Friday, October 13, 2023

Blackball PRO-PALESTINIAN Brown University students too ?

I just heard on 630WPRO morning news in Rhode Island that long time Providence Journal columnist Mark Patinkin is critical of Brown president Christina Paxson for being soft on pro-Palestinian groups on campus. Both Paxton and Patinkin are pro-ZIONIST Jews. Since ZIONIST Jews effectively control the mainstream news media in the United States no surprise that Patinkin is one of the few survivors of that devastated newspaper. So he sides with the ZIONIST Jew CEO bullies who threaten to blackball Harvard law school students who dared to express any sympathy for occupied Palestine ? The vast majority of UNDERPRIVILEGED working class CHRISTIANS in the United States support a liberated Palestine. That has nothing to do with irrational anti-Semitism and everything to do with RACIST Zionism. Years ago the United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism. No surprise that BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies a few years ago featured Palestine flag waving. A published poll shows most voting American Jews heavily favor corrupt, senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden for re-election in 2024. Could they be collectively a little out of touch with political reality ? I speak as a longtime independent democratic socialist now supporting Robert F. Kennedy's INDEPENDENT campaign for president of the United States. Call it " critical support " for now.

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