Sunday, October 15, 2023

ANTI-WOKE Republican candidate for president DeSantis would ban Gaza refugees from the United States ?

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I do not think that it is the business of " OUR democracy " to protect ZIONIST Israel as an APARTHEID state. In fact , rather than let them refuse refugees from Gaza militant ZIONISTS in this country like Democrat Senator Schumer , who said a while back that he sees himself as " guardian angel of Israel ", should be ordered - LIKE SENATOR MENENDEZ- to register as agents of a foreign power. In his vociferous campaign against WOKE DeSantis curiously fails to notice that the very pillars of WOKE tyranny in " OUR democracy " are secular ZIONIST Jews ( many of them in academia , many teacher union leaders ). Working class CHRISTIANS in the United States have no interest in starting nuclear World War III defending the thug Netanyahu in Israel or the warmonger embezzler Zelensky in Ukraine. For decades ZIONISM - once condemned by the United Nations as a form of racism - has sowed the wind. And now it reaps the whirlwind. Jews with any sense should begin to leave Israel. They are safer in New York City than in Tel Aviv. Jewish American historian Howard Zinn, author of " People's History of the United States " said many times that ZIONIST Israel was a big mistake from the beginning. Popular science writer Isaac Asimov made the same point Show less

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