Thursday, April 23, 1998

On mother kicking !

I was first introduced to the ROTTEN LITTLE KID  -not in real life

        but in the movies - when I was just about that news making brat's age.

       I always knew that things would suddenly " escalate " in a " very tense

      situation " and that the  rotten kid's poor mother would get a good, ins

      instructive kick in the leg. Her anguish  provoked the laughter of the

      audience. One NEVER expected the police to arrive on the scene and actually

       arrest the brat.

           Miami  Circuit Judge , Thomas Petersen -commenting on the arrest of

       ten year old Andrew Perkins - said that in the juvenile justice system

      COMMON SENSE is being obliterated completely by " policies and fear of

      political repercussions ".

           We have become an insanely LITIGIOUS society in the past few decades

      and this reality is corrupting every level of society. I have very liberal,

      even radical ideas about the WAY THINGS SHOULD BE. But I know that the

      courtroom is the wrong place to deal with every affront to our dignity

       and sense of justice.

         A boorish man brushes up to to a female secretary at a bubbler : Was

       she HARASSED ? I'll see the creep in court ! she decides .

         A blue collar worker spends a great deal of his time trying to arrange

       an " accident " on the floor of his work place. Honesty is for jerks. He

     - like ALL THE OTHERS - is just looking for the main chance.

         On the bus I observe quite a few people innocently trying to  get run

       over - hoping that a fat law suit will guarantee them at least a few

       HAPPY DAYS .

         In a hospital a kind and competent nurse is being terrified by cold

       nursing supervisor over that supremely important PAPER WORK. WHY ? Is

      the ice cold supervisor more concerned about the patient  than the kind

      nurse ? No, she is just more responsible in law suits !

           We truly create our very own HELL !

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