[Vincent said a national search is necessary because the top
brass of the state police currently lacks any women or minorities in a
position to apply for the job. "We need a national search so that Rhode
Island can get the best possible superintendent.’’ ]

Fatuous Democrat " identity politics " makes even less sense here in the search for a new head of the Rhode Island State Police. Would you not want this person to be very much connected to Rhode Island ?
The race or gender of public officials in capitalist America is irrelevant to social justice issues that concern working class Americans. Hillary Clinton just smeared the working class supporters of Republican Donald Trump as being mostly " deplorable " types.
Whatever their race or gender " ambitious " people in America will serve what sociologist C. Wright Mills called " The Power Elite ". Not for nothing the black bourgeoisie loves " identity politics ". But what would Malcolm X think of the black bourgeoisie ?
Image result for Jim Vincent of NAACP
Jim Vincent of Rhode Island NAACP