Saturday, October 5, 2024

I was just curious about how hot a kitchen oven can or should get

… Most kitchen ovens can reach temperatures between 170° and 550° F, but some can only reach 500° F. Here are some typical oven temperatures: Slow oven: 250–300° F Moderate oven: 350–400° F Hot oven: 400–450° F Fast oven: 450–500° F Using an oven to heat a house - here's why it's a bad idea ... Ovens are usually hotter at the top than at the bottom, so food on higher racks will cook faster. It's important to rotate pans from front to back and top to bottom. Ovens lose heat quickly when the door is opened, so it's important to keep that in mind when cooking. To prevent the oven from overheating, ma

Why I'm Leaving the Democratic party.

As a long time independent democratic socialist - not connected to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - I recall brilliant Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz saying he felt ostracized and generally UNFRIENDED by fellow Democrats when he dared to recognize the ALL AMERICAN legal rights of former president Donald Trump. But his embrace of militant ZIONISM does conflict with democratic ideals in any country. Is there an ACLU office in Gaza, Palestine ? To have the SOUL of a bourgeois POLITICIAN - of any stripe - is to wallow in sinful muck !

How will Middle East conflict impact the US election? | BBC Americast

American voters can vote YES for nuclear World War III ! Just vote for either WOKE WARRIOR Kamala Harris or right wing blowhard MAGA Republican Donald Trump. Both parties slobber over and FUND the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and slobber over and FUND the warmonger ,embezzler V. Zelensky now president for life of " Greater Israel " Ukraine. With American imperialism leaders like Secretary of State , Antony Blinken, ( a disciple of former American Secretary of State, the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger, Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer ( who said he wants to be " guardian angel " of Israel ) and Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland ( carrying on his own private FBI war against PRO-LIFE Catholic Church activists ) and Kamala Harris with her millionaire ZIONIST Jew husband , and corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden ( who said that if he were a Jew - instead of a devout Catholic ) - with these leaders in " OUR Democracy " Zionist APARTHEID Israel gets the green light to start nuclear World War III with Islamic Iran and POST-COMMUNIST Russia, with " communist " China and " communist " North Korea . And the moral premise for OUR nuclear World War III ? The dastardly leaders of the UNFREE world do not dwell on the moral heights of the American and the Israeli plutocracy , do not follow the exemplary statesmanship of Donald Trump , Joe Biden , and Kamala Harris, the exemplary statesmanship of Democratic Party and Republican Party leaders past and present. The whole rotten half of the world that so wickedly rejects OUR WAY OF LIFE - they must all perish under many MEGA-MAGA atomic and hydrogen bombs ! And as devout Catholic Joe Biden's refrain : " God bless our troops ! " But, of course, the CHRISTIAN working class in " OUR democracy " might just say NO to nuclear World War III !

Friday, October 4, 2024

Eve of Destruction Barry McGuire

@michaelalan1270 6 months ago bring this song back today, it's scarier now @jimraymond1393 6 months ago I’m 72 years old and remember each and every word.😢 @martinarnold4999 1 year ago 2023 and regrettably this song still has meaning. @cynthianaylor9514 11 months ago This song came out in 1965 and it's near the end of 2023 and here we go again

" On the Eve of Destruction " ?

Iran leader issues stark warning on world stage, vows revenge closer than ever - Fox News EDGE OF WAR Iran leader issues stark warning on world stage, vows revenge closer than ever

Jack Smith Drops Massive List Of Trump’s Election Crimes | Donald To Iva...

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I naturally think that ALL bourgeois elections in " OUR democracy " are rigged- rigged in favor of the American plutocracy .So I can only applaud right wing blowhard Republican Donald for TRUTH TELLING now and then. Do you believe that the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats, now led by vacuous, daffy Kamala Harris, own " OUR democracy " ? Vote YES for nuclear World War III ? Then vote YES for either the Democrat or the Republican presidential candidates. For some strange reason the mainstream news media is implacably hostile to Donald Trump . Could he possibly be less pro-APARTHEID Israel , less pro-ZIONISM than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden ( who said if he were a Jew , of course, he would be a ZIONIST Jew ) ? Still the WOKE WARRIOR , super-liberal Democrat Alan Dershowitz says he has left the Democratic Party. Himself a declared defender of torture of suspected terrorists , Dershowitz now suspects that his once beloved party has gone soft on HAMAS ? What a farce of " OUR democracy " - the 2024 presidential election !

Economist warns of 'bad news for consumers' amid looming port strike .... Remember the " Tumultuous Sixties " and Mario Savio's famous quote ?

The GOOD NEWS is that organized labor , the working class collective , still has the latent power to shut down the whole capitalist system whenever it becomes too obnoxiously oppressive. Remember the " Tumultuous Sixties " ? [ "Mario Savio, an American free speech activist and educator, famously said, 'There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop' ". ]

Economist warns of 'bad news for consumers' amid looming port strike

The GOOD NEWS is that organized labor , the working class collective , still has the latent power to shut down the whole capitalist system whenever it becomes too obnoxiously oppressive.

The dangers of posting about your kids on social media, explained by a l... THE INFERNAL CAMERA IS EVERYWHERE TODAY ANYWAY !

We should not even be living in a society where mere innocent children are placed in danger- or just IMAGINED to be in danger- by made- for-public videos . As a longtime , independent democratic socialist I reject the idea of THE FAMILY being a completely circumscribed institution , where THE CHILDREN are treated as both stultified PRIVATE PROPERTY and sterile INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. For good reasons the children of the American ruling class are strictly " guarded " from public interest. CAPITALIST society finds every which way to undermine the HUMAN sense of community. It just seems ridiculous to me that rational parents should have a nervous fit whenever their kids are caught on camera in the act of being exuberant , full of life , innocent KIDS. General paranoia plays a significant role in controlling human behavior in the interest of the capitalist ruling class. Of course, COMMON SENSE can restrain any particular activity focusing attention on dependent children. NOTE : The INFERNAL CAMERA IS EVERYWHERE TODAY ANYWAY. Make sure you put that seatbelt on your kid . BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU ! And BIG BROTHER is a most benevolent tyrant, isn't he ?

The dangers of posting about your kids on social media, explained by a l...

@oj8199 1 year ago I don’t even find it necessary to post myself. I don’t care for ppl to know what I’m doing, what’s going on, all up in my business. I can’t imagine wanting to post my child 69 Reply 1 reply @lynns3868 1 year ago No one needs to post their children's photos/videos online. If they are doing it, it's just for attention/validation from people. No photos/videos of children should be posted until a child is an adult and can decide for themselves what they want to put online. 131 Reply 7 replies @Kat_Rat1998 7 months ago This is very important. I am afraid for all these kids whose parents just show off their kids online without thinking about who actually sees their picture! Its so selfish of the parents! 32 Reply 5 replies @alic1977 1 year ago (edited) Wait …people are just figuring this out. 😳We are living in an era where people accessorize being pregnant and having children to fulfill the parents shallow need for attention privacy has become so rare it’s to late the train has already left the station 47 Reply @derekwoodford9955 1 year ago Sound of Freedom is worth watching.

‘Very likely’ Iran’s nuclear program ‘could be a target’ of Israel: Amb.... AN OPEN MESSAGE TO THE CONGRESSIONAL " SQUAD " on Zionist Jew censorship of American public opinion

For years now the mostly WOKE WARRIOR Democrat , ZIONIST Jew censorship has been censoring not so much " hate speech " but American public opinion , our collective " Ideas & Opinions " . There should be a Congressional investigation of this deplorable assault on " OUR democracy ". Perhaps members of " The Squad " can initiate such an investigation BEFORE another World War breaks out ? I will send them this message ! Karl Marx said long ago that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ".Colossal , PRIVATE PROPERTY , means of communication in capitalist America simply do not exist to " inform the public ". What little TRUTH we get is only by way of indifferent accident. The BUSINESS of NEWS is primarily for PROFIT. Any events in the world that embarrass the ruling class plutocracy are not likely to get anything resembling objective coverage , to display " professional journalism ". Also ,I note how my local Channel 10 news ( Cranston, Rhode Island ) is frequently interrupted by vacuous , false, or even pernicious advertising ( especially prescription drug advertising that should be banned ) How can any really HONEST news program in " OUR democracy " slobber over sponsors every five minutes and then pretend to report with integrity " THE NEWS " ? Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )

‘Very likely’ Iran’s nuclear program ‘could be a target’ of Israel: Amb....

Zionist APARTHEID Israel is not showing the world " How to Win Friends and Influence People " by war crimes against humanity , by genocide in Gaza, Palestine , by depleting the US Treasury when our country faces desperate challenges , climatic, economic, social, political , on the home front. The war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is not endearing himself to working class CHRISTIANS in " Our democracy " nor to Christians and Muslims around the world. Vote YES for nuclear World War III with Iran, China , Russia, North Korea, Venezuela ? Then vote for either " patriot " and fellow traveler of Zionism, WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris or right wing blowhard Republican Donald Trump ? Yes, either shining ALL-AMERICAN " patriot " will do ! Vote YES for either Trump or Harris ? Then that is also voting YES for the warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine . Three cheers for " OUR democracy " !

Fwd: Screenshot (Oct 4, 2024 7:49:39 AM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 at 07:49
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 4, 2024 7:49:39 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Free speech on campus: Can it be saved? | WHAT IF?

Relevant to this issue of " Free speech on campus " " this article : [ Palestine Legal Statement on NYU’s New, Draconian Student Conduct Policies August 29, 2024 [ " In a dangerous escalation of repression, New York University announced new student conduct policies last week that appear to prohibit criticism of Zionism. If implemented, these policies risk creating a hostile environment for Palestinian and anti-Zionist Jewish students and severely curtail the free expression of all students. The policy directly conflates Zionism and Judaism by stating that the former is a “code word” for the latter. It goes on to treat Zionism as a protected class on its own—a status afforded to no other political ideology. ​​This is the first university, that we are aware of, that claims that Zionist is an identity meriting protection under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, rather than a political ideology used to justify apartheid and genocide. The immediate impact of this policy and others like it will be to chill dissent on campus related to the US-Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. NYU Faculty for Justice in Palestine have stated that it represents "an intensification of NYU’s year-long effort to censor pro-Palestine activism. " ] As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see ZIONIST control of the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " a daily challenge to the resurgent anti-war movement . What can be more morally insane than to suggest that college students protesting war crimes of APARTHEID Israel and genocide in Gaza , Palestine are a collective force for HATE in the world ? American imperialism and Israeli Zionism can start nuclear World War III without any hate in the hearts of the imperialist and Zionists leaders and without inspiring hate in their military ? To be sure , the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID Israel, New McCarthyism since the Trump presidential victory in 2016 . And with the full support of the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " . The daily censorship of American public opinion , censorship not of HATE SPEECH but of our Ideas & Opinions, is showing real chutzpah ! How long will 100 MILLION working class CHRISTIAN Americans tolerate it ?

ZIONIST Jew censorship of FREE SPEECH on American college campuses : " Palestine Legal Statement on NYU's New, Draconian Student Conduct Policies

Palestine Legal Statement on NYU’s New, Draconian Student Conduct Policies August 29, 2024 [ " In a dangerous escalation of repression, New York University announced new student conduct policies last week that appear to prohibit criticism of Zionism. If implemented, these policies risk creating a hostile environment for Palestinian and anti-Zionist Jewish students and severely curtail the free expression of all students. The policy directly conflates Zionism and Judaism by stating that the former is a “code word” for the latter. It goes on to treat Zionism as a protected class on its own—a status afforded to no other political ideology. ​​ This is the first university, that we are aware of, that claims that Zionist is an identity meriting protection under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, rather than a political ideology used to justify apartheid and genocide. The immediate impact of this policy and others like it will be to chill dissent on campus related to the US-Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. NYU Faculty for Justice in Palestine have stated that it represents "an intensification of NYU’s year-long effort to censor pro-Palestine activism. " ]

What did " the greatest scientist " Isaac Newton know about electricity and magnetism ?

[ "It is well known that Newton became convinced towards the end of his life that electricity played a vital role in the operations of nature. In the famous final paragraph of the Scholium Generale that he added to the second edition of the Principia, published in 1713, he wrote of “a certain most subtle spirit which pervades and lies hid in all gross bodies.” It was this active spirit that gave rise, he supposed, to the electrical attractions and repulsions that manifested themselves at sensible distances from most bodies after they had been rubbed, as well as to the cohesion of particles when contiguous. In addition, he surmised, it was the agency responsible for the emission, reflection, refraction, inflection and heating effects of light; and by its vibrations in “the solid filaments of the nerves,” it carried sensations to the brain, and commands of the will from the brain to the muscles in order to bring about bodily motion. So Newton did think about electricity. The real question is why didn't he keep thinking about it. CuriousOne succinctly describes the reason for this in the comments. Hope this helps! " ]

Walz and Vance go in depth on policy while attacking each other’s runnin...

There is a crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in capitalist USA. None these Democratic or Republican candidates for high office in " OUR democracy " can or will think outside the box of pro-capitalism. pro-militarism, and pro-APARTHEID Israel Zionism. For that matter, neither does the mainstream news media . Is Israeli state terror and genocide in Gaza , Palestine acceptable to Democrat Walz and Republican Vance ? Is nuclear World War III with Islamic Iran ( actually the whole Islamic world ) and POST-CAPITALIST Russia ( including nuclear powers China and North Korea ) - is this acceptable to Democrat Walz and Republican Vance ? Just how pro-labor is the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ? Do they support unequivocally the dramatic American dockworkers strike ? Which party has anything resembling a plan to end the mass homeless crisis in " OUR democracy " ? How can any truly thoughtful voter get out of bed to vote for either MAGA Trump or WOKE WARRIOR Harris ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist I might cast my vote for the ghost of American Socialist Party legend Eugene V. Debs .

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Old school building in Cranston recalls when boys were boys and girls we...

While returning from a walk around Meshanticut Park in Cranston on a beautiful , last day of September late afternoon , I smiled inside as I passed this old elementary school building dating from the time when boys were boys and girls were girls. PROGRESS THROUGH WOKE IDEOLOGY ! I was told by a person nearby that it was now a condominium.

Fwd: Watch "Father of the Bride,Michael Ruggieri" on YouTube

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 at 09:27
Subject: Watch "Father of the Bride,Michael Ruggieri" on YouTube
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

My dear brother Michael , here Father of the Bride, was a little embarrassed about sticking his tongue out at my cell phone camera. It happened too fast for me to edit out. Now he says it's OK. I thought he looked just fine. Yesterday, while on a New England Fall walk around Meshanticut Park in Cranston, Rhode Island, I ran into his lovely daughters, Victoria, here the bride of the day and daughter Kate walking the two big, beautiful , friendly family dogs, Sugar and Grace . The wedding venue at Harrington Farm , Princeton, Massachusetts was enchanting.

Hurricane Helene damage: 1 storm, nearly 100 dead and a 500-mile path of...

These fellow Americans- victims of the worst hurricane disaster since Katrina- will need a lot of help from the Federal Government. But so many BILLIONS is unavailable as " OUR democracy " puts it aside for the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky for the PROXY-WAR IN UKRAINE WITH POST COMMUNIST RUSSIA . They must not expect anything from the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party . And MAGA Republican Donald Trump will promise them to " make America great again" . There is indeed a profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " . Elect either Trump or Harris and American FASCISM and nuclear World War III will still be around the corner. WE can celebrate victory on " The Day After ". And don't expect anything resembling TRUTH or FACTS from our mainstream news media.

Fwd: Screenshot (Oct 1, 2024 4:11:52 AM)

Democratic Socialists support striking dock workers

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2024, 4:12 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Oct 1, 2024 4:11:52 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>