---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <rlnruggieri@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 3:21 PM
Subject: THE LAW in " OUR democracy " is sacrosanct ?
To: <radicalron72647.winston@blogger.com>
From: Ron Ruggieri <rlnruggieri@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 3:21 PM
Subject: THE LAW in " OUR democracy " is sacrosanct ?
To: <radicalron72647.winston@blogger.com>
The arrogant billionaire, Ethan Grayson , has only sinned against the code of preserving ILLUSION of the role of LAW in " OUR democracy ". Karl Marx got it right way back in 1848 : The LAW is never above the collective will of the ruling capitalist class. As crude as plutocrat Trump is he could see that THE LAW ( and quite a mob of shyster lawyers attached to the Democratic Party ") was out to " get Trump " even while seeming lawless in the process. The American plutocracy is not always one big harmonious happy family . Today they are divided rather weirdly into WOKE and ANTI-WOKE . The LAW under the sacrosanct ( for whom ? ) American Constitution will never in any ruling acknowledge the CLASS STRUCTURE of American society. So both a homeless pauper and a drunken millionaire can be fined $1000.00 for sleeping under a bridge. Do any college students in " OUR democracy " ever acquire critical thinking skills on the nature of our society before - or after-graduating ? How many visible and vocal iconoclasts are welcomed into any profession held " respectable " in " OUR democracy " ?
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