Monday, October 16, 2023

Like the Catholic Tradition the Jewish Tradition has its Dark Ages

Democratic socialists and orthodox Marxist socialists have made it nothing less than a working principle not to regress to atavistic nation-state worship. That applies to ANY state. Being a very COSMOPOLITAN people for centuries, this culture attracted many Jewish intellectuals to the ideal of socialism as opposed to self-centered capitalism and toxic nationalism. There are thousands of books in every public library that testify to the intelligence and wisdom and high ethical standards of the Jewish Tradition. But like the Catholic Tradition it has its Dark Ages. After World II with the Holocaust history Zionism SEEMED a lot more innocent than it is today. The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky understood it as a " tragedy ". He was removed from the scene by Stalin's assassins in 1940. But today ZIONISM allied with American imperialism and setting up an APARTHEID state is hopelessly reactionary. No morally sane individual would want to see Jews driven from Israel by Islamic fanatics. But a state with an ethnocentric foundation is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy. I do see a ONE STATE solution to the conflict between Palestinians and Jews. They could all " get along " in a state that just lived up to BOURGEOIS democratic ideals. Perhaps WE HUMANS can all get along before an asteroid - as it did to the dinosaurs 65 minion years ago - plunges into the Earth and wipes us all out with completely egalitarian contempt.

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