Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Atheists Rip CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM Apart For 1 Hour

The New Atheists definitely have a political agenda-indeed quite a reactionary one : they are ALL shills for Israeli Zionism, American imperialism, and global capitalism. You can be sure that God Hating in this world will not become an epidemic. Given STATE power the New Atheist Cult would create a regime very similar the STALINIST nightmare in the old Soviet Union- only minus the " socialism " . As a longtime independent democratic socialist I concluded long ago that the biggest mistake of the Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM . It was making itself a dreary , godless, " officially atheist " tyranny.. The New Atheist roadshow will at most attract significant numbers of neurotic petty bourgeois intellectuals and permanently sophomoric college students, who will form a " community " that will remain in the pockets of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party here in " OUR democracy " USA . Like the LGBTQ+ " community ". You can be sure that the HUMAN in human beings will never worship the " God Particle " or some future " scientific" revelation " Son of God Particle " !. Leave it to " village atheist " type eccentrics to form the " Church of the Big Bang " !

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