Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Seth Meyers' Biden joke from special has Jake Tapper cracking up
Why does the secular ZIONIST Jew controlled news media in " OUR democracy " hate so much MAGA Republican, right wing blowhard Donald Trump ? " Racist " Trump is more popular in APARTHEID Israel than WOKE WARRIOR " liberal " Democrat Kamala Harris . I have the answer as a longtime independent democratic socialist . But I will give my fellow Americans a chance to think for themselves about this .
House of ghastly distinction ready for Halloween in my Knightsville, Cra...
The owner of this house in my Knightsville neighborhood a short distance from St. Mary's Catholic Church and St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery invested much ghoulish spirit in this Halloween display more than a month before the eldritch day of October 31. Will the kids in the neighborhood expect more TRICK or TREATS at this sinister door ? Maybe the creative owner could also pipe in some haunting music- like from the scary scary movie " The Exorcist " ? Or the music from the ghastly prom scene in the Stephen King movie " Carrie " ? Or the eerie organ music from the classic horror film " Carnival of Souls " ? I passed this house on returning now in the pitch dark from my routine Twilight Walk . This time you might say my Twilight Zone Walk . And I sight " the sign post up ahead " . It just says DEAD END in front of my Rand Manor apartment building.
Some Cranston Rhode Island neighborhoods go all out for spooky Halloween
My short You tube video of front lawn Halloween displays in my Knightsville, Cranston neighborhood already has 513 views.
How the Republican Supreme Court may have helped the Democrats win the e...
The example of renegade WOKE WARRIOR " liberal " Democrat Alan Dershowitz only highlights the ideological brawl ( sometimes physical as on Jan.6 , 2021 and possibly post- Election 2024 ) within the American plutocracy. The " Old Money " WASP wing is increasingly resentful of the " New Money " and " Deep State " ZIONIST Jew wing . Ironically, " racist " Donald Trump is more popular in APARTHEID Israel than " liberal " Democrat Kamala Harris.
So why is Trump so loathed by the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " ( which also loathes TRUTH in expressed public opinion which THEY invariably censor ) ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist I suspect that Trump during his longtime swindling business career out-swindled too many swindling millionaire- billionaire ZIONIST Jews. And that is unforgivable in the " goyim " !
Israeli strike on northern Gaza: At least 93 Palestinians killed in Beit...
The ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of APARTHEID Israel, is only guaranteeing that so called " Jew hatred" in the whole wide world will increase exponentially. The very opposite development from "NEVER AGAIN ! " .
And since Israeli Zionism and American imperialism are together forever, American soldiers stationed anywhere in the world will feel this hatred. As they did during the criminal Vietnam War ( which they lost ! ) .
Known ZIONIST Jews travelling anywhere on the planet will feel the shaming finger of FATE pointed at them.
Post-Election 2024 working class CHRISTIAN Americans will understand the degree of secular ZIONIST Jew control over American public opinion , through daily pro-war, pro-Israel propaganda , always trying to shape and warp that opinion.
What can we expect in the near future- whatever the outcome of the 2024 Election- from the " Deep State " ZIONIST Jew wing of the American plutocracy ? Preparations for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
But vote YES for nuclear World War III ? Then vote for either WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris or MAGA Republican right wing blowhard Donald Trump . Either presidential candidate will honor your vote !
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
The Problem With Sabine Hossenfelder
I have mixed feeling about this woman scientist Sabine Hossenfelder no doubt conditioned by my Marxist socialist view of rotten capitalist America and rotten warmongering American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. There is indeed not just a crisis in particle physics but a crisis in SCIENCE in general as a human institution. I think this woman's rather depressed , sour looking face expresses some deep down disillusionment and bitterness with both science as an institution , now full of HUBRIS and mathematically elegant superstition , and disillusionment bordering on disgust with fellow scientists.
Did not theoretical physicist Albert Einstein warn way back in the post World War II years ( when he wrote an influential essay titled " Why Socialism ? ") WARN scientists that they too were becoming intellectual slaves of the corporate state ?
In the USA today you can hardly find a Democratic or Republican politician who can or will think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM and ISRAELI ZIONISM . And same for the public voice of SCIENCE !
I think today's WOKE WARRIOR scientists are as disgusting as our oh-so-lovable WOKE WARRIOR Democrats .
Fwd: Screenshot (Oct 30, 2024 3:57:07 AM)
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 at 06:57
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 30, 2024 3:57:07 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 at 06:57
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 30, 2024 3:57:07 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
'I'm certain Harris will win’: Trump scrambles as James Carville sees el...
The 2024 presidential race ,focused on the candidates of the American TWO PARTY SYSTEM -apart from idiotic soundbites on both sides - reflects a long brewing ideological brawl WITHIN the American plutocracy. Nobody who runs for high office in " OUR democracy " can or will think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM.
There is no real competition here for the hearts and minds of the nation's working class. The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats appeal to the non-religious , mostly anti-CHRISTIAN petty bourgeois beneficiaries of vicious and often daffy " identity politics " like the LGBTQ " community " ( which tends to muddle what Marxists call " class consciousness " ).
Vote YES for nuclear World War III ? Then vote for either MAGA Republican Donald Trump or WOKE WARRIOR Kamala Harris . Either candidate will honor your vote !
A scholar of American sociology might see the Election 2024 this way : a battle within the American plutocracy between the" Old Money " WASP wing of it and the " New Money " secular ZIONIST Jew wing of it. The later has the support of the mainstream news media. But Trump's " deplorables " see the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " as mostly " FAKE NEWS " agreeing with their idolized Great Leader. Which party will get out the vote ?
A student of FACISM might well see the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party as closer to the totalitarian state than Trump's MAGA movement. For decades now the New Democrats -more so than right wing Republicans - have betrayed the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Their allies in the news media daily censor anti-war , anti-genocide in Gaza, American public opinion embarrassing to the secular ZIONIST Jew wing of the American plutocracy.
But as a longtime independent democratic socialist I see Election Day 2024 as resolving none of the tensions in capitalist USA. I probably won't even stay up to watch the returns on WOKE NBC News, Channel 10 locally in Cranston, Rhode Island. And how will our Senator Sheldon Whitehouse do this time in our overwhelming BLUE state ? His TV ads warn the voters here about sinister ' Dark Money " ? None of this " Dark Money " ever finds its way into the campaign chest of Sheldon Whitehouse ? Like from not so dark Corporate America and from the Israel Lobby ?
The Most Radioactive Man in History - Hisashi Ouchi
A human being is a complex biological machine but our nervous system which registers a mental state called PAIN is not much more sensitive than that of a monkey. What happened to pitiful Hisashi Ouchi - almost Dark Age " experience " of an Eternal Hell of PAIN - could not happen to any non-human creature nor to any human being not born in the past one hundred years of our sophisticated SCIENCE and advanced technology. In NATURE this much concentrated radiation is far removed from living creatures who inhabit the Good Earth. And away from the bestial equivalent of THE HOSPITAL a very sick animal would quickly succumb to a predator ( or might even drown itself in bestial despair in a nearby lake ) .
I see no villains in this horrible human tragedy other than the world wide capitalist FOR PROFIT SYSTEM . But medical doctors and even the most compassionate hospital staff should recognize a DYING man and a HOPELESS case. It should not be too hard to convince his family of this. As an old Catholic type myself I must admit that Jesus Christ on the Cross did not suffer this much. If suffering has redemptive power , the long suffering of Hisashi Ouchi could redeem a whole galaxy of lost souls.
There could be a touch of the HUBRIS of medical science in this story. Even socialist humanists -with no belief in a personal God - see a moral imperative in easing the pain of ANY living creature - human or animal.
We are told we must all die sooner or later. But the LOSS of a loved one is not a generic experience. It feels like a profound PERSONAL loss. We cannot imagine the dear one just cruelly vanishing forever from our lives.
Also viewing this short video, you should reflect on the horror of thermonuclear war. On " The Day After " there will be no hospital staff to try to ease the " suffering of the damned " . You might live long enough to see ALL your loved ones perish in horror and agony !
This personal tragedy of Hisashi Ouchi happened in Japan of all countries . In August 1945 two made- in -America atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed. An INTELLIGENT race learns from the past !
Monday, October 28, 2024
RFK Jr. at MSG Trump Rally: FULL SPEECH
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I know that RFK Jr.'s criticism of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party contains much truth. For decades now this party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism . And it wasted no time smearing President Donald Trump as an agent of Vladimir Putin after his shocking 2016 White House win. The witch hunt hearings in Congress had the stage aura of old Yiddish theater ( considering the main characters -like retired United States Army Colonel Aleksandr Semyonovich Vindman , like Rep. Adam Schiff, like Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer who said a while back that he wants to be Israel's " guardian angel " ).
Not mentioned in MAGA Republican campaign rhetoric : the extent of ZIONIST Jew control of the mainstream news media which clearly loathes Trump and fawns on Kamala Harris. And the Joe Biden administration can hardly be anti- APARTHEID Israel , anti-genocide in Gaza, Palestine . It is packed with belligerent Zionist Jews , with the American Secretary of State Antony Blinken guiding US foreign policy , Blinken a disciple of the former American Secretary of State , the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger. And corrupt , senile , creepy President , the devout Catholic , said that if he were a Jew, of course, he would be a ZIONIST Jew ! )
Our mainstream news media pretends, with daily brainless soundbites, to be a pillar of ' OUR democracy " . With amazing chutzpah it shamelessly censors anti-war , anti-Zionism American public opinion. It fears letting ordinary working class and lower middle class Americans make up their own minds on what COMMENTS constitute " hate speech " and what comments reflect the diversity of American public opinion. Our ZIONIST Jew Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland , as Trump says, spies on the Catholic Church and its numerous PRO-LIFE activists.
The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats with their dear allies , the war criminal Netanyahu in Israel and the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine , have taken us to the brink of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, " communist " China , " communist " North Korea, impudently " socialist " Venezuela , and ISLAMIC Iran . The leaders of this so very UNFREE world just do not live up to the high moral standards of our ALL AMERICAN plutocracy , of the CIA , the FBI , " Deep State ", and the editorial writers for the New York Times. The dastardly leaders of this UNFREE world do not live up to the high moral standards of the ABC, NBC, and CBS news programs , of Time Magazine's " Person of the Year " ( whoever ! ) .
And yet the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats continue to talk as if they own " OUR democracy " and are its anointed ( by some Higher Power which they don't believe in ? ) " guardian angels " . What humbug !
I understand American voters who are tempted to vote Trump -not Harris - as the " lesser evil " . But I think this time staying home and sitting out Election 2024 in " OUR democracy " is actually on a higher moral level. I will note that exiled, excommunicated Catholic Arch-Bishop Vigano says Kamala Harris " obeys Satan " ( Newsweek headline 4 days ago ) . As a longtime independent democratic socialists I suspect that Kamala Harris is listening -not to Satan - but to the " Deep State " wing of the American plutocracy.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Does a Copy of You Exist in a Multiverse?
The crackpot physics talk of " The Multiverse " is a just obnoxious , DESPERATE New Atheism inspired intellectual effort to suppress any philosophical position for the " MIND OF GOD " . How on earth to test for the MULTIVERSE ? Can't we just say " Hello Out There " ?
There must be what one disillusioned particle physicist called a " crisis in physics ". If SCIENCE cannot separate itself from the CAPITALISM and from the " ideas of the ruling class " , it will soon degenerate into the very Dark Age superstition which it claims to deplore .
To be sure , the " Mind of God " also cannot be tested but it has more aesthetic appeal than MULTIVERSE nonsense. And it won't muddle grandiose atom smashing experiments .
Also, just ending on a sardonic note : what do THEY do after discovering " The God Particle " ? Build an immense Gothic cathedral around it ?
I do take seriously a book titled " The End of Science ". It should have ended with the MULTIVERSE !
Did Israel's enemies within the Biden-Harris administration leak Israel'...
Isn't it rather ridiculous to talk about " Israel's enemies within the Biden administration ? The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration is packed with serious ZIONIST Jews. On the top, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a disciple of the former American Secretary of State , the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger. Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer said a while back that he wants to be Israel's " guardian angel " . Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris can have as her foreign policy advisor her millionaire ZIONIST Jew husband. And is the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party not also packed with ZIONIST Jews ? And you have to be truly obtuse politically not to see the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " is owned and controlled by serious ZIONIST Jews. THEY are very diligent at censoring American public opinion embarrassing to the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats or threatening to the ZIONIST Jew agenda ( for what ? nuclear World War III with POST -COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran ? )
It does seem to this longtime independent democratic socialist that a cabal of ZIONIST Jews in " Greater Israel " USA , Greater Israel in the Middle East , and in " Greater Israel "Ukraine are hell bent on WAR .
Working class CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS in " OUR democracy " just want Peace with Justice !
How many do you think , Mr. Dershowitz , will rally to the cause of the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, mastermind of genocide in Gaza, Palestine , or to the cause of the ZIONIST Jew warmonger- embezzler , V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ?
Perhaps famous lawyer Allan Dershowitz can set up an ACLU office in Gaza, Palestine where the settler Jews also intend to be FIRST CLASS CITIZENS !
Sad to say but most ZIONIST Jews in " OUR democracy " have two countries : And one is dearer than the other !
NOTE : Is it possible that long time " liberal " ( except for expressed pro-torture views ) Dershowitz actually thinks that the American Jews associated with the Democratic Party are not mean enough toward all those " terrorist " Palestinians ?
Will he finally vote for " Hitler " Trump ?
Fwd: Donald Trump's claim that the FBI spies on the Catholic Church can be verified ! From my blog 2019
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 at 14:39
Subject: Donald Trump's claim that the FBI spies on the Catholic Church can be verified ! From my blog 2019
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 at 14:39
Subject: Donald Trump's claim that the FBI spies on the Catholic Church can be verified ! From my blog 2019
To: <>
In an Open Letter, Archbishop Viganò Strongly Urges Catholics to Vote fo...
13 seconds ago Trump's claim that the FBI has harassed the Catholic Church can be verified :[ from my blog Saturday , February 16, 2019 ] : [ " On p. 13 of the Interim Report by Senator Ron Johnson, "The Clinton Email Scandal And The FBI'S Investigation Of It," released yesterday, there is an exchange between FBI senior lawyer Peter Strzok, Page's co-adulterer, and her about pro-life Americans. Referring to the 2016 March for Life, Page admits that she 'truly hate[s] these people.' Notice that Page did not merely disagree with the purpose of the March for Life, which is to protect the life of the unborn. No, she made it personal, expressing her hatred of pro-life men and women. " ] FROM Catholic Church news source
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
In an Open Letter, Archbishop Viganò Strongly Urges Catholics to Vote fo...
13 seconds ago
Trump's claim that the FBI has harassed the Catholic Church can be verified : from my blog Saturday , February 16, 2019 :
[ " On p. 13 of the Interim Report by Senator Ron Johnson, “The Clinton Email Scandal And The FBI’S Investigation Of It,” released yesterday, there is an exchange between FBI senior lawyer Peter Strzok, Page’s co-adulterer, and her about pro-life Americans. Referring to the 2016 March for Life, Page admits that she 'truly hate[s] these people.'
Notice that Page did not merely disagree with the purpose of the March for Life, which is to protect the life of the unborn. No, she made it personal, expressing her hatred of pro-life men and women. " ] FROM Catholic Church news source
Fwd: ZIONIST JEW CENSORSHIP - NOTE THE SCRATCHED OVER WORDS : " with a string Italo-American background "
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 at 14:10
Subject: ZIONIST JEW CENSORSHIP - NOTE THE SCRATCHED OVER WORDS : " with a string Italo-American background "
To: <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, Letters <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 at 14:10
Subject: ZIONIST JEW CENSORSHIP - NOTE THE SCRATCHED OVER WORDS : " with a string Italo-American background "
To: <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, Letters <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Why did the ZIONIST Jew censorship just scratch over my words : " with a strong Italio-American background " ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist with a strong Italo-American Catholic background I observed years ago that the social philosophy of pre-Vatican II Catholic Church was hardly compatible with the Socialism Darwinism of the ZIONIST Jew right wing atheist philosopher -novelist Ayn Rand. My own brother, who is close to me politically, texted yesterday that he was tempted to vote for Donald Trump. Whatever happened to the old Democratic Party of FDR and JFK ? It does seem that the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is very much dominated by WOKE WARRIOR secular ZIONIST Jews. And their control of the news media in " OUR democracy " is almost self-evident to any honest politically literate citizen. ABC, NBC, CBS news programs are shamelessly biased against former president Trump. Gone is any sense of or respect for " professional journalism ". Also, the WOKE WARRIORS of the Democratic Party never miss an opportunity to bash the Catholic Church, to warmonger the whole world in defense of APARTHEID Israel , to oppose the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization . And for years now they have promoted the HATE TRUMP , HATE POST-COMMUNIST Russia, New McCarthyism. Their fatuous embrace of vicious " identity politics " and crackpot " Critical Race Theory " only inflames smoldering racial tensions in " OUR democracy ". And their minions in the mainstream news media daily censor American public opinion embarrassing to the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats and unsupportive of Israeli Zionism and its genocide in Gaza, Palestine. So WHO presents the greater threat of " fascism " in " OUR democracy " ? NOT Donald Trump and his considerable following of White ( and more and more Black ) working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables " ! But as a longtime independent democratic socialist I do consider this PROTEST vote : Vladimir Putin ! ( future winner of the Nobel Peace Prize ). But then it might be wiser and more moral just to sit out Election 2024 .
Read moreSo WHO presents the greater threat of " fascism " in " OUR democracy " ?
[Why did the ZIONIST Jew censorship just scratch over my words : " with a strong Italio-American background " ?]
As a longtime independent democratic socialist[ with a strong Italo-American Catholic background ]I observed years ago that the social philosophy of pre-Vatican II Catholic Church was hardly compatible with the Socialism Darwinism of the ZIONIST Jew right wing atheist philosopher -novelist Ayn Rand. My own brother, who is close to me politically, texted yesterday that he was tempted to vote for Donald Trump.
Whatever happened to the old Democratic Party of FDR and JFK ? It does seem that the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is very much dominated by WOKE WARRIOR secular ZIONIST Jews. And their control of the news media in " OUR democracy " is almost self-evident to any honest politically literate citizen. ABC, NBC, CBS news programs are shamelessly biased against former president Trump. Gone is any sense of or respect for " professional journalism ".
Also, the WOKE WARRIORS of the Democratic Party never miss an opportunity to bash the Catholic Church, to warmonger the whole world in defense of APARTHEID Israel , to oppose the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization . And for years now they have promoted the HATE TRUMP , HATE POST-COMMUNIST Russia, New McCarthyism.
Their fatuous embrace of vicious " identity politics " and crackpot " Critical Race Theory " only inflames smoldering racial tensions in " OUR democracy ".
And their minions in the mainstream news media daily censor American public opinion embarrassing to the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats and unsupportive of Israeli Zionism and its genocide in Gaza, Palestine.
So WHO presents the greater threat of " fascism " in " OUR democracy " ? NOT Donald Trump and his considerable following of White ( and more and more Black ) working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables " !
Saturday, October 26, 2024
U.S. Elections 2024: Will Elections Lead To Civil War? | USA News | Worl...
For years now there has been an ideological brawl within the American ruling capitalist class. It has nothing to do with how best to help working class Americans and lower middle class Americans in deep trouble on all fronts. Nobody respected for any length of time in either the Democratic or the Republican Party can or will think outside the box of CAPITALISM, AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM.
The conflict with the American ruling class seems to be between OLD MONEY WASPS and NEW MONEY SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS.
In any " civil war " in " OUR democracy " - whatever the outcome of the 2024 presidential election - you will certainly see millions of enraged American voters , in the streets of the nation , protesting secular ZIONIST Jew control of the mainstream news media and their daily censorship of American public opinion.
Not as an enraged Democrat or as an enraged Republican , but as a cool headed long time democratic socialist, I have recently just turned off , stopped watching insufferably biased local ABC, NBC , and CBS news. The local newspapers are just as bad , the Providence Journal, the Boston Globe , the New York Times. They all seem to have a phalanx of ZIONIST Jew censors enforcing " community guidelines " but really protecting YOU from TRUTH !
Do the obtuse owners of news media ever think : ordinary Americans have other quite effective methods of communicating : with friends , relatives, neighbors, and co-workers , with total strangers ? They TALK ! They TALK in their homes , in the bars, in the churches, at the sports stadiums, in the schools, and yes even IN JAIL !
And this TALK has a mathematical trick working in its favor : it has EXPONENTIAL GROWTH .
Through the proverbial " grape vine " spreads the message : " Our government and our capitalist ruling class are completely rotten ! ? Read the HISTORY books : When did any POWER OVER THE PEOPLE last forever ?
That is the Archilles heel of the ZIONIST Jew censorship of American public opinion in " OUR democracy " .
Putin Rescued Iran Just In Time? Russians Alerted Tehran Hours Before Is...
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews hell bent on nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Their party has been promoting, in " OUR democracy ", the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID ISRAEL , New McCarthyism for years now. The degenerate Democratic Party - a long way from the party of FDR and JFK - has the full support of the mainstream news media .
Ironically Trump is very pro-Zionist Israel and very popular in Israel. So why this American news media loathing of Donald Trump ? I suspect that in his long shady billionaire business career MAGA Republican Donald Trump out-swindled too many swindling ZIONIST Jew business people . This is comparable to the dark " sin against the Holy Ghost " in the Catholic Church tradition.
Israel attack on Iran underway, IDF says | full coverage
A while back the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu invited the Jews of Europe to settle in Israel.How many Jews living in APARTHEID Israel today would feel safer in any other place on earth? Why live in a country always at war which has made itself the most hated country on the planet?
Abandoned Radio Station in Rhode Island!!
There is another old abandoned Rhode Island radio station where my " Uncle Nicholas " made a name for himself circa 1953. . Where is old radio station WRIB now ( somewhere in Providence ? ) .:
[ "Before legendary " Salty Brine " on local television in Rhode Island there was our " Uncle Nicholas "on radio station WRIB owned by the " Godfather of Italian Radio " Mr. Antonio Pace." ] Old newspaper clipping .
This is why physics is dying
To what degree is this real crisis even of the morale of physics explained long ago by an obscure book written by the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir : " Materialism and Empirio-criticism " ? Lenin argued that the closer science comes to philosophical questions , to the ORDER of society ,and espouses threatening ideas to that social order the more working scientists are likely to be led astray and corrupted by the " ideology of the ruling class ".
It is rather ironic ,more than a century later, that even the seemingly hard- nosed oh-so-" scientific " New Atheism " has its roots in " ideas of the ruling class ". How many of the celebrity New Atheists -like the late drunken Christopher Hitchens - were unmasked during the Iraq War ( 2003 ) as pillars of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM ?
Lately , I see so many professional scientists on You Tube slobbering over some dubious sponsor. Scientists should learn from that very religious scientist whose public lectures were so popular in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century : Michael Faraday . Did Michael Faraday ever do the equivalent of a social media infomercial ? And religious as he was, did Faraday ever betray the spirit of Science ?
Kamala: They Have The Right To Say It, But You Have The Obligation To Co...
I will commend legal scholar and celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz for getting this right : He does see though the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party now led by daffy Kamala Harris.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I do not see MAGA Republican Donald Trump and " working class " deplorables "- mostly CHRISTIAN - following him as a greater threat of FASCISM in " OUR Democracy " than a degenerate Democratic Party insanely focused on " identity politics " , political correctness, the nth degree of abortion rights, and nuclear World War III with POST-Communist Russia .
The 2024 presidential election will settle nothing in this country . The pacifist in me rejoices that a country in political turmoil is less efficient at waging stupid wars . And History teaches that crazy arrogant ruling classes are often overthrown. As in France in 1789 - the " Great French Revolution ". I believe that " Monsieur Guillotine " is celebrated every July 14 in Paris. Ah History is so sad !
Friday, October 25, 2024
More than 30 million Americans have voted early
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I would bet that presidential Election 2024 turns out a lot like the crazy presidential Election 2000. This time with a conservative leaning Supreme Court finally legalizing a second term for former president Donald Trump.
By the skin of its teeth what passes for " OUR democracy " gets to cancel the WOKE WARRIOR Democrat " cancel culture ". The Democrats did make the mistake of doubling down on obnoxious , vicious , and daffy " identity politics " and nauseating WOKE ideology. And the mistake of endlessly bashing the Christian tradition in American history while daily warmongering for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia , mostly to defend Zionist APARTHEID Israel or sovereign " Greater Israel " Ukraine.
Bernie Sanders Endorses Kamala Harris and Outlines Progressive Agenda at...
Only a politically illiterate " leftist " will imagine that WOKE WARRIOR , ZIONIST Jew Democrat Bernie Sanders represents some form of " socialist " agenda in the real world. Real SOCIALISM has a long history of Judas-like betrayals. Bernie Sanders joins the long list that won't be missed. In no way does Kamala Harris fit into any real " progressive " or " socialist " agenda ( other than to betray it ! ).
NOTE that there is not one voice for World PEACE in today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. Even their crew of weird " socialists " can hardly think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM , and ISRAELI ZIONISM.
So vote YES for nuclear World War III ( alongside ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ) ? Then vote for either WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris ( with " socialist " Bernie Sanders' blessing ) or MAGA Republican Donald Trump ( with the blessing of working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables " ) .. Either one will honor your vote. Better still , just sit out Election 2024 !
Hasbro employee laid off after 25 years reflects on remarkable career
Ignorant people shout with contempt at homeless and hungry Americans : " Get a job ! " . But an unemployed person in a capitalist society gets a job only if some capitalist owner finds it profitable to hire him or her. In prison he or she might serve as CHEAP LABOR for the ruling class. If homeless , he or she will find shelter or a place to live only if it does not upset landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. For more than 200 years now THE SYSTEM ( well before and well after Black slavery ) has been a system of exploitation and oppression of the entire working class. The STATE and THE LAW are hardly above the class struggle. And the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " serves the plutocracy as a whole , resolving minor disputes within it. The capitalist DEATH PENALTY serves to intimidate the working class more than as righteous vengeance in the name of " society ".
The capitalists are no more in final control of THEIR system than they are of the weather or of pandemics. WE THE PEOPLE can expect more recessions and depressions, wars and crimes --and too often, impotent rioting.
WE THE PEOPLE need an American Labor Party -like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised. What now passes for CIVILIZATION may depend on it. In a universe where everything comes into existence and perishes, CAPITALISM is most certainly not forever.
BREAKING NEWS: JD Vance Directly Responds To John Kelly Calling Trump A ...
As a long time independent democratic socialist I see the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden -packed with warmongering ZIONIST Jews -as a greater betrayal of " OUR democracy" than MAGA Republican Donald Trump and his following (delusional) of white working class CHRISTIANS. We need an American Labor Party -like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Ex-fugitive Mollicone violates probation after stiffing taxpayers of res...
Too harsh is THE LAW on this now 81 year old white collar felon , Joe Mollicone . Of course , the seemingly law abiding capitalist politicians now running for high office in " OUR democracy " are all paragons of moral excellence .So much so that they have a natural right to start nuclear World War III with " Axis of Evil " countries whose leaders do not shine with similar moral excellence.
If they followed Benjamin Netanyahu's example in Lebanon and GAZA ,Palestine, the federal government a few decades back , waging war on the MAFIA here in Rhode Island , would have dropped napalm bombs on Mollicone's Federal Hill bank .
But then in " OUR democracy " no man is above THE LAW !
Obama warns of 'older, loonier' Trump during Wisconsin rally
MAGA Republic presidential candidate Donald Donald is no more wacky than WOKE WARRIOR Democrats -like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris - who got from " Deep State " " crackpot realism " the news that nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, Islamic Iran, " communist " China , " communist " North Korea , and dastardly " socialist " Venezuela - that NUCLEAR WAR with this " Axis of Evil " is winnable.
Also, where is the very source of the DNC based WOKE ideology which has even revised DARWINIAN biology with its discovery of " rainbow genders " ? It seems to have no other source than secular ZIONIST Jews, in unholy alliance with the New Atheists , in elitist American universities. Here SCIENCE is kosher revised !
The Democratic Party has its own BILLIONAIRE funders . Yet with rubbed off CHUTZPAH Barack Obama and Kamala Harris and phony " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders pop up on every You Tube video to ask YOU for a $ 5:00 campaign contribution. THEY really don't need it , but you can see the psychological gimmick here: make YOU think that YOU are invested in the Kamala Harris presidency. We truly live in the Golden Age of False Advertising and the Swindle !
McDonald's Quarter Pounders linked to deadly E. coli outbreak, CDC says
Contaminated food headlines and hazardous products in CAPITALIST USA are very much in the news lately. The FOR PROFIT SYSTEM is getting increasingly reckless at the work places.The shabby treatment or super exploitation of the employees and the "help" is probably the main cause.Neither Republican Donald Trump nor Democrat Kamala Harris will make capitalism more "responsible".
The American ruling class can just cancel plans now for nuclear World War III !
I like what I just read on the World Socialist Web Site :
[Andre Damon@Andre__Damon
11 hours ago
[US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday to hold a “friendly and productive” discussion about the Israeli government’s plan—known as the “General’s Plan”—to ethnically cleanse northern Gaza and kill all Palestinians who remain. " ]
NOTE : American Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a disciple of the former ZIONIST Jew American Secretary of State, notorious war criminal Henry Kissinger .
The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " will never succeed in arousing war fever in the mostly CHRISTIAN working class. War fever for a " patriotic " alliance with war criminal Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and warmonger , embezzler Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine .
Amercan ruling class can just cancel plans now for nuclear World War III . Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " Orwellian " thought crime " : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
Should ex marine Daniel Penny be prosecuted for choking homeless subway ...
Why does the ZIONIST Jew censorship in " OUR democracy " continue to REMOVE comments that in no way " violate community guidelines " but simply embarrass the American ruling class ? Dozens of my rudely and brainlessly REMOVED comments can still be read on my Facebook page and on my blog . [ Facebook 5000 friends , Radical Ron's Blog Spot , 768663 views ]
Perhaps I should ask for explanation to Dr. Alan Dershowitz from his ACLU office ?
Should ex marine Daniel Penny be prosecuted for choking homeless subway ...
No surprise that American imperialism and the irrational capitalist system drives so many vulnerable crazy !
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
See how the ZIONIST Jew point of view dominates on You Tube !
8 minutes ago
The ordinary working class people of the world have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Long ago the United Nations declared ZIONISM to be a form of racism. For decades now Zionist APARTHEID Israel has made itself the most hated country on the planet. Alas, American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity. How can Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine assure " NEVER AGAIN " ?
And the biased mainstream news media in ' OUR democracy " will never arouse sick war fever for the agenda of the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine .
Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
Perhaps young affluent American Jewish kids in college , who are passionately pro-Israel, can drop their studies and sign up for the Israeli army. And their rich zealot families can send mega- checks to Benjamin Netanyahu to finance the genocide in Gaza. The drain on the American treasury must stop soon ! And we hope that the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization will soon return to " OUR democracy " .
15 hours ago
How any self respecting Jew could vote for Kamala Harris is beyond me. If she gets elected, I don't know what will become of us or Israel.
17 hours ago
I could never vote for Harris.
17 hours ago
Dr. Dershowitz, Kamala Harris is letting us all know just how she intends to treat Israel if she is elected President.
1 reply
17 hours ago
Kamala agreed with the protester because she agreed with his message.
17 hours ago
Israel is done if Trump loses.
1 reply
16 hours ago
If Harris so clearly says "it's real" that Israel is committing genocide, what decent human should vote for her? If "genocide" has lost its true horrifying meaning for Harris, what does she understand? Her ad lib addition when the protester was already leaving was gratuitous, unnecessary, only showing how much she instinctively cares about cavorting with Hamas loving Arab Michigan voters.
17 hours ago
Trump is pro choice. Vote anti-woke! vote trump!
15 hours ago
Professor, I always learn from you. I’m a Christian and can not believe what Israel is going through. I’m so embarrassed of the Democrats and how they have no standards, principles and just common sense and decency.
16 hours ago
I am supporting the Republican Jewish Coalition Victory Fund, which has been running ads against the antisemitism of the Squad and Kamela.
2 replies
17 hours ago
Professor, when you say "Kamala Harris" just replace it with "Obama" and all this will start making a lot more sense.
Does Kamala Harris defend the blood libel that Israel id committing geno...
The ordinary working class people of the world have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Long ago the United Nations declared ZIONISM to be a form of racism. For decades now Zionist APARTHEID Israel has made itself the most hated country on the planet. Alas, American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity. How can Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine assure " NEVER AGAIN " ?
And the biased mainstream news media in ' OUR democracy " will never arouse sick war fever for the agenda of the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine .
Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
Perhaps young affluent American Jewish kids in college , who are passionately pro-Israel, can drop their studies and sign up for the Israeli army. And their rich zealot families can send mega- checks to Benjamin Netanyahu to finance the genocide in Gaza. The drain on the American treasury must stop soon ! And we hope that the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization will soon return to " OUR democracy " .
CNN SHOCKED by list of Kamala Harris’ far-left policies
Only obtuse, ignorance and socio- political illiteracy will connect the politics of WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris with any Left Wing conspiracy Trojan Horse " socialism " plot . The fact that certain " Democratic Socialists of America " at a recent convention voiced " critical support " for Harris campaign only shows how bought and sold , petty bourgeois are these " socialist " parties .
I like what I read on the World Socialist Web Site just now :
[ " In virtually every campaign and media appearance since being named the nominee, Harris has boasted of her role, alongside Biden, in overseeing military operations in Israel and Gaza. She has repeatedly reiterated her support for the “Butcher of Gaza,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign.
An organization claiming to be “socialist” that vows to “tactically” support a capitalist politician who has armed, supported and promised to continue the ethnic cleansing of workers in Palestine, is a threat to the working class, both in Gaza and in America. " ] The writer of this article, Jacob Crosse, was talking about " Democratic Socialists of America ".
I consider myself a longtime INDEPENDENT democratic socialist not infatuated with any " Marxist vanguard "parties or organizations still around today. In " OUR democracy " USA we have lived through at least five decades of reactionary political and cultural , even literary darkness. Sort of a " Tumultuous Sixties " counter-revolution. Well HISTORY does have an ebb and a flow and long periods of " stuck in the mud " .
NOTE : Way back in the year 1973 a close friend of mine, Ed Maguire , who passed away before turning 40 , said to me ( we were sitting on a stone slab in front of the now abandoned Broad St. School in Providence , Rhode Island ) : " Ron, all I see for THE FUTURE is a long period of rot ". And RIP Ed , how right you were !
U.S. investigates suspected leak of Israel’s alleged plan for attack on ...
Election 2024 in " OUR democracy " is more about an ideological feud within the American plutocracy. In essence the " Old Money " WASP wing of it is at odds with the " New Money " secular ZIONIST Jew wing. Trump is hated most likely because in his long history of business swindles he out swindled too many of the Jewish economic elite .Despite Trump's undoubtable support for APARTHEID Israel THAT is unforgivable in the " goyim " .
Monday, October 21, 2024
Trump roasts Harris and Biden at annual Al Smith dinner
Anybody who thinks that this New York Cardinal, "His Eminence Timothy Dolan " , feasting with and blessing a cross section of the American plutocracy ( American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity) has a link to God -real or imagined - is a hopeless innocent . The WOKE post-Vatican II Catholic Church lost its soul a long long time ago. A WOKE Catholic Church is a JOKE Catholic Church.
As a HUMAN institution the Catholic Church survived and endured for 2000 years - or since the Roman Emperor Constantine - by skillfully adapting itself to successive ruling classes while mostly preaching resignation to the masses of faithful : " Despair not, my flock , Eternity in Heaven awaits all good Catholics on this side of Paradise ". Love and pray for your oppressors ! A while back WOKE Pope Francis paid unctuous homage at a graveside visit to a founding father of Zionist APARTHEID Israe , Theodor Herzl .
The Princes of the Church think hypocritical pious thoughts while living in virtual palaces and enjoying regular gluttonous feasts ( and often enough clandestine, or just scandalous, feasts of young flesh male and female ) . But a few vigorous Popes in the Middle Age of Faith could lead a Crusade to re-conquer the Holy Land ( a lingering vision of today's fatuous CHRISTIAN Zionists ! ). Dominus Vobiscum !
NOTE : The Pope and the New York cardinal are probably praying for a second Trump presidency. As WOKE ideology goes stale .
Multiple substances found in Liam Payne's system: Sources
The Cult of Celebrity in our " Culture of Narcissism " - it is hard to get through those long hours when you are not HIGH on adulation. Even alcoholism among Hollywood celebrities is every bit the scourge it was in the past. The irony of it : their stock in trade is as much their striking good looks as whatever " talent " they possess. My best friend's story of the love of his life ( for him an unrivaled beauty ) : she ruined her beauty, long before natural inevitable aging, with alcohol and cigarettes. A few years ago he made a nostalgic visit to " the hag " , he tells me. Still, in general, nobody in a rotten capitalist society can " stay golden ". Recall the fate of James Dean and Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and a hundred others. Perhaps " happiness is eternity in a moment " ? ( Albert Camus ) .
'WATERSHED MOMENT': Poll shows Catholic voters prefer Trump
I see this in my own traditional Catholic family which in the past invariably voted pro-" liberal " Democrat . In recent decades the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - obviously directed by secular ZIONIST Jews in an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheism - never misses an opportunity to bash and smear the Catholic Church via Hollywood movies and celebrities and via the mainstream news media. And yet they set themselves up as the antidote to HATE in " OUR democracy " : VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS ! Their media campaign against " hate " , for example, always insinuates that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism . Therefore go easy in protesting APARTHEID Israel's genocide in Gaza , Palestine. THEY will think you are in league with goose-stepping neo-Nazis .
In this Election 2024 the mainstream news media sees TRUTH as " violating community rules " !
Sunday, October 20, 2024
‘Exhausted’ Trump appears to fall asleep at campaign event
Unflattering photos of MAGA Republican Donald Trump is no recommendation for WOKE WARRIOR daffy Democrat Kamala Harris . Wisdom for 2024 Election ? Stay home and sit it out !
Did my last comment violate community guidelines ?
Mysterious drones swarmed over US military base for 17 days
War is a function of society's ruling class. Will our plutocracy, via its mainstream news media, arouse war fever in working class -mostly CHRISTIAN Americans - for a fighting alliance with the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and with the ZIONIST Jew war monger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 at 13:57
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 at 13:57
To: <>
The ZIONIST Jew censorship strikes again ! [ In my last post here I said that working class CHRISTIAN Americans are getting sick of this daily news about ZIONIST Jew Israeli pilots bombing mostly helpless people . They are just as cowardly as those American pilots who dropped napalm bombs on the Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War . By the way , that war ended in DEFEAT for American imperialism. Today in the 21st century Israeli Zionism and American imperialism are together forever in crimes against humanity.] This post is shared on my blog ( 3/4+ MILLION views ) and on my Facebook page ( 5000 friends ) . Also, sent out as a letter to the editor of the Brown Daily Herald, the New York Times, the Providence Journal, the Boston Globe ... .] The title : " ZIONIST JEW CENSORSHIP STRIKES AGAIN ! ". If you want to continue to enjoy censorship of FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT in " OUR democracy " , do not fail to vote for WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris who has the support of the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ". My email address is . Or contact me at 401-580-7432 ) . I will hear YOUR point of view - even the ZIONIST Jew censor's explanation ! Or just COMMENT here if the CENSORSHIP allows it !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St. , Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Israel: Netanyahu calls drone attack assassination attempt | DW News
The ZIONIST Jew censorship strikes again ! [ In my last post here I sat that working class CHRISTIAN Americans are getting sick of this daily news about ZIONIST Jew Israeli pilots bombing mostly helpless people . They are just as cowardly as those American pilots who dropped napalm bombs on the Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War . Bu the way , that war ended in DEFEAT for American imperialism.
Today in the 21st century Israeli Zionism and American imperialism are together forever in crimes against humanity.]
This post is shared on my blog ( 3/4+ MILLION views ) and on my Facebook page ( 5000 friends ) . Also, sent out as a letter to the editor of the Brown Daily Herald, the New York Times, the Providence Journal, the Boston Globe ... .]
The title : " ZIONIST JEW CENSORSHIP STRIKES AGAIN ! ". If you want to continue to enjoy censorship of FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT in " OUR democracy " , do not fail to vote for WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris who has the support of the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ". My email address is . Or contact me at 401-580-7432 ) . I will hear YOUR point of view - even the ZIONIST Jew censor's explanation ! Or just COMMENT here if the CENSORSHIP allows it !
The mentally deranged are invading our public libraries ! Here at the Wa...
It is Sunday afternoon, October 6 , and I am at the Warwick Public Library. No sooner did I sign on to the public computer that I noticed a very disturbed man walking purposelessly around the library and making grotesque sounds with his voice.
I have noticed this sad trend in Rhode Island public libraries for years . Obviously with the permission of the public library management whole groups of mentally ill youth are being " dumped " in OUR libraries -where regular patrons in the past were always expecting QUIET . If there is anything truly therapeutic about these library visits for mentally ill groups, could not the library staff inform visitors what is going on ? Then the mentally ill kids will not be mistaken for clowning brats .
The root problem here is the NEGLECT by the state of the mentally ill -and soon to be homeless .
Fwd: Screenshot (Oct 20, 2024 12:55:27 PM)
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 at 12:55
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 20, 2024 12:55:27 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 at 12:55
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 20, 2024 12:55:27 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Saturday, October 19, 2024
A la recherche du temps perdu III ''Between Then And Now '' piano ,moder...
[ "In Search of Lost Time is a seven-volume novel that explores memory, love, and the passage of time. The monumental work is considered one of the most outstanding literary achievements of the 20th century. Marcel Proust's narrative, in the composer's view, is very 'musical.' The prose flows in such a way that it is almost like a beautiful symphony, with its crescendos of emotion and delicate pauses that allow the reader to reflect.
The series of piano pieces by David Ezra Okonsar with the same title captures this essence perfectly. The compositions reveal memories, perfumes, and tastes of different places and times in an intricate tapestry of emotions, from the bittersweet nostalgia of a lost love to the exhilarating joy of a new discovery, that transport the listener to another world. " ]
Fwd: Screenshot (Oct 19, 2024 12:08:36 PM)
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 at 12:08
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 19, 2024 12:08:36 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 at 12:08
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 19, 2024 12:08:36 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Applebee's at Garden City in Cranston a total loss following fire
My brother Steve just informed me that our niece's husband Roger managed this Applebee's a few years back . I just passed by the burnt out restaurant in Garden City Cranston and took a cell phone photo. Not quite as nostalgic as the final scene in " Cinema Paradiso " .
North Korea sending troops to aid Russia: South Korean intelligence
War is a function of society's ruling class. If nuclear World War III breaks out between the so called " Free World " and the " Axis of Evil " countries it will have nothing to do with the relative virtues of American imperialists, Israeli Zionists and their dastardly antagonists in the " Unfree ( ? ) World. Also recall that " Axis of Evil " country Russia is POST-COMMUNIST ( with its Orthodox Church becoming more respectable and influential ) .
In capitalist USA the working class has no more control over the Byzantine machinery of STATE than they do over CAPITAL machinery in the PROFIT generating factory. And according to Karl Marx : " the ruling ideas are the ruling class ". So the Ideas & Opinions WE THE PEOPLE are exposed to in the mainstream news media invariably reflect the RULING CLASS POINT OF VIEW. How many of US are pro-capitalist , pro- militarist, pro-Zionist, and pro-war ?
Do you think that THEY will offer us a referendum on their next plans for a major war ? After all FREE PEOPLE have a choice !
Vote YES for nuclear World War III ? Then vote for either WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris or MAGA Republican Donald Trump .Either presidential candidate will honor your vote . But consider this : Why not just sit out Election 2024 ? You can't really WIN . And the American plutocracy can't really lose .
0 seconds ago
The ZIONIST Jew censorship strikes again !
0 seconds ago
The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " was designed by the capitalist ruling class to serve the interests of the capitalist ruling class. Senator Elizabeth Warren is not less phony than any right wing Republican or any other WOKE WARRIOR Democrat like party presidential candidate Kamala Harris. So vote YES for nuclear World War III ? Then vote for either Kamala Harris or MAGA Republican Donald Trump . Either presidential candidate will honor your vote ! Democratic Party is just fear mongering on imagined Republican threats to the Social Security System. The sight of MILLIONS of elderly people homeless and hungry in " OUR democracy " - who WORKED for that pittance - will spark VIOLENT revolution overnight in capitalist USA . And with no apologies to Martin Luther King !
56 minutes ago
If Massachusetts re-elects this woman this state will be the dumbest state in the country overtaking California
Fwd: Screenshot (Oct 19, 2024 10:47:05 AM)
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Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 at 10:47
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 19, 2024 10:47:05 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 at 10:47
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 19, 2024 10:47:05 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Warren, Deaton clash in second US Senate debate
The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " was designed by the capitalist ruling class to serve the interests of the capitalist ruling class. Senator Elizabeth Warren is not less phony than any right wing Republican or any other WOKE WARRIOR Democrat like party presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
So vote YES for nuclear World War III ? Then vote for either Kamala Harris or MAGA Republican Donald Trump . Either presidential candidate will honor your vote !
Democratic Party is just fear mongering on imagined Republican threats to the Social Security System. The sight of MILLIONS of elderly people homeless and hungry in " OUR democracy " - who WORKED for that pittance - will spark VIOLENT revolution overnight in capitalist USA . And with no apologies to Martin Luther King !
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar killed in Gaza by Israeli forces: Officials
I like what I read on the World Socialist Website just now :
[ "Sinwar died while resisting his killers, but the fact that he resisted does not make his death any less a murder. His killing is part of an illegal imperialist-backed war whose aim is the extermination of the population of Gaza and the annexation of the territory illegally occupied by Israel since 1967. " ]
Very deluded thinking to believe that belligerent ZIONIST Jews in " OUR democracy " remain very well liked despite daily APARTHEID Israel crimes against humanity and now the genocide in Gaza, Palestine.
World War III for the war criminal Netanyahu in Israel and the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine will have ZERO support among working class CHRISTIANS in the United States. Believe me !
Friday, October 18, 2024
Comedian Jim Gaffigan takes aim at Donald Trump and Kamala Harris at Al ...
What is clear to anybody with a measure of political astuteness is that there is an ideological brawl going on within the capitalist ruling class. To be sure , the secular ZIONIST Jew wing - echoed by the mainstream news media in ' OUR democracy " - shows implacable hostility to MAGA Republican Donald Trump while overnight deifying WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris.
Both Trump and Harris have no problem with getting WE THE PEOPLE involved in nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, Islamic Iran, " communist " China, and " communist " North Korea. And both will do more than shake the fist at " socialist " Venezuela in the interest of capitalist " democracy ".
What more can lovers of FREEDOM want than " OUR democracy " ? Join the next " Great Crusade " ?
U.S. strikes Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen
American imperialism, together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity, promises to keep this a world at war for most of the 21st century. Can the propagandists of the capitalist ruling class " sell " World War III to WE THE PEOPLE with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ?
Election 2024 between PRO-WAR MAGA Donald Trump and PRO-WAR WOKE WARRIOR Kamala Harris will decide nothing. And there will be no relief from the strains in " OUR democracy " .
BREAKING NEWS: Mark Cuban Ruthlessly Mocks Donald Trump At Rally For Kam...
Note how the ZIONIST Jew programmed censorship immediately scratched over my words . As if YOU are not allowed to think for yourself !
The mainstream news media's with its tentacles in the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - is implacably hostile -oddly enough to very pro-ZIONIST MAGA Republican Donald Trump. What is really going on here is an ideological brawl ( sometimes physical as on the infamous " Jan. 6th " insurrection " ? ) . There is a profound crisis of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy ". Neither major party is a voice for the American working class of whatever race , ethnic group , or rainbow gender , or a voice for the lower middle class. Vote YES for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, Islamic Iran, " communist " China, and " communist " North Korea ? Then vote for either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. Either ruling class presidential candidate will honor your vote !
But the prize for betraying the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization goes to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. Working with the mainstream news media it succeeds in silencing nearly every anti-war, anti-genocide in GAZA Palestine , every ANTI-MILITARIST, ANTI-CAPITALIST, PRO-SOCIALIST voice in " OUR democracy ".
Election 2024 will resolve none of the political tensions in the " greatest democracy on earth " ( next to Zionist APARTHEID Israel ) .
NOTE : On " The Day After " the mass of surviving humanity will probably cancel CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM and begin to construct " The Sane Society " of REAL communism and socialism even if prohibited by the last decision of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Fwd: Watch "Insane prescription drug commercials on TV news" on YouTube
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2024, 5:42 PM
Subject: Watch "Insane prescription drug commercials on TV news" on YouTube
To: <>, Letters <>, letters <>, <>, Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2024, 5:42 PM
Subject: Watch "Insane prescription drug commercials on TV news" on YouTube
To: <>, Letters <>, letters <>, <>, Ron Ruggieri <>
Columbia bans pro Israel professor while allowing Hamas protesters.
Universities based on the Enlightenment ideals and the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization should not be banning any coherent speakers for ANY cause who can gather a listening audience. But for decades now the arch-enemy of FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT in " OUR democracy " has been the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party now dominated by secular ZIONIST Jews very much like Professor , Pro-Zionist , Pro-APARTHEID Israel , Pro-Torture scholar, Alan Dershowitz. In general ," The Treason of the Intellectuals " in capitalist America has a long history . Consider : How many neo-con Jews in either the Democratic or Republican parties have parents , grandparents, great-grandparents who were attached to the socialist-communist movements of the first half of the 20th century ? Their Last Hurrah seems to be the mass protests over the execution of atom spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg . As long time independent democratic socialist I thought that was a good cause . But the Moscow oriented , Stalinist Communist Party USA was at best enigmatic as a champion of the American working class and organized labor .
1947 editorial by SWP leader James P. Cannon : " The Treason of the Intellectuals "
The Treason of the Intellectuals
James P. Cannon
Drafted: 1947
Source: Fighting for Socialism in the “American Century”; Reprinted from The Militant, New York, 1947 (c) Resistance Books 2001 Published by Resistance Books 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale NSW 2008, Permission for on-line publication provided by Resistance Books for use by the James P. Cannon Internet Archive in 2003.
Transcription\HTML Markup: David Walters
The following article appeared in the Militant, May 24, 1947. In it Cannon indicts those leftist intellectuals of the 1930s who had made their peace with capitalism, often becoming rabid right-wingers. But he stresses that those committed intellectuals who throw in their lot with the revolutionary workers’ movement can play a key role. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg and Trotsky are outstanding examples.
[ "Whatever became of the revolutionary intellectuals—and why? What happened to the numerically formidable aggregation of cogitators and problem-solvers who challenged capitalism to a showdown fight in the unforgotten ’30s and appeared to be all set to mount the barricades with fountain pens unsheathed?
Time was when it seemed that a section of the American intelligentsia, quartered in New York, was at long last preparing to emulate that renowned band of educated people in Western Europe and old Russia who so bravely revolted against the spiritual stagnation and decay of bourgeois society, abandoned their own class in disgust and contempt, formulated and popularised the socialist doctrines of the proletariat, and placed themselves at the head of its emancipation.
Alas, the hopes aroused by the vociferously uttered challenges of the American intellectuals proved to be immeasurably greater than their capacity to fulfil them. The contrast between their showing and that of the revolutionary intellectuals of Europe and tsarist Russia is appalling to contemplate. The latter went ahead of the workers’ movement, organised it, supplied it with ideological weapons and inspired it to strive for great goals.
But here in America the radical intellectuals—with only a very few exceptions—abandoned the mission they had undertaken just at the time when the workers, rising out of nothingness, moved under their own power to create gigantic organisations which boldly engaged in head-on struggle against the most powerful monopolists. Great class battles have taken place, and more momentous ones are in preparation. The workers are on the march. But all is quiet on the intellectual front. The imperialists “pacified” that sector without a fight.
The American intellectuals didn’t simply step out for a rest, like tired warriors nursing their wounds after a hard campaign. They quit before the fight got really started. They took it on the lam. They deserted and betrayed. Their well-advertised revolt against capitalism ended 'not with a bang but a whimper'. " ]
Rep. Magaziner not living in 2nd Congressional District, despite campaig...
No WOKE WARRIOR Democrat in Rhode Island will speak out against Zionist APARTHEID Israel's genocide in Gaza , Palestine. Or even warn of the coming catastrophe of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, Islamic Iran, " communist " China, and " communist " North Korea. They are ALL virtually owned by the Israel Lobby. Anyway, vote YES for nuclear World War III ? The vote for either WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris or MAGA Republican " fascist " ( ? ) Donald Trump . Either presidential candidate of OUR two Party System will honor your vote.
On " THE DAY AFTER " the surviving masses will definitely cancel CAPITALISM , American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism and organize a real " communist " world order .
Watch: Highlights From Kamala Harris’s Heated Interview With Fox News | ...
Vote YES for nuclear World War III with Islamic Iran , and nuclear power POST-COMMUNIST Russia, and nuclear powers " communist " China and " communist " North Korea ? Then vote for either WOKE WARRIOR Kamala Harris or MAGA Republican " fascist " ( ? ) Donald Trump. On " THE DAY AFTER " the surviving masses of the world will demand REAL " communism " not another " American Century " together forever with Zionist APARTHEID Israel in forever crimes against humanity .
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Longtime friend of Trump says he is endorsing Harris
The contest for the presidency between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris only reflects an ongoing ideological brawl ( sometimes physical as infamous " Jan. 6th " ) WITHIN the American ruling class. The ZIONIST Jew wing , entrenched in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, has more influence in " liberal " ( or libertine ? ) Hollywood Babylon . It has more influence in the mainstream ( what Trump calls " FAKE NEWS " ) media in " OUR democracy ". Oddly enough , " fascist " Trump is still popular in APARTHEID Israel. So he can hardly be dismissed as " anti-Semite " . Trump is very pro-ZIONIST !
There seems to be no anti-war VOICE , no anti -genocide in Gaza VOICE in either half of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM.
Vote YES for nuclear World War III ( and decades more of exploiting , oppressing CAPITALISM, American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism ) ? Then vote for either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump ? Either presidential candidate in Election 2024 will honor your vote .
But also consider the wisdom of this " Tumultuous Sixties " Orwellian THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
Science, Religion, and the Big Bang
1 year ago (edited)
So the Bang Band was not just a brainless explosion of space-time but also CREATED the known LAWS of science ? Clearly there must have been some cerebral PROGRAM embedded in it . What else but the MIND of GOD ? Perhaps not quite the way Catholic theologians imagined it. But not too far off in any case. Quantum foam just KNEW that E = mc ( squared ) ?
I don't pretend to know absolute TRUTH here. But SCIENCE is arrogant to dismiss all talk of God as mystical nonsense. Could there be some metaphysics behind PHYSICS ? I at least am content to wonder. I was not around 13 billion years ago. And neither were the New Atheists. For several hundred years now SCIENCE has given us RELATIVE truth which has already been proven extremely useful. Less HUBRIS will not hurt the cause of science. Any great TRUTH will eventually be verified in PRACTICE
5 months ago
Which god? We invented so many of them. ;-)
2 hours ago
Talk of gods is mythical nonsense. None of it is backed up by empirical, repeatable, reliable evidence, it is literally all speculation.
Twisting a scientific explanation you don't actually understand fully and capitalising some words doesn't make your argument stronger.
2 minutes ago
@schmetterling4477 The IDEA of the " MIND OF GOD " in contrast to ancient ignorance- is not anathema to many great scientists - like Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, and Albert Einstein . Even the philosopher Voltaire subscribed to " Deism ".
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