A little bleary hard to read without a magnifier but this is a list of all our mostly friendly and well known to us neighbors on California Ave. in the Washington Park neighborhood of Providence circa 1960 . Our phone number at 315 California Ave. was HO 1-5807 ( a lucky number ? )
***** ****
[Remembering controversial Rhode Island radio personality Steve White. His family lived down the street from us on California Avenue in Providence. I see a 20 year old Steve (Wight) chatting with my father in front of our 315 California Avenue home: how can I get into radio Don? At the time my father was employed by WEAN. Steve also had a job at The Palace Theater in Washington Park. As an usher his job was to kick out punks after shining a flashlight in their faces.Circa 1957. Steve's brother Jeffrey was a Providence police detective. A very nice family]
Remembering Steve White on Rhode Island Talk Radio 256 California Ave.
[ "The late Steve White, former RI talk host and general drunken agitator, during one of his last shows on WALE 990am. This is Steve on his best behavior (although I was in the studio with him and can attest: he was still seriously drunk." ] ETA: Is it me, or does his first caller sound exactly like Little Edie from Grey Gardens? [ "THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this, Sir! This is wonderful- RIP Steve White." ] Posted 7 years ago
The Walsh family - 232 Califirnia Ave :
Patricia Walsh and her fine family lived down the street from us (315 California Ave. in Providence ) at the corner of Virginia and California Avenue. Of course the whole neighborhood was shocked when they read about the pretty young girl - murdered by the drug crazed Antone Costa in Provincetown, on Cape Cod.I used to play touch football in the street with her brother, Dennis whom I remembered as a lively, joking athletic type. Danny Barclay - now a Providence Police detective - was one of his chums. Patricia Walsh now and then gave the California Ave. gang a ride in her light blue Volkswagen -which a while back I recognized in a magazine article. She seemed the vivacious type , still with a mild case of adolescent acne. I think I heard it from Dan that Patrician's parents had turned her bedroom into a shrine - left unchanged for years. And from Dan that Dennis responded to the fiendish murder of his sister with lyrics from the Beatles : " Let it be... let it be.. I may have bumped into Dennis a few years ago, but I simply was not prepared to discuss the events of 30 years ago.The Walsh family were members of the St. Paul's Church parish.
Trial and imprisonment
" On June 12, 1969, Costa was arraigned on charges of murder for three of the deaths.[10] In May 1970, he was convicted for the murders of Wysocki and Walsh and sentenced to life in prison at Massachusetts' Walpole Correctional Institution. On May 12, 1974, Costa died from an apparent suicide by hanging in his cell,[2] though this was later questioned[by whom?] as a possible murder. "[9]
Costa's account
" [Costa described the murders of Walsh and Wysocki in his unpublished novel, Resurrection, written while he was in prison. In his account, Costa and a friend identified by the pseudonym "Carl" were consuming LSD and Dilaudid with the two women. Carl then shot Walsh and Wysocki. Costa claimed he was able to subdue his friend, and upon realizing that Wysocki was still alive, used a knife to end her suffering. According to Costa, he and Carl then buried the bodies.[8] The novel also describes the deaths of Susan Perry and Sydney Monzon as being due to drug overdoses. Costa claims it was Carl who dismembered and buried their bodies, and that he had no knowledge of it until after their deaths.[4]
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