Monday, October 16, 2023

In contrast to so many ZIONIST Jews today in the 1930s there were many " fellow traveler " Zionist Jews attached to the American Communist Party

It is beginning to look like the next world war- perhaps nuclear World War III - is all about making the world safe for Zionist APARTHEID Israel, for militant Zionist Jews in other strategic countries , for warmonger ,embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine. In " OUR democracy " the Uncle Joe Biden administration is packed with militant Zionist Jews ( even a Zionist Jew attorney general ) . Democrat Senate leader Senator Chuck Schumer said a while back that he will be " guardian angel of Israel ". His WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism for years now. The mainstream news media has daily and diligently censored and REMOVED anti-war and anti-Zionist public opinion. The now illiberal liberal Democratic Party has abandoned the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. The pillars of blatantly anti-CHRISTIAN WOKE ideology in the nations public schools and even in elite universities are invariably secular , openly anti-CHRISTIAN Zionist Jews. Karl Marx said way back in 1848 : " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". Within the American ruling class secular Zionist Jews are now predominant. The inner core of THEIR Democratic Party is closer to reactionary Zionist Jew philosopher Ayn Rand , author of " The virtue of Selfishness " than to any Old Testament wisdom . They are a long way from Thomas Jefferson, FDR , JFK . Absolute nonsense the Republican claim that the Democratic Party harbors serious socialists. As a long time independent democratic socialist I think that the so called FAR LEFT of the Democratic Party consists only of traitors to the ideal of socialism , traitors to the working class of the whole world. I chuckle when I read one ZIONIST Jew say that " socialism is anti–Semitic " ! And yet in the 1930s there were no lack of " fellow traveler " Jews attached to the American Communist Party. . Just read old J. Edgar Hoover's " Masters of Deceit ".

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