " honorable
service " list - no ego-boasting medal for him, a young man protecting
Christ's vicar on earth. But Estermann himself the good Pope appoints
commander, a position his humble social status by tradition should
make unattainable. To be humiliated and reprimanded by a low -life,
who just happened to be at the Pope's side on a very evil day when
he was shot by Communist conspirators.
The medieval aspects of the story are also worthy of Shakespeare.
Why must the commander of the Swiss Guard be of noble birth ? What
anachronistic snobbery so near the year 2000 !
And why must the Swiss Guard be all Swiss. Remember that it
was no longer thought terribly important for the Pope himself to
be Italian . Logically -tradition is seldom logical - it is no more
necessary for the pope's Guard to be all Swiss then it is for our
cheese .
Then if LIFE itself were logical there would be no emotional need
for Shakespeare . It would not be " a tale told by an idiot ... "
The Merriam Webster " nigger "
Activists are complaining about the Merriam Webster definition
of the " most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English " -
the word " nigger ". They say the dictionary fails the political
correctness test because the word is " a racial slur ,not a noun ".
I learned in elementary school how the science of grammar classifies
words - nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs.. . Do the political correct
wish to re-write the rules of grammar ?
I suggest that the over-sensitive black scholars campaign first
of all to get black people themselves from calling one another " nigger ".
Nowadays I hear the word most frequently on black lips. I just read in
the Providence Journal the other day how strange we " crackers " find
this self-derision.
Also it is a simple fact that people in the habit of consulting
dictionaries for the precise definition of words appreciate the
English language, and avoid vulgarities in their everyday conversation.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary is INNOCENT of promoting racism ,
even unintentionally .
of the " most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English " -
the word " nigger ". They say the dictionary fails the political
correctness test because the word is " a racial slur ,not a noun ".
I learned in elementary school how the science of grammar classifies
words - nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs.. . Do the political correct
wish to re-write the rules of grammar ?
I suggest that the over-sensitive black scholars campaign first
of all to get black people themselves from calling one another " nigger ".
Nowadays I hear the word most frequently on black lips. I just read in
the Providence Journal the other day how strange we " crackers " find
this self-derision.
Also it is a simple fact that people in the habit of consulting
dictionaries for the precise definition of words appreciate the
English language, and avoid vulgarities in their everyday conversation.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary is INNOCENT of promoting racism ,
even unintentionally .
S-T-R-E-S-S in kindergarten !
Odd little stories like this tend to make me less sympathetic
to teacher unions .I recall Leon Trotsky in his auto-biography " My
Life "observing that the teaching profession attracts an inordinate
number of " freaks ". For too many pupils they are still the soul
destroying oppressors of youth. Unions protect these " freaks " !
The odd little story: My six year old niece Kate came home crying
from the Budlong Elementary School in Cranston. The area is fairly
affluent, so one would expect that finding half decent teachers is no
big problem.
Why was Kate crying ? Apparently she failed to grasp some fundamental
principle of ECOLOGY ! Political Correctness ,it seems, demands that
kindergarten pupils grasp abstruse " environmental " relationships
even if- like my very normal and lovable Kate - they would rather be
" studying " the wonderful land of Oz with its wizard and munchkins
and poor Dorothy and the tin man, and the cowardly lion and the wicked
witch .
Kate was retarded and IMAGINATIVE enough to draw a tree coming out
of the sea. The teacher, I hear, marked it with an X ! I guess some
kids just don't get it, the teacher must of told herself.
You would think that kindergarten teacher - even if unfit for the
job -would at least be KIND !
My nephew might call her ( I do not approve ) a " tree hugging hippie "
Has this old maid of fifty ever hugged a child ?
to teacher unions .I recall Leon Trotsky in his auto-biography " My
Life "observing that the teaching profession attracts an inordinate
number of " freaks ". For too many pupils they are still the soul
destroying oppressors of youth. Unions protect these " freaks " !
The odd little story: My six year old niece Kate came home crying
from the Budlong Elementary School in Cranston. The area is fairly
affluent, so one would expect that finding half decent teachers is no
big problem.
Why was Kate crying ? Apparently she failed to grasp some fundamental
principle of ECOLOGY ! Political Correctness ,it seems, demands that
kindergarten pupils grasp abstruse " environmental " relationships
even if- like my very normal and lovable Kate - they would rather be
" studying " the wonderful land of Oz with its wizard and munchkins
and poor Dorothy and the tin man, and the cowardly lion and the wicked
witch .
Kate was retarded and IMAGINATIVE enough to draw a tree coming out
of the sea. The teacher, I hear, marked it with an X ! I guess some
kids just don't get it, the teacher must of told herself.
You would think that kindergarten teacher - even if unfit for the
job -would at least be KIND !
My nephew might call her ( I do not approve ) a " tree hugging hippie "
Has this old maid of fifty ever hugged a child ?
Wednesday, May 6, 1998
R. Healey and R.I brain drain
I share R.Healey's concern about the Rhode Island " brain drain ",
expressed this morning ( May 5 ) in the Warwick Beacon. Is the problem
more acute perhaps in Warwick ?
" We must not let these educated individuals leave the state ", he
warns . And how does " brainy " Rhode Island try to deal with this
rather embarrassing problem ?
How do we keep the intelligent in the state ? I read on the front
page of the Providence Journal today that a national study shows we
have absolutely the WORST ROADS in the USA - and also we pay more
than any other state to keep them that way .
Apart from roads , though, there is the airport and the railways .
I recently told a friend that the best thing about Rhode Island nowadays
is how fast you can get out of it !
So the Road Block idea won't work ! The intelligent will escape
anyway !
expressed this morning ( May 5 ) in the Warwick Beacon. Is the problem
more acute perhaps in Warwick ?
" We must not let these educated individuals leave the state ", he
warns . And how does " brainy " Rhode Island try to deal with this
rather embarrassing problem ?
How do we keep the intelligent in the state ? I read on the front
page of the Providence Journal today that a national study shows we
have absolutely the WORST ROADS in the USA - and also we pay more
than any other state to keep them that way .
Apart from roads , though, there is the airport and the railways .
I recently told a friend that the best thing about Rhode Island nowadays
is how fast you can get out of it !
So the Road Block idea won't work ! The intelligent will escape
anyway !
Bill Gates can't buy culture !
Just the other day I read about a " class " offered exclusively
to the super-rich - naturally - on intelligent philanthropy: how to
rid themselves of their burdensome wealth wisely if not profitably.
Today I read that Microsoft chairman has just paid more than
$30 million for Winslow Homer's American painting masterpiece " Lost
on the Grand Banks ", a major seascape still left in private hands.
Bill Gates can buy " priceless " paintings but he can't buy real
culture. Any two bit psychologist can see through such mega-purchases
of fine art. A narrowly focused " genius " like gates -or maybe just an
" idiot savant " Gates - probably sensed that he had failed to become
truly " cultured " during his dizzying climb to the economic heights.
The $30 million purchase only advertises his " poor soul ". He
knows better than anybody else when contemplating himself honestly :
" There is not much here ! " Even in his special field of computer
technology, I'll bet that there are at least 100 undergraduates right
now at MIT more gifted than he ever was. He was in truth one of the
lucky pioneers . His likes were around in the early days of radio and
If Gates had a little more heart , he would realize that $30 million
could help support hundreds of LIVING artists in the United States.
He would not recognize a contemporary Winslow Homer !
What can be more ridiculous than " possessing " a great work of
art anyway ? Do you acquire the right to prevent the public from
enjoying it ? Do you ultimately make more money on it, money the
artist himself never even imagined having ?
How profoundly ironic : the world's most insensitive souls
hoarding great works of exquisitely sensitive artists !
Perhaps there is a portrait of Bill Gates hidden in some
talented artist's attic, done in shades of Dorian Gray !
to the super-rich - naturally - on intelligent philanthropy: how to
rid themselves of their burdensome wealth wisely if not profitably.
Today I read that Microsoft chairman has just paid more than
$30 million for Winslow Homer's American painting masterpiece " Lost
on the Grand Banks ", a major seascape still left in private hands.
Bill Gates can buy " priceless " paintings but he can't buy real
culture. Any two bit psychologist can see through such mega-purchases
of fine art. A narrowly focused " genius " like gates -or maybe just an
" idiot savant " Gates - probably sensed that he had failed to become
truly " cultured " during his dizzying climb to the economic heights.
The $30 million purchase only advertises his " poor soul ". He
knows better than anybody else when contemplating himself honestly :
" There is not much here ! " Even in his special field of computer
technology, I'll bet that there are at least 100 undergraduates right
now at MIT more gifted than he ever was. He was in truth one of the
lucky pioneers . His likes were around in the early days of radio and
If Gates had a little more heart , he would realize that $30 million
could help support hundreds of LIVING artists in the United States.
He would not recognize a contemporary Winslow Homer !
What can be more ridiculous than " possessing " a great work of
art anyway ? Do you acquire the right to prevent the public from
enjoying it ? Do you ultimately make more money on it, money the
artist himself never even imagined having ?
How profoundly ironic : the world's most insensitive souls
hoarding great works of exquisitely sensitive artists !
Perhaps there is a portrait of Bill Gates hidden in some
talented artist's attic, done in shades of Dorian Gray !
Tuesday, May 5, 1998
What would Mr.Metcalf think ?
I just read Rena Pederson ( Dallas Morning News editor ) in
Providence Journal this morning. The topic: God's own program for
reforming " robbers, murderers, and drug dealers " and slightly
reducing the recidivism ." Prison Fellowship ", the enthusiastic
sponsors of " InnerChange " reports marvelous results in Sao Paulo, Brazil
-of all places ! ( I would love to read the Amnesty International report
on these very same " salvation " prisons.
Since the " InnerChange " program takes at least 18 months to work
its wonders, the self-respecting prisoners would not want to be in jail
for any less time.
Hallelujah! The Providence Journal once staid editorial page now
has the effervescence of a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader squad !
What would the sober and wise, Mr. Michael Metcalf, think about
the New Regime at 75 Fountain Street ?
Providence Journal this morning. The topic: God's own program for
reforming " robbers, murderers, and drug dealers " and slightly
reducing the recidivism ." Prison Fellowship ", the enthusiastic
sponsors of " InnerChange " reports marvelous results in Sao Paulo, Brazil
-of all places ! ( I would love to read the Amnesty International report
on these very same " salvation " prisons.
Since the " InnerChange " program takes at least 18 months to work
its wonders, the self-respecting prisoners would not want to be in jail
for any less time.
Hallelujah! The Providence Journal once staid editorial page now
has the effervescence of a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader squad !
What would the sober and wise, Mr. Michael Metcalf, think about
the New Regime at 75 Fountain Street ?
New Reagan building - a cathedral of Big Government
Believing in Big Government myself, I have no quarrel with the
$818 million dollar Reagan building - housing those loathed federal
bureaucracy workers and soon to be dedicated by President Clinton.
How beautifully ironic ! My newspaper shows me a view of its
enormous atrium, 10 stories and covered by a barrel vaulted ceiling
with an acre of glass. " A watershed of tax payer waste ", complains
Pete Sepp of the National Taxpayers Union.
These horrified tax payers should learn from the ancient world-
Egypt, Greece, Rome - the significance of grandeur in architecture.
All those monumental buildings that are still standing -like the
great Colosseum in Rome or the Egyptian pyramids , the Parthenon in
Athens- bind us psychologically to these once magnificent civilizations.
One reason we don't care much anymore about ancient Carthage - a
city of craven merchants - is that the Roman military utterly
destroyed it. Probably most of the edifices were strictly utilitarian
anyway -worthy of narrow minded bean counters.
Ordinary people think differently in different dwellings. If
you want a peasant to think like a feudal lord, house him in
a castle. If you want an atheist to think like a priest employ him
in a cathedral. If you want a pacifist to think like a general let
him study the art of " peace keeping " in the Pentagon.
Likewise the near illiterate might develop a fondness for books
while killing time in the more elegant libraries.
Time spent in those dreadful old prison buildings might inspire
the young punk to be a real Wise Guy !
Monday, May 4, 1998
Patinkin on Having Gray Hair
I was in truth rather painfully amused by Mark Patinkin's
observations today ( May 3 ) on how people respond to rapidly
graying hair- a " problem " for most men beginning in their late
thirties. Forget " distinguished " to describe your modified
appearance. Most of the time it is just a fading rat look. If
it is accompanied by the "look of success "-it may arouse the
the "interest " of the more available members of the opposite sex.
Before long he will be receiving tenacious reminders from insurance
companies not to neglect the inevitable bill for his own funeral.Even
before you have made your " mark " in the world!
Those teenage girls who call you " sir " would scandalize their
peers by getting too friendly with an older " creep " of 25 .
The world regretfully is indeed very age conscious.Every story in
a newspaper tells us - often irrelevantly - how old somebody is.
" Miss Prudy , age 39, is an expert on flowers. But some flowers
never blossom ! "
Console yourself Mark- aging is still harder on women .I suspect
that many quite charming women actually go into hiding : " I just
want to be alone ! " - the Greta Garbo line- expresses their melancholy
outlook on the inevitable.
observations today ( May 3 ) on how people respond to rapidly
graying hair- a " problem " for most men beginning in their late
thirties. Forget " distinguished " to describe your modified
appearance. Most of the time it is just a fading rat look. If
it is accompanied by the "look of success "-it may arouse the
the "interest " of the more available members of the opposite sex.
Before long he will be receiving tenacious reminders from insurance
companies not to neglect the inevitable bill for his own funeral.Even
before you have made your " mark " in the world!
Those teenage girls who call you " sir " would scandalize their
peers by getting too friendly with an older " creep " of 25 .
The world regretfully is indeed very age conscious.Every story in
a newspaper tells us - often irrelevantly - how old somebody is.
" Miss Prudy , age 39, is an expert on flowers. But some flowers
never blossom ! "
Console yourself Mark- aging is still harder on women .I suspect
that many quite charming women actually go into hiding : " I just
want to be alone ! " - the Greta Garbo line- expresses their melancholy
outlook on the inevitable.
Sunday, May 3, 1998
Professorial rubbish from Ken Starr!
On Law Day a professorial Kenneth Starr ominously -and fatuously -
reminds us that nobody is above the law. Remember Nixon ?
I wonder what side of the fence Starr was on when " Watergate " was
a burning issue. The comparison between Clinton and Nixon can only be
taken seriously by very professorial cretins, operating with barren
legal abstractions. In any democracy in the final analysis- democracy
itself must be ABOVE THE LAW !
Nixon seemed more odious to the American public because his illegal
acts undermined our " democracy ". All legal gibberish we read involving
Clinton's conduct fail to strike a cord with most of us. Why ? Because
quite simply we ask : " Where's the beef ? "
" Whitewater " in contrast to Watergate is an utterly soporific
" scandal ". Where are the aggrieved VICTIMS ? And what is the significance
of a 20 year old petty " crime " for the nation, a " crime " that would
bore the most assiduous Certified Public Accountant ?
Behind Mr. Starr's professorial drivel is political animosity. He too
is not above the law. But he is,it seems,above COMMON SENSE !
reminds us that nobody is above the law. Remember Nixon ?
I wonder what side of the fence Starr was on when " Watergate " was
a burning issue. The comparison between Clinton and Nixon can only be
taken seriously by very professorial cretins, operating with barren
legal abstractions. In any democracy in the final analysis- democracy
itself must be ABOVE THE LAW !
Nixon seemed more odious to the American public because his illegal
acts undermined our " democracy ". All legal gibberish we read involving
Clinton's conduct fail to strike a cord with most of us. Why ? Because
quite simply we ask : " Where's the beef ? "
" Whitewater " in contrast to Watergate is an utterly soporific
" scandal ". Where are the aggrieved VICTIMS ? And what is the significance
of a 20 year old petty " crime " for the nation, a " crime " that would
bore the most assiduous Certified Public Accountant ?
Behind Mr. Starr's professorial drivel is political animosity. He too
is not above the law. But he is,it seems,above COMMON SENSE !
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