Saturday, October 14, 2023

A real solution to the Palestine -Israel conflict ?

I DO THINK as a long time independent democratic socialist on the question of militant ZIONISM : To be sure , it is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy ANY nation-state with an ethno-centric foundation. What LAWS Marxism discovered in human history did NOT consider " THE JEWS " exceptional . And as Russian president Vladimir Putin pointed out some years ago nor does " OUR [ American ] democracy ' function outside recognized PATTERNS of historical development . I suspect that Putin has not quite forgotten the ABCs even of distorted Soviet era Marxism. Especially since the HUBRIS of the 1967 war too many once " cosmopolitan " , indeed SOCIALIST minded , Jewish intellectuals have regressed to atavistic nation-state worship. In general, Zionist APARTHEID Israel has deadened the once sensitive Jewish social conscience. Today I can't count on one hand the number of prominent Jews ( I know about )still Marxist- Socialist-or democratic socialist - oriented , openly anti-capitalism and anti-American imperialism. I suspect that politically involved Jews, just plain neurotic on the subject of Israel, were a major factor in the ruin of any number of Marxist " vanguard " parties. They too began to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Some guy even said that " socialism is anti-Semitic " ! I am not aware of any sane SOCIALISTS that want to drive the established Jewish population out of Israel. I think a ONE STATE solution to the plight of the Palestinians makes the most sense. Just END APARTHEID in present day Israel. Even in bourgeois democracy there should be no LEGALLY privileged race or ethnic group. Is that not obvious ? Of course, having a fanatical ISLAMIC state side by side ZIONIST Israel is also a formula for eternal bloody conflict. The Israeli Jews can no more give the country back to the Palestinians than WE mostly descendants of " settler Americans " can give the United States back to the Indians. But " GETTING ALONG " should not be an impossible problem for HOMO SAPIENS . [ Also, as a democratic socialist , I do not think that GLOBAL CAPITALISM can even begin to save the GOOD EARTH environment. ] Unfortunately in United States , in " OUR democracy '" , ZIONIST Jew control over mainstream news media , daily censorship of ANTI-ZIONIST , and even ANTI-WAR public opinion is smothering productive debate on old conflicts with no end in sight.

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