Friday, February 28, 2025

The Rise of Atheism Explained | United Kingdom Atheist Study

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I must ask just what this militant New Atheism Cult would inspire us to do in" OUR democracy " ? Does militant atheism make people better citizens and better soldiers in war time ? Better family men ? Better wives and husbands ? How many homeless shelters and food banks are set up by the more pious members of the " Church of the Big Bang " ? How do the New Atheists stand on global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism for which they seem to be shills for all three ? Vociferous in " God Hatred ", the New Atheism seems to have a very weak HUMANIST social conscience ? And hearts as cold as that "cosmic backround radiation " in intergalactic space , in one of the Great Dark Voids . And a for a little less than 100 dollars you can buy two New Atheism booster T-shirts ! Perhaps a future New Atheism T-shirt will feature the " Son of God Particle " ?

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