Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Jews and Arabs can get along in an INTEGRATED Israel as well as Jews and Italians get along in New York City

Who is the jackass censor that scratches over completely harmless sentence fragments like " especially since World War I- " the war to make the world safe for democracy " ? Is that a threat to your ZIONISM ? Israeli Zionism and American imperialism -together forever in crimes against humanity. As a long time independent democratic socialist I have no use for Islamic fanaticism or for TERRORISM as a war tactic. Modern war is quite TERRIBLE enough. Nuclear arsenals possessed by both the United States and Israel are inherently GENOCIDAL. You don't have to " hate your country " to see that especially since World War I " the war to make the world safe for democracy " innocent nationalism within a capitalist economic structure can quickly evolve into toxic nationalism, into predatory imperialism. Anti-Zionism for socialists around the world certainly does not mean that Jews as a people have no right to exist in the land called Israel today.. But the nation state of Israel based on APARTHEID ,on fanatical ethnocentrism , is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy. How is any nation based on " blood " any different from Hitler's Third Reich ? As a democratic socialist I do not think that a Palestine Islamic State side by side Zionist Israel is a good idea. Jews and Arabs can get along in an INTEGRATED Israel as we'll as Jews and Italians get along in New York City. For more than a 100 years much maligned New York City is still a model for the world.

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