Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Homeless advocates do not think outside the box of capitalist system categories
" Progressive " Democratic politicians are as clueless about curing mental illness as they are about solving the homeless crisis. They and professional ,publicity seeking " advocates " never think outside the box of " normal " capitalist system categories. Rarely even professional psychiatrists will show critical SOCIAL intelligence. How many have read socialist humanist psychiatrist Erich Fromm's " The Sane Society " ?
Too many self-serving advocates imagine that some " liberal " bureaucrat appointee will save the day for their social justice cause. Check out past and present Housing CZARS ! Check out news on the homeless in America at the very beginning of the Reagan era ( " Morning in America " ! ) : " Meet the new boss , same as the old boss ! "
ZIONIST Jew agenda of " Greater Israel " for V . Zelensky's " sovereign " Ukraine ?
Very soon CHRISTIAN PUBLIC OPINION in the United States will condemn all military and economic support to Zionist APARTHEID Israel and all military and economic support to the puffed up NATO " hero " war monger , Ukrainian president and belligerent Zionist V. Zelensky . American imperialism and Israeli Zionism is not all about a " sovereign " Ukraine ( more like " Greater Israel " )
The Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews with an agenda for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
To be sure , there are no ANTI-WAR voices in today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party . But anti-war sentiment is smoldering among WE THE PEOPLE in " OUR democracy " .
Petey Lao - [ " What is the most common regret people have as they age ?" ]
Profile photo for Petey Lao
Petey Lao
writer, gardener, painter, pulmonary-critical care MDMay 12
What is the most common regret people have as they age? Why do they regret not dealing with it earlier?
Regrets that arise with aging often come from the recognition that we have outlived people, things, and experiences that we can no longer reclaim.
We regret working too much when the children were young, and we missed witnessing their pure love and innocence.
We regret holding back the expression of love to the most deserving person, and now that person is gone.
We regret not apologizing for the transgressions we committed, and the opportunity has forever passed.
In a way, all regrets are failures of courage.
The courage to love
The courage to forgive
The courage to venture out of our comfort zone
Life is a very short trip on Earth. Be courageous.
HUMAN RACE , FADE TO BLACK ? BE RECLAIMED BY AZATHOTH"S ( H.P. Lovecraft ' s Blind Idiot God ) quantum foam
The " civilization " of capitalism USA is sinking into barbarism! Neither the Marine Corps' " finest " nor the lumpen proletariat criminal elements will save it. The present " Black Crime Wave " is not too difficult to explain. The " personality " of the " incorrigible " criminal , the " personality " of the SEMPER FIDELIS proud Marine , and the " personality " of the arrogant capitalist exploiter are all finely shaped by the capitalist social order. As is the " personality " of the next FASCIST American president . Hail Trump ?
The BEAR AT YOUR DOOR and THE ALLIGATOR ON YOUR FRONT PORCH and the THERMOMETER ON YOU WALL hint that even Mother Nature is getting sick of misnamed " homo sapiens " - a " little lower than the angels " ?
HUMAN RACE , FADE TO BLACK ? BE RECLAIMED BY AZATHOTH'S ( H.P. Lovecraft's Blind Idiot God ) quantum foam ?
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Saturday, May 27, 2023
What social forces are behind this irrational and vicious WOKE ideology ?
Does it not make " investigative journalism " sense to inquire about the concrete social forces behind this irrational and vicious WOKE ideology ? My own search for TRUTH here makes me conclude that the very pillars of this- infuriating to Christian parents everywhere - daffy WOKE ideology are invariably secular , often openly anti- Christian , ZIONIST Jews supported completely
by the WOKE- cracked Ivy League schools - like Harvard Law which yearly mass produces professional enemies of the working class along with the arrogant , very pro-capitalist , pro-ZIONIST , pro American imperialist , New Atheism inspired by the late drunken ex-Trotskyist Christian Hitchens , author of " God Is Not Great -how religion poisons everything " ( for some curious reason Hitchens -despised by leftist author Gore Vidal - was ecstatic on learning that his grandmother ( ? ) was Jewish. ( I suspect that some great , great grandmother on my mother's side was a true NATIVE AMERICAN ! ).
But since professional journalism is dead in " OUR democracy " , do not expect the mainstream news media to do anything with public opinion TRUTH but censor, silence , and shame it.
Shame on the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats foe promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism !
The ZIONIST JEW controlled mainstream news media in the United States cannot SELL puffed up , NATO " hero " war monger Ukraine president Zelensky to well informed working class CHRISTIAN voters. A phony " sovereign " Ukraine ( independent even of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ? ) is not worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMUNIST Russia. Shame on the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats for promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism !
Excerpts from Warwick Beacon when brother Ray worked for the Warwick Police Dept. as their radio technician
Warwick Beacon
Thursday , December 10th, 1987
According to Raymond Ruggieri, radio technician for the city, the police will also have three other frequencies Two will be/published as soon as they are assigned by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), while the other wil) remain unpublished as a classified channel for investigations and certain police business Some equipment on site patch room with special air conditioning and anti static carpets, and it's got to be all re wired Hopefully by mid January the new system will be in service The switch over, he said, should not pose a problem for owners of new programmable scanner...
Warwick Beacon WarwickRhode IslandThursday , December 10th, 1987 Page : 1
Warwick Beacon
Tuesday , February 16th, 1988
radio technician Raymond Ruggieri said part of the delay in installing this equipment was caused by the weather _ _ We hope to be using the new frequencies in about two weeks, he said But we'll be using them along with' the old frequences because it will take a while to replace all the radios in the patrol cars And this simulcast will go on for about three weeks, then we'll be broadcasting totally on the new frequendes The police department's new main UHF frequency will be453 675 A second new frequency will be 453 475 According to Castiglioni, this second channel will be used for intra city...
Warwick Beacon WarwickRhode IslandTuesday , February 16th, 1988 Page : 10
You can be sure the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats will not deprive the Pentagon War Crimes Machine of one cent
The mainstream news media in the United States - for obvious reasons slobbering over the ZIONIST Jew war monger president of Ukraine V. Zelensky - will never arouse the latent war passions of " OUR democracy " over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine . Not with stale Wilsonian blather : once again " make the world safe for democracy " . Those phrases were FALSE way back in 1917 . And they are just as FALSE now.
Just poll the mostly CHRISTIAN working class in the United States on the wisdom of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia .
The news says that our social security checks are threatened by a political quarrel within the corrupt TWO PARTY SYSTEM. OUR social security is threatened but not war monger Zelensky 's BILLIONS ?
You can be sure that WOKE WARRIOR Democrats will NOT cut one cent for the Pentagon War Crimes Machine.
3 years ago on " public library hygiene " - BEFORE the COVID-19 pandemic
3 years ago
I am generally pleased with and appreciative of ALL public libraries . Just ONE public health suggestion: could this library and other public libraries please put up a poster reminding chronic coughers to avoid contaminating the air ? Perhaps they can offer the chronic cougher a face mask or a box of facial tissues.
You would think the staff would take some responsibility here . Is it so rude or politically incorrect to enforce public health standards ?
One frequent cougher at the Warwick Public Library was identified as a one time resident of Harrington Hall ( for the homeless ) in Cranston. A friend described Harrington Hall as sounding like a 19th century tuberculosis ward. He should know as he had to spend one horrible night there.]
QUORA comment - A very sane man !
A very SANE man !
Profile photo for Gopalkrishna Vishwanath
Gopalkrishna Vishwanath
Lived 69 years so far. No regrets. Look forward to the best years now.Jan 27
How are you feeling being at the last phase (old age) of life?
Thanks to Ram Karri for asking this question.
[ "It made me think for a while and what I am going to write is not going to be pleasant reading.
When I saw this question, my first thought was “Am I really the right person to answer this?”
I am only 73. Am I really at the last phase of my life?
Just how long is each “phase”? And which phase is the “last phase”?
That will help me decide if I have reached the last phase or the penultimate phase of my life.
All I can answer is how it feels to be 73.
I am at peace.
My career is over. I retired about 12 years ago.
No more responsibilities, no more commitments, no more bosses to satisfy, no more subordinates to manage, no more customers to please, no more loans to repay.
I resisted all attempts made by others to make me rejoin the profession and be an advisor, consultant, mentor, trainer or whatever.
True, I did participate in some training activities and guided some new recruits and inducted them into the profession till about 5 years ago but now even that has stopped.
The feeling of peace comes from the fact that I have no more liabilities.
I have no debts. Everything is paid off.
People owe me money. I owe nothing to anyone.
My responsibilities to my family have been discharged. No one will be economically impacted by my death. During my younger days, I used to be scared of death because that would affect my wife and children who were dependent on me and my income.
That fear is now gone. I brought up two talented children and today they are adults leading their own lives.
I feel proud that I am financially independent. I know my children are there for me should the need arise but I am hopeful I will never have to depend on them for my livelihood. My savings should see us through this lifetime unless we live too long and score centuries each.
I have no unreasonable demands or expectations. I don’t want more money than what is needed for living a decent middle-class life and maintaining my present lifestyle and meeting medical costs. I am not hungry for power, influence, and importance in society.
Going by family history and if genes are to be trusted, it is probable that both my wife and I will leave this planet sometime during our eighties. With some luck we may touch ninety. That is a good 17 years away.
I am in no hurry to go. Life now is at its best except for some health issues. But neither do I fear sudden death.
In fact sudden death would be a boon. I would rather have a quick painless departure than linger in bed for months, unable to live a normal life, depending on living assistance, watch all my savings gobbled up by medical expenditure in a hospital and watch my life ebb drop by drop over several months. That would be agony both for me and for my near and dear ones. That possibility is the only fear I have and I trust my good karma will ensure that the almighty will spare me and my spouse that fate.
Another fond wish I have is to outlive my wife. We both know how hard it is going to be for both of us to lose a living partner after having lived together for decades. I would rather face that tragedy and brave the suffering than allow my wife to face it.
My mother died as a “sumangali”. I wish the same for my wife. " ]
Library hygiene
Check out this review of East Smithfield Public Library on Google Maps
Friday, May 26, 2023
The CIA and Henry Kissinger gave SOVEREIGN Chile the fascist general Pinochet !
Old old Henry Kissinger - the Vietnam War era ZIONIST Jew war criminal who also colluded in the assassination of Chilean president Salvador Allende in 1973. Of course , no " sovereign " country could possibly democratically elect a MARXIST president ? The CIA and Kissinger gave SOVEREIGN Chile the fascist general Pinochet !
Fwd: YOU TUBE exchange : how many American public school teachers are not flunky subservient to the capitalist rulers of Corporate America ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 at 10:31
Subject: YOU TUBE exchange : how many American public school teachers are not flunky subservient to the capitalist rulers of Corporate America ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 at 10:31
Subject: YOU TUBE exchange : how many American public school teachers are not flunky subservient to the capitalist rulers of Corporate America ?
To: <>
doris martin :
[ I am an American teacher and a Dove. But, Russia needs to get out of Ukraine. So, I support this. I knew this aircraft carrier was big, didn't realize it is the biggest. Go Norway. Am 11% Norwegian, the rest is crazy Irish.
Slava Ukraine! ]

How many American public school teachers are not flunky subservient to the capitalist rulers of Corporate America ? American history , dear Teacher , is not all about defending FREEDOM and SOVEREIGN countries . Like Chile in 1973 where the CIA colluded in the assassination of the democratically elected Marxist president Salvador Allende. Another ZIONIST Jew war criminal , Henry Kissinger , was Nixon's Secretary of State at the time.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
The sun is setting on American imperialism and American capitalism
[ " Following the Biden administration’s announcement at last week’s G7 meeting that it would send F-16 fighter aircraft to Ukraine, the US and its Ukrainian proxy forces have carried out a series of provocative actions aimed at further escalating the conflict.
As the Ukrainian military continues to suffer military setbacks on the ground—most clearly demonstrated by the fall of Bakhmut—the US and the NATO powers are preparing for the potential direct entry of air, land and sea forces into the conflict.
On Wednesday, the USS Gerald R. Ford arrived in Oslo, Norway. The USS Ford is the largest warship ever constructed and the first of a new generation of such carriers commissioned by the United States." ]
Would American imperialism dare send a combat army against both Russia and China ? No, just keep sending BILLIONS to the puffed up NATO " hero " ZIONIST war monger V. Zelensky . And fight the proxy war with Russia to the last Ukrainian .
NOTE : The American plutocracy has not won a significant war since 1945 -and THAT involved the colossal war crime of the atomic bombing of two Japanese cities , Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
Does DEEP STATE think another stupid war - this time over dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine- will not see an ANTI-WAR movement as big and passionate as the one during the Vietnam War era , during the " Tumultuous Sixties " ?
The sun is setting on American imperialism and American capitalism . Stale Wilsonian blather - once again " make the world safe for democracy "- will not inspire the working class masses to any sacrifices this time.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
I was curious about this drug FENTANYL " high " . I read this :
I was curious about this drug fentanyl " high " . I read this :
[How does fentanyl affect the brain?
Like heroin, morphine, and other opioid drugs, fentanyl works by binding to the body's opioid receptors, which are found in areas of the brain that control pain and emotions.8 After taking opioids many times, the brain adapts to the drug, diminishing its sensitivity, making it hard to feel pleasure from anything besides the drug. When people become addicted, drug seeking and drug use take over their lives.
Fentanyl's effects include
extreme happiness
problems breathing
unconsciousness ]
If you have some idealistic notion of the essence of HUMAN HAPPINESS - like wallowing in LOVE , LOVE with perhaps a religious element , a WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD , LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND emotion , this is indeed DEPRESSING information . But it should make you cynical about " extreme happiness " on this side of Paradise. I will say that as a source of anxiety and misery CONSTIPATION is under-rated . For that reason alone AVOID fentanyl . What a BILLION brain and nerve cells can do to make PAIN also INFINITE !
We must learn early in life that it is not all about HAPPINESS . But what can you do if an ogre existentialist philosopher got it right in one of his plays : " Hell [ the opposite of HAPPINESS ] is OTHER PEOPLE " ?
If RELIGION is " the opium of the people ", that at least need not be banned by the FDA nor by today's WOKE WARRIOR fanaticism .
I wish the Providence Journal -once a great Rhode Island- could digitize its now on microfilm archives
I am very interested in the Providence Journal Archives as I grew up reading the paper in the Washington Park section of Providence, RI. Just by chance I notice here that our beloved family doctor , Ciro Scotti , involved in a $12,000 law suite over some pothole incident.
I wish the Providence Journal - once a great Rhode Island newspaper - could digitize its now on- microfilm archives. Other papers have had no problem doing this.
The Biden administration is packed with many " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews . Voila ! his support for Election 2024 .
Despite overwhelming negative public opinion of the Joe Biden presidency, he is clearly the proverbial useful idiot to a powerful section of the American ruling class. On the whole the mainstream news media goes easy on him in contrast to former President Donald Trump and his scary mass following of " deplorables " ( mostly people who don't vote for WOKE Democrats ) .
A matter of public record : the Biden administration is packed with many " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews. Voila ! his support for Election 2024 .
But for decades now " OUR democracy " has risen above the crude concept of MAJORITY RULE . What the LBGTQ " community " wants should overrule all of us .
In Chuck Todd, Lester Holt , and the New York Times , we trust !
Is this the latest REVELATION from the " Church of the Big Bang " ? If the UNIVERSE came from NOTHING , does that not make the wonderful miracles of Jesus in the New Testament all the more credible ? Unlike many BIG BANG New Atheists , Jesus never sounded like a make-a-buck charlatan like so many of today's well paid hucksters of WOKE BIG SCIENCE .
Is it a bizarre form of religious ecstasy to contemplate " what hydrogen atoms can do after 13 billion years " ? And , of course, what the " GOD PARTICLE " can do to get everything started : the cosmic blueprints , 13 billion years later , for our celebrated quacks of WOKE " science " which now rises above OBJECTIVE REALITY under the political guidance of often openly anti-Christian , secular ZIONIST Jews in the Democratic Party ( with the backing of elite Ivy League schools ) .
Why is there something rather than nothing ? Perhaps only GOD knows But some TRUTH must be muzzled . In Chuck Todd , Lester Holt , and the New York Times , we trust
And yet the Joe Biden administration is packed with ardent " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews !
Consider what this famous popular science writer , Isaac Asimov , had to say about ZIONIST Israel years ago :
[ “I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back. " ]
And yet the Joe Biden administration is packed with ardent " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Hollywood 's ZIONIST Jew Zaslav should respect the demands of his now ON STRIKE neurotic , petty bourgeois , prostitute writers
{ "Zaslav lives in New York City with his wife Pam. The couple has three children.[44] His daughter Ali Zaslav is a congressional producer with CNN.[52]
Zaslav has donated over $240,000 to Democratic candidates and PACs,[53] and $5,600 to Republican Senator Jim Risch. " ]
The father of JFK ,Joseph P. Kennedy , was vilified for making quite truthful statements about warmongering Jews and their dominant influence in the Democratic Party. As a source today of ZIONIST propaganda- apart from the mainstream news media - how can you beat owning and controlling Hollywood and its shameless army of prostitute writers ? Of course , prostitutes should be well paid. Not for nothing this independent democratic socialist rarely views MADE IN HOLLYWOOD movies. I did like " Born on the Fourth July " way back in 1988 ( ? ) . And " Reds " .
Rarely are any of these writers devoted to TRUTH ( who would hire them anyway ? ) .
ZIONIST Jews with AGENDA cover for senile president Joe Biden
There is a rather obvious explanation why the mainstream news media continues to be oblivious to this " Emperor Has No Clothes " political comedy: Corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden has an administration strikingly packed with ZIONIST Jews with a war agenda against Russia and a hidden " Greater Israel " project for Ukraine led by the puffed up , NATO " hero " warmonger ZIONIST V. Zelensky . Biden has given him the keys to the US Treasury. So whatever the vast majority of CHRISTIAN working class people in " OUR democracy " think , no matter how opposed WE are to nuclear World War III , Joe Biden is THEIR proverbial useful idiot . That is decisive in " OUR democracy " with the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats still clinging to power. And the so called FAR Left of the Democratic Party is a pathetic joke with " socialist " Bernie Sanders directing the hoax.
Have they dismissed all QUALITY CONTROL technicians in our FOR PROFIT industries ?
I will return these today ! The plastic material should unfold into an open ended bag. Have they dismissed all the QUALITY CONTROL technicians in our FOR PROFIT industries ? I bought these " GOOD SENSE drawstring trash bags at Atwood Ave. in the Cranston, R.I. " Shores " grocery store. I also note that many products lately are recalled and much prepared food is reported contaminated. The advertising on TV and radio of prescription medicine ( with an unctuous " See you doctor " ) is a theater of the Absurd abomination. We live in the Golden Age of False Advertising.
Of course Shores is not responsible for this .
Monday, May 22, 2023
Proxy war in Ukraine is all about lebensraum for " Greater Israel "
The proxy war in Ukraine is not all about a forever " sovereign " Ukraine . Led by the puffed up, NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky , it is really all about lebensraum for " Greater Israel ". The Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST friends of APARTHEID Israel. They see corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden as the proverbial useful idiot for THEIR agenda : nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ( which will include Islamic Iran ) .
The mainstream news media in the United States is trying to sell this war to working class Christians with stale Wilsonian blather from the Great War the US entered in 1917 . Another such INSANE war to " make the world safe for democracy " ? Will the MAJORITY finally prevail in " OUR democracy " ?
The pompous CZARS of Housing in Rhode Island just cannot think outside the box of capitalism
The state bureaucrats , appointed CZAR of Housing in Rhode Island and other pompous titles , just cannot think outside the box of landlord -capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. To be sure , the RIGHT to be homeless is itself ludicrous . Like health care having a healthy , decent home - whatever your character flaws ! - should also be perceived as a basic human right.
The never mentioned task of the state bureaucrats is not to solve the homeless problem. ( They know with sufficient cynicism ) THAT is impossible in CAPITALIST America . Their job is to ameliorate homelessness , make it less visible , less embarrassing to the ruling class. They must , in effect , quarantine the homeless people in Rhode Island. They must prevent them from encroaching on sacrosanct PRIVATE PROPERTY . As if there is not enough empty , unused real estate all around us.
Apart from the propertied class the American military could immediately house the homeless, accommodate them, in numerous barracks around the country.
Also, many of the homeless are forever beyond adjusting to the struggle for existence in a competitive capitalist culture. The deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill decades ago was a colossal failure and indeed a crime against humanity .
My dear bureaucrats - you just have to think outside the madhouse box of capitalism . ( And quickly lose your job ! ) .
Fwd: FOOLISH talk of reparations for Black slavery
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 at 12:58
Subject: FOOLISH talk of reparations for Black slavery
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 at 12:58
Subject: FOOLISH talk of reparations for Black slavery
To: Letters, NYT <>
The daffy Republican Right claims that MARXISM is taking over Democratic Party . But talk of " reparations " for the descendants of black slaves in the Old South is clueless about ABCs of MARXISM. Freed from the slave plantation, Black people in the Old South were immediately prey to the almost equally horrible WAGE SLAVERY of the Northern industrialists - as were MILLIONS of immigrants from Europe - Italians, Germans, Irish , Poles , Jews, Russians . Are any angry mobs attacking statues and monuments to millionaire capitalists of the Gilded Age ? All those mansions on Bellevue Ave. in Newport , Rhode Island do not testify to an ongoing exploitation and oppression of the " melting pot " American working class ? What a pathetic daydream : MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to MILLIONS of Black Americans who are barely stable within the working class ? Whatever its benign intent REPARATIONS are not part of any SOCIALIST program to correct the irrational nature of the capitalist economic system. Making millions of Black Americans instant millionaires can only insult millions of WORKING CLASS WHITE CHRISTIANS who never inherited collective guilt for the PAST horrors of the slave system. My mother's relatives ( family name Engley ) have their names inscribed on a City Hall building in Uxbridge , Mass. They fought in the American Revolution and in the American Civil War on the side of Abraham Lincoln and the North. What do WE owe you ? Also the white families of the Old South do not inherit any guilt or obligation for foolish" reparations " to Black Americans who were freed way back in 1865 . You must live in the PRESENT and accept OBJECTIVE REALITY which is the ogre for today's WOKE WARRIOR Democrats .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Saturday, May 20, 2023
No more FREE WIFI service for T-MOBILE phones ?
I have two T-MOBILE phones that have responded to WIFI ( in public libraries , for example , at DUNKIN ) until this past week. I get no WIFi service ( free ? ) anywhere . I am puzzled about this. A sneaky change in policy? A unusual hack job ?
Ukrainian president Zelensky's " Greater Israel " agenda is not worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia
Democratic socialists familiar with American History ( which must include long chapters on the rise of American imperialism ) know all too well that TOP SECRET means above all TOP SECRET from the American people. WE would be ashamed of what is done in the interests of " national security ", in reality the interests of the American plutocracy. So guys like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are the true heroes of " OUR democracy " - what little we have left. This young Dighton man perhaps is less idealistic but he did the right thing even for the wrong reasons.
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism for years now led by a hard core of belligerent ZIONIST Jews. The mostly CHRISTIAN American working class does not slobber over dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine and its puffed up NATO " hero " , war monger leader V. Zelensky. His " Greater Israel " agenda is not worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
Note that the Biden administration is packed with many friends of APARTHEID Israel ( a country itching for war with Iran ) .
Friday, May 19, 2023
One way to stop MEGA-INFLATION is to junk the Pentagon War Crimes Machine !
For this anti-war democratic socialist the young Dighton man is a hero comparable to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange . Above all , TOP SECRETS are off limits to THE PEOPLE in " Our democracy " . They are TOP SECRET because they would shame our sense of right and wrong , of FAIR PLAY . The interests of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism( together forever ! ) are not OUR interests . One way to stop MEGA-INFLATION is to junk the Pentagon War Crimes Machine and all those dinosaur generals and admirals and CIA operatives.
How is the young man more dangerous than President Joe Biden with his home based enterprise of useful ( for the family budget ! ) TOP SECRET documents ?
For years the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism . So concerned are they for NATIONAL SECURITY !
The vast majority of working class CHRISTIANS do not applaud nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia !
The puffed up NATO hero , warmonger Zelensky has the ironic support of all the corrupt bourgeois governments of Old Europe ( blood drenched from centuries of brutal colonialism ) , American imperialism , and Israeli Zionism. American History , for example, is all about defending " freedom " and " sovereign " countries on all continents ? Like Chile in 1973 ? But in fact , the American plutocracy has not won a significant war since 1945 ( and that was finally won with the help of a crime against humanity : the atomic bombing of the two Japanese cities , Hiroshima and Nagasaki . Perhaps a little too late the War Crimes Tribunal (now investigating Putin ) can investigate THIS horrific war crime.
The mainstream news media in the United States daily smothers anti-war public opinion. The vast majority of working class CHRISTIANS do not applaud nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine .
One solution to the homeless crisis : " The Government's Power of Eminent Domain to Condemn [ to seize ? ] Private Property "
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think that the main obstacle to housing the homeless is landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. None of the 40+ prominent citizens on the board of CROSSROADS , for example, will think outside this ideological box of capitalist " normalcy " . Yet, even within THE SYSTEM there is potentially formidable antagonism to ABSOLUTE private property rights : there is the always dreaded Internal Revenue Service- which could easily seize any slumlord's FOR PROFIT property. Then there is :
".The Government's Power of Eminent Domain to Condemn Private Property ". There is no lack of livable buildings to house the homeless in " OUR democracy ".
There is no solution to the homeless crisis in America within the status quo. There must be some AUTHORITARIAN approach here. THE LAW should declare that homeless people have a right to HOME - not a" right " to BE homeless and an ACLU supported " right" to beg in the streets.
If homelessness gets completely out of control , American FASCISM might beat democratic socialism to a SOLUTION for homelessness USA .
Thursday, May 18, 2023
A pleasant browsing of Pliny's " Natural History " ( following his ancient Latin in the Loeb Classical Library )
Last night in the Loeb Classical Library book on Pliny's " Natural History ' I read a touching description of VERY friendly sea dolphins : " The dolphin is a animal that is not only friendly to mankind but also a lover of music ... " A dolphin that had been brought into Lucerne Lake fell marvellously in love with a certain boy ... A similar story is told about a boy in the city of Iasus , with whom a dolphin was observed for a long time to be in love and while eagerly following him to the shore when he was going away it grounded on the sand and expired . Alexander the Great made the boy head of the priesthood of Poseidon at Babylon, interpreting the the dolphin's affection as a sign of the deity's favor.. In the region of Nismes in the Province of Narbonne there is a marsh named Latera where dolphins catch fish in partnership with human fishermen. "
[ Book IX viii 27-ix. 30 ]
I can only applaud the " notorious " Marjorie Taylor Greene for introducing impeachment procedures against President Biden
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I can only applaud Marjorie Taylor Greene here. The mainstream news media ( packed with comrades of Adam Schiff ) is determined to cover the back of corrupt , senile , creepy, " Sleepy Joe " Biden.
Do not expect much rebellion against Biden in the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party .
In the final analysis it is the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM that is morally and intellectually bankrupt in the United States. Working class Americans , working class CHRISTIAN Americans , need their own independent American Labor Party - a counter force to American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ( together forever ! ) .
No matter how oppressive CAPITALIST society is , it does help to have a sober , rational PURPOSE IN LIFE !
There is a bigger picture. On my walks I see numberless NIP liquor bottles. In Kennedy Plaza waiting for a bus it does seems that very many are " high " on something if not suffering from some mental disorder. Filthy cigarette butts are never swept up which adds to the depressing scene. The last things poor people need : drugs, booze , and cigarettes ! With these addictions how can they afford not to live in a carboard box ? No matter how oppressive CAPITALIST society is , it does help to have a sober , rational PURPOSE IN LIFE !
" OUR democracy " is cracking up ! And you think the whole world is storming the border to enter THIS insane asylum ? How many are fleeing from FREE WORLD countries ?
Perhaps a long vacation in New York City will help ( comfortable middle class ? ) Cranston City Councilman Matthew Reilly recover from " OUR WAY OF LIFE " .
How many " liberal " ZIONIST Jews in the Democratic Party have no quarrel with Adam Schiff ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think Adam Schiff played a despicable role not only smearing Trump ( quite apart from his real personality flaws ) but in promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism . The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party can easily compete with working class " deplorables " and incorrigible white supremacists in any HATE epidemic.
How many " liberal " ZIONIST Jews in the Democratic Party have no quarrel with Adam Schiff ? Do they condone censorship of public opinion in the United States ? On stupid wars and daffy WOKE nonsense, for example ?
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Remembering " Uncle Louie " - RIP
[ " Ruggieri Associates (Albert H Cooper Louis M Ruggieri) consulting eng 170 Westminster R510 " ]
Taken from 1960 Providence City Directory . At that time -a more prosperous time for our " Uncle Louie " - Louis Ruggieri had his engineering office at 170 Westminster St., R 510 . His partner was one Mr. Albert H. Cooper . The story goes that there was some dishonest business practice on Cooper's part which ruined Uncle Louie's international engineering firm " Ruggieri& Associates " . I heard that Uncle Louie was a regular customer at the nearby Chinese Restaurant ( Mee Hong Restaurant 102 Westminster ? ) Also a regular hard drinker- this very talented man born and raised on Federal Hill in Providence , Rhode Island. When my 12 year old, older brother Ricky said he wanted to be an airplane pilot Uncle Louie sternly told him : " You have to know Calculus . Do YOU know Calculus? " One day Uncle Louie showed me a greenish , still radioactive mineral which was once just plain SAND transformed by the first Atomic Bomb test at Alamagordo , New Mexico. Later years when I protested the Vietnam War Uncle Louie called me " Un-American "
. At that time he had some engineering contract in Vietnam ( along with a Vietnamese girl friend on the side. Which later led to a bitter divorce and ( sadly ) a possible suicide on the 4th of July ( liberation day ? ) [earlier Uncle Louie had a role in the North Providence town management .See above.]
In his last year of life , now a broken man, Uncle Louie was often a dinner guest at our house and was loved and treated kindly by his younger brother , my father Domenic, and my mother Janet . RIP " Uncle Louie " now in a still a nameless , numbered grave at St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery in Cranston, Rhode Island.
Until Election Day 2024 Joe Biden will remain THEIR useful idiot ( of belligerent WOKE Zionist Jews )
Look, FACTS are not anti-Semitic . The ZIONIST Jew controlled news media will cover and protect corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden right to Election Day 2024 because he is their proverbial useful idiot . Do not expect NBC's Chuck Todd to consider this TRUTH !
They are entrenched in DEEP STATE and in the Democratic Party ( despite its " FAR left " phonies ) . They have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism since 2015 . They are the homebased cheer leaders for the puffed up NATO hero , warmonger Ukrainian president Zelensky . They are also the pillars of daffy WOKE ideology in the nation's public schools. If any reader thinks that I speak nonsense here , be free to COMMENT .
The Trump- Russia collusion hoax : at times this mockery of " OUR democracy " seemed like old time Yiddish theater !
This is what I wrote in my blog about the Trump-Russia collusion hoax on Jan. 26 , 2020 : " Crazed , obsessed bug eyed , ZIONIST Adam Schiff wants to nullify the 2016 presidential election ?
At times this mockery of " OUR democracy " seemed like old time Yiddish theater !
In a wealthy society there is no need for an ugly struggle for existence in ALL social strata
Now and then Rhode Island politicians get something right : " Free lunch for all public school students in Rhode Island ". In a wealthy country there is no need for an ugly struggle for existence in ALL social strata.
There would be a lot less mental illness in capitalist USA if life were more COMMUNAL . Even housing architecture can be revolutionized so that individual families need not live in isolated bubbles responsible only for themselves : MY kids , MY wife , MY husband , my PROPERTY , MY career .
What is rarely mentioned about NATIVE Americans, before the much maligned Christopher Columbus discovered them, is that they had little sense of PRIVATE PROPERTY . The GOOD EARTH belonged to the GREAT SPIRIT . But THEY were backward , were they not ?
The schools must also recognize the need for a scientifically balanced diet for growing youth . And for healthy homes . Too much lead in drinking water will show up in those elementary school IQ tests . If you are poor in capitalist USA what else do you have but your BRAIN as a tool for survival ?
Do even self-described atheists fear supernatural EVIL ? H.P. Lovecraft , for example ?
I read this story on a Sunday afternoon and I still wonder if H.P. Lovecraft's militant " materialism " ( as expressed in his voluminous letters ) only suppressed a deep FEAR of supernatural evil ? This story could have inspired William Peter Blatty's very Catholic horror novel ( and movie ) titled " The Exorcist " .
I see myself as an oh so scientific minded individual influenced in my younger days by Bertrand Russell , Isaac Asimov , Carl Sagan . But my soul remains a Pre-Vatican II Catholic that at times can sniff out Satanic EVIL . Go figure !
Are you really a MATERIALIST if all your life you have the most vivid dreams of COSMIC HORROR and supernatural EVIL ? To be sure , the New Atheism seems to be a fading " movement ". Even Isaac Asimov wondered if God ( if HE exists ) would tolerate WISE GUY irreverence ?
Has the Republican Right failed to notice that the Biden administration is packed with eternal friends of APARTHEID Israel, ZIONIST Jew zealots ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I wonder if the Republican Right has failed to notice that the Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jew , eternal friends of APARTHEID Israel , zealots ?
Are not these people presently instigating nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Are they also not the very pillars of WOKE ideology in the nation's public schools ?
So " there are no other people in this country , only American people " ???
[ "There are no other people in this country, only American people." What an amazing line, and one needed to be said more often. " ] COMMENT .
20th Century Fascism can only be understood by - I suspect - a rigidly orthodox Marxist point of view. A crisis of capitalism and German colonialism led to Hitler in Germany . A crisis of capitalism and Italian colonialism led to Mussolini in Italy. A crisis of capitalism and American imperialism almost led to socialist revolution in the United States. In all cases a crisis of capitalism in a modern nation-state leads to WAR with some over-vilified foreign enemy . Presently for the American ruling class POST-COMUNIST Russia does not live up to the superior moral standards of " OUR democracy " ( LOL ) .
Any objective view of modern society , any SCIENTIFIC view, would agree with Marx that the American PEOPLE are divided into antagonistic economic classes. It would be ridiculous for militant organized labor , for example , to have a strategy based on the notion that " there are no other people in this country , only American people ". Does that include even the chronically homeless ? What keeps them homeless is sacrosanct landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY right.
In one way fascism can resemble communism or " socialism " ( which is why Hitler called his movement " National Socialism " ) : The fascist STATE must have absolute authority over capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY without abolishing it. This was partially true for FDR's rather successful " New Deal ". Which is why many American plutocrats forever hated " THAT MAN " ( hated him for saving capitalism ! ) .
Decaying American capitalism in the 21st century will not see a complacent , docile, yet EXPLOITED and OPPRESSED, American working class. We are not ALL just AMERICAN PEOPLE very solicitous for " OUR way of life ". Social reality is what it is ! There is no American " exceptionalism " . Russia's Putin gets that right.
OUR way of life is not Donald Trump's way of life , not the corrupt Joe Biden's family way of life.
Even the humble " man in the street " understands that " there are fundamentally two classes in this country " . And " no other people in this country " ( except perhaps the very stuff of fascism - the enraged petty bourgeois ! THEY were the battering ram for the Nazi movement in the last days of the German Weimar Republic .
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
For decades now the FBI has subordinated itself to the belligerent ZIONIST Jew agenda
It is sickening to see " liberal " Democrats slobbering over the FBI . The FBI is definitely implicated in the assassinations of Malcolm X in 1965 and Martin Luther King in 1968. For decades now it has subordinated itself to the belligerent ZIONIST Jew agenda now promoting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia . Naturally the mainstream news media in the United States go along with their agenda.
The political hoax against Trump served the higher purpose of the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism. Will working class CHRISTIAN America be hoodwinked by stale Wilsonian blather to support another stupid war ?
Today BIG SCIENCE financed by BIG GOVERNMENT reeks of spiritual corruption and " Culture of Narcissism " hucksterism
[" I had a strong impression that the golden years of particle physics are over and something is going wrong but couldn't explain to myself what exactly was going wrong. " ] What is wrong with physics today is what is wrong with WOKE political ideology. Even professional scientists can remove their minds from OBJECTIVE REALITY under the pressure of collective GROUP THINK.
Old Fred Hoyle was not too mistaken in sniffing out Big Bang theology. My sense of the ridiculous is tickled when I read about super-nerd physicists in pursuit of the GOD PARTICLE . It would seem that there was no need for a THEORY OF EVERYTHING after you found the HOLY ONE particle !
A book titled " The End of Science " caught my attention a few years back. Today SCIENCE , BIG SCIENCE financed by BIG GOVERNMENT reeks of spiritual corruption and " Culture of Narcissism " hucksterism . As a non-scientist but science-literate I think we live in times when sane people cannot be too starry eyed over SCIENCE or SCIENTISTS.
I suspect that TO LOSE GOD or awareness of the MIND OF GOD is to flirt with cosmic insanity .
How many professional scientists have lobotomized themselves on the irrational nature of CAPITALISM and MILITARISM which they blindly serve ?
Today we have Ivy League biologists who say that there is a " gender spectrum " ? Have they even forgotten Charles Darwin 's " Origin of the Species " where a whole chapter is devoted to " Sexual Selection " ?
When it comes to principled opposition to economic exploitation and political oppression most scientists are pathetic jelly fish . Einstein and few others ( like Linus Pauling ) were wonderful exceptions.
Monday, May 15, 2023
An honest Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez should join whatever is left of the Communist Party USA
[ "AOC is a 'communist sympathizer' who wants to bring socialism to US: Malliotakis "]
There are NO real socialist or communists operating in the capitalist ruling class controlled , now WOKE WARRIOR, Democratic Party. What Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez should ask : Why are secular ZIONIST Jew censors in social media choking working class anti-war public opinion in the United States ? And why are they censoring Catholic/Protestant / Christian opposition to wacky WOKE ideology in the nation's public schools ? It is more important for a FACEBOOK CEO to be a pillar of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization than to be a shadowy defender of openly anti-Christian , New Atheist , and "New World Order " zealots.
An honest AOC would join whatever is left of the American Communist Party . So would " socialist" Democrat Bernie Sanders.
Saturday, May 13, 2023
A democratic socialist government in USA would immediately cancel ALL lottery ticket winnings
A democratic socialist government would immediately CANCEL All lottery ticket winnings . NOBODY would get rich GAMBLING in a democratic socialist America. The Marxist LABOR THEORY OF VALUE would be codified into LAW.
Even high school physics teaches the brighter kids that you can't get something for nothing .
American sociology scholars cannot fail to associate WOKE nonsense with secular ZIONIST Jews
Would any American sociology scholar fail to observe that the pillars of WOKE nonsense in the public schools, in the " Culture of Narcissism " , in the mainstream news media , are invariably secular , openly anti-Christian, ZIONIST Jews endorsed by Ivy League schools like Harvard Law School ? Does MAJORITY RULE now mean nothing for WOKE " progressive " Democratic Party politicians ? So much for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization in " OUR democracy " ?
Will the corrupt New World Order Catholic Pope bless warmonger Ukrainian president Zelensky ?
Perhaps the corrupt New World Order Catholic Pope will bless the puffed up , NATO hero warmonger Zelensky . But a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine is not worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
And it is mockery of " OUR democracy " to give Zelensky the keys to the US Treasury . What do working class CHRISTIAN Americans really think about another stupid war of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ? Inspire their kids to join and fight in this spurious GREAT CRUSADE ?
If health care can be considered a basic human right in capitalist USA , then so can having a HOME
Whatever their personal decency and compassion for homeless people in Rhode Island none of our " progressive " Democrats and nobody ( as far as this democratic socialist knows ) on the board of " CROSSROADS " RI thinks outside the box of capitalist-landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights- the main obstacle for the chronic homeless , in fact , everywhere. If there are many homeless people in mainland China , how dare it call itself " communist " !
If health care can be considered a basic human right in capitalist USA, then so can having a HOME - not some pathetic , squalid, unhealthy " shelter " like Harrington Hall in Cranston or presently the Cranston St. Armory in Providence.
But where is the MONEY to come from ? We can start by DEFUNDING our military industrial complex and stop sending billions of dollars to the puffed up NATO hero warmonger Zelensky in the Ukraine for a proxy war against POST-COMMUNIST Russia .
THAT would also strike a blow against MEGA-INFLATION in the USA .
Friday, May 12, 2023
An H.G. Wells ONE WORLD vision ?
It might sound " utopian " but for more than a century THE VISION of SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM persisted of a WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS. Without ruining the more prosperous countries there can be socially engineered a system of WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER . Every one of 8 billion people becomes a completely secure CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. The WORLD as seen from the famous Moon trip back in 1968 - essentially ONE .
Today the NATION STATES of the world are a sort of prison system where it is a personal calamity to lose your papers, loose your PASSPORT. We can imagine a sane EQUILIBRIUM of emigration and immigration in a WORLD COMMUNITY.
People with important skills- or just friendly CURIOSITY - can live and work anywhere on the planet without losing their HOME base. There can be ONE world currency. And no need for separate military and police forces of the old nation-state system.
Even language barriers will break down.. Right now the more sophisticated cell phones can translate foreign languages for you -and not too awkwardly. I once opened a Chinese book in a public library and got a roughly satisfactory translation ( in contrast to it being more like Egyptian hieroglyphics ) [ actually even these can be fairly well translated ! ]
Before the end of this century we can all become sophisticated CITIZENS OF THE WORLD .
We will forget all our vulgar cuss words for the despised OTHER in a world full of friends and neighbors.
Losing it claws ," American imperialism " can take the lead in a true GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY .
Why can't the whole world be like one big New York City in its glory days ?
" Reality has become so elastic in America that it stretches to a cosmic event ... where everything is transformed into its opposite " ( //
“The Smell of Goose Cooking”
“Joe Biden could go to jail and The New York Times wouldn’t tell anybody he was no longer president.” — Peter A. Golden
[ “ Reality has become so elastic in America now that it stretches to a cosmic event horizon deep in the Twilight Zone where everything is magically transformed into its opposite. Note The New York Times report on Thursday saying that the House Oversight Committee showed “no proof” in its disclosures of the Biden Family’s international money laundering and racketeering operations.
In fact, the committee outlined a shit-ton of documentation in the form of bank records detailing exactly how gobs of money from foreign lands were washed and rinsed through a dozen shell companies and disbursed to everyone in the immediate Biden family down to the president’s grandchildren. The committee’s preliminary report was precise as to the money’s exact origins, its journey through the laundering apparatus, and the owners of the bank accounts it landed in. Thus: “No evidence of wrongdoing.”
Meanwhile, another whistleblower from the FBI emerged claiming that an unclassified FBI document called an FD-1023 report exists detailing the Biden Family moneygrubbing scheme. Rep James Comer (R-KY) formally requested it from FBI Director Chris Wray, who has declined to furnish it on the grounds that the doc contains info from a “confidential human source” (CHS), and the bureau can’t compromise an investigation, blah blah….]
A very simple explanation why the mainstream news media protects Joe Biden and the Family
A very simple - if unintentionally " nasty "- explanation for the mainstream news media in the United States protecting the Joe Biden and Family : His administration is packed with ZIONIST Jew zealots. They see corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden as the proverbial useful idiot .
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has revised a fundamental principle of " OUR democracy " : it now has nothing to do with MAJORITY RULE and everything to do with easily offended, WOKE certified , always angry minorities . The pillars of WOKE are invariably secular, openly anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews. They patronize and mentor the rainbow spectrum of half-cracked cranks in American society , in our " Culture of Narcissism ". Of course , vacuous Hollywood celebrities lead the ZIONIST Jew controlled WOKE parade. Soon the neurotic LBGTQ " community " will declare itself a NATION and seize San Francisco as the capital city of WOKE AMERICA . Their president will immediately pardon Harvey Weinstein - now a prisoner of the sexual counter -revolution of the Christian Right.
Could there be a bizarre nostalgia for the last days of the German Weimar Republic in USA Today ?
We suspect that war monger Zelensky has a vision of Ukraine as " Greater Israel " in Europe
How much support among working class CHRISTIANS in the United States does this puffed up NATO hero , ZIONIST Jew war monger Zelensky have ? Are we to risk nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over his very dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine . A country does not get BILLIONS of dollars for war from American imperialism in order to remain " sovereign ".
We suspect that war monger Zelensky has a vision of Ukraine as " Greater Israel " in Europe. " Greater Israel " has starry eyed zealots in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and among the oh-so-professional journalists of the mainstream news media in the United States. Check this out with NBC's Chuck Todd and the editorial board of the New York Times.
And just WHO do you think is daily censoring anti-war public opinion in the United States ? Removing any for THEM disagreeable posts. These war mongers are , of course, themselves above all forms of vile hate. Billions will perish in a nuclear war but HATE will have nothing to do with catastrophe.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
ACCEPT IT OR BE RUINED - the new revolutionary secular Zionist Jew science ?
The pillars of this WOKE nonsense in mainstream news media and in the nation's public schools are invariably secular, openly anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews. When did the SCIENCE of biology ever discover the gender " spectrum " ? Does not Charles Darwin in his " Origin of the Species " have a whole chapter on " Sexual Selection " ? Is this Ivy League endorsed secular Zionist Jew " science " ? Accept it or be ruined ?
Have the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats turned " OUR democracy " into one in which the fundamental principle of MAJORITY RULE is denied ? Just who is determined to censor as " hate speech " the sane majority point of view ? The same people who daily censor American public opinion on You Tube and FACEBOOK ?
Yes, of course , 2+2=5 and Boys are Girls ! Whatever BIG SISTER ( ? ) says .
Memorable scene from the movie " Reds " about the inspired early days of the 1917 Russian Revolution
Rex Sprouse
11 years ago
[ "The reason why this scene still strikes me as one of the most thrilling and moving scenes I have ever seen in a film (even after 30 years) is not at all the politics of the October Revolution, but the fact that one has the sense of the excitement of actually being a participant in a major historical event, even as one's own life path and one's own close relationships are being transformed. This is brilliant film making." ]
Comrade Kaprugina delivers a scolding
. I recall a scene in the movie " Doctor Zhivago ", a drama about the Russian Revolution . A peasant communist woman confronts the soon to be former owner of a Russian aristocrat's mansion : " There was room in this house for thirteen families ". " Yes " , thinks Yuri looking on , " this is more just ".
" There was room in this house or thirteen families " , said the Russian communist peasant woman. " Yes, said , Yuri , " this is more just ! " .
There are some 40 prominent individuals on the board of " Crossroads " . While trying to deal with the homeless crisis in Rhode Island NOT ONE OF THEM can think outside the box of capitalist-landlord , PRIVATE PROPERTY rights.
This is the unspoken obstacle that keeps homeless human beings living in tent cities or in horrendous shelters.
I suspect only an AUTHORITARIAN government can really solve this problem. It must have the audacity to tell homeless people that they really have no RIGHT to be homeless and that there are decent homes for them . Call it benign fascism if not democratic socialism. In general, homelessness is also a public health hazard. Of course , it quickly ruins the mental and physical health of any homeless person.
By the AUTHORITY of THE PEOPLE the government can seize especially UNUSED private property for the more USEFUL purpose of housing the homeless.
I recall a scene in the movie " Doctor Zhivago ", a drama about the Russian Revolution . A peasant communist woman confronts the soon to be former owner of a Russian aristocrat's mansion : " There was room in this house for thirteen families ". " Yes " , thinks , Yuri looking on , " this is more just ! " .
Save " OUR democracy " by voting for WOKE WARRIOR Democrats !
The Biden administration is packed with active ZIONIST Jews . They have a vested interest in the useful idiot president , corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden . It is all too obvious why the mainstream " liberal " news media in the United States daily covers the back of Joe Biden. But don't ask NBC's Chuck Todd or the New York Times editorial board.
By always focusing on Donald Trump as the root of all evil in " OUR democracy " the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats cover up their own political nakedness. Even their joke of a FAR LEFT never talks about decaying capitalism in the United States and moribund American imperialism in the big world.
No, no, the only REAL problem is " THE DONALD " and those Republican voter " deplorables ". They are the main threat to " OUR democracy ". Save it by voting for WOKE WARRIOR Democrats !
I do credit conservative Republican Trump with talking more honestly than " progressive " Democrats
I don't think the CHRISTIAN American working class in " OUR democracy " wants the puffed up , NATO hero, ZIONIST Jew warmonger Zelensky to win the war with Russia for " Greater Israel " in Europe. Nor does it want POST-COMMUNIST Russia to " conquer " Ukraine.
Neither American imperialism nor Israeli Zionism ( together forever ! ) are all about defending " sovereign " people . THEIR interests are not OUR interests . Against no country do ordinary working class people plan or start wars. But HISTORY shows that they can end them. Recall the Russian Revolution of 1917 . Finally the Czar's army cracked and the Bolsheviks seized power .
I do credit conservative Republican Trump with talking more honestly than " progressive " Democrats .
How many CHRISTIANS get to monitor " hate speech " in the social media ?
Samuel Inayat-Chisti
3 weeks ago
[ "Speaking from a Jewish-liberal / ex-liberal now - myself, I am absolutely 100% in agreement with with calling out every Jewish name among the criminals - as the criminals they are, mind you, but without any reservation - and telling the "antisemitism" tropers to go to hell. Running cover for these bastards is an abomination before God without Whom my "being Jewish" would have no meaning whatsoever. GO GIRL! Love you, Whitney!" ]
Unfortunately FRIENDs OF EPSTEIN who are also the FRIENDS OF ISRAEL control the mainstream news media in the United States . And they daily censor American public opinion not sympathetic to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party agenda. They invariably equate Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism. Not a few of my posts have been REMOVED as they violated community rules on " hate speech ". In general nothing hateful about APARTHEID Israel and WOKE ideology in our " Culture of Narcissism " ? How many CHRISTIANS get to monitor " hate speech " in the social media ?
The Biden administration is packed with WOKE WARRIOR Zionist Jews . For them he is a useful idiot .
WOKE Zionist Jew Democrats pretend to be so sensitive on questions of racism and bigotry. But they never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. And Both Democrats and Republicans - along with the mainstream news media in the United States - are quick to brainlessly associate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.
And don't expect working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " to get all giddy excited over nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Have toxic patriotism orgasms over the dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine and war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky 's plans for a Greater Israel in Europe.
The Biden administration is packed with these WOKE WARRIOR Zionist Jews. And they set the agenda for both DEEP STATE and the Democratic Party . For them the " Far Left " of the party is just a pathetic joke. But good for channeling borderline " socialist " voters into the cold welcome camp of the Democratic Party. Yes, Bernie Sanders himself will welcome you !
They are determined to give the war monger Ukrainian president Zelensky the keys to the US Treasury. BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars for the proxy war with Russia is not a blow to MEGA-INFLATION .
Admitting MILLIONS of migrants into the US - without screening them for mental and physical health or ties to criminal gangs - is one seedy way to de-construct the American working class to the advantage of the American capitalist class. Not to leave out votes for " Uncle Joe " Biden.
More than a century ago American socialist author Jack London warned us about what the plutocracy is capable of in a novel titled " The Iron heel ".
So many ZIONIST Jews in the Biden administration do not have their own agenda ?
Clearly the Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jews. Do they and the mainstream news media in the United States see corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden as the proverbial useful idiot ?
Can we pretend that militant ZIONIST Jews do not have their own agenda ?
Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, 2021.
Ron Klain Chief of Staff resigned in 2023, replaced by Jeffrey Zients.
Janet Yellin Secretary of Treasury
Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security
Tony Blinken Secretary of State
Merrick Garland Attorney General
Jared Bernstein
Council of Economic Advisers
Rochelle Walensky Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Wendy Sherman Deputy Secretary of State
Anne Neuberger Deputy National Security Adviser for Cybersecurity
Jeffrey Zients Chief of Staff, formerly COVID-19 Response Coordinator
David Kessler
Co-chair of the COVID-19 Advisory Board and Head of Operation Warp Speed
David Cohen CIA Deputy Director
Avril Haines Director of National Intelligence
Rachel Levine Deputy Health Secretary
Jennifer Klein Co-chair Council on Gender Policy
Jessica Rosenworcel Chair of the Federal Communications Commission
Stephanie Pollack Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration
Polly Trottenberg Deputy Secretary of Transportation
Mira Resnick State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security
Roberta Jacobson National Security Council “border czar”
Gary Gensler Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman*
Genine Macks Fidler National Council on the Humanities
Shelley Greenspan White House liaison to the Jewish community
Thomas Nides U.S. Ambassador to Israel
Eric Garcetti U.S. Ambassador to India
Amy Gutmann U.S. Ambassador to Germany
David Cohen U.S. Ambassador to Canada
Mark Gitenstein U.S. Ambassador to the European Union
Deborah Lipstadt Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism
Jonathan Kaplan U.S. Ambassador to Singapore
Marc Stanley U.S. Ambassador to Argentina
Rahm Emanuel U.S. Ambassador to Japan
Sharon Kleinbaum Commissioner of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
Dan Shapiro Adviser on Iran
Alan Leventhal U.S. Ambassador to Denmark
Michael Adler U.S. Ambassador to Belgium
Michèle Taylor U.S. Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council
Jonathan Kanter Assistant Attorney General in the United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division
Jed Kolko
Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce
Aaron Keyak Deputy Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism
Stuart Eizenstat Special Adviser on Holocaust Issues
Steven Dettelbach Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Amos Hochstein Bureau of Energy Resources Special Envoy
Eric Lander Science and Technology Adviser
Ned Price** State Department Spokesperson
Ellen Germain U.S. Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues
*Nominated by Biden but serves a five-year term and not technically a member of the administration.
**Price has a Jewish father and Christian mother and identifies as Jewish.
© 1998 - 2023 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Fwd: An intellectually honest explanation for modern anti-Semitism
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 at 13:19
Subject: An intellectually honest explanation for modern anti-Semitism
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 at 13:19
Subject: An intellectually honest explanation for modern anti-Semitism
To: Letters <>
The mainstream news media in the United States continues to associate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. ANY nation state based on ethnicity is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy . How many intellectual Jews once associated themselves with the ideal of SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM ? What does that have in common with APARTHEID Israel ? Do the more paranoid Jews have such a low opinion of other human beings, who share the planet earth with them , that they cannot imagine any cause for ANTI-SEMITISM apart from innate wickedness ? If , as a human being, I suspected that too many people resented or hated me I would at least ask WHY ? I would not explain it with reference to my SUPERIOR qualities of talent and intellect and Biblical righteousness . How would the famous psychiatrist , a Jew himself , Sigmund Freud , explain MODERN anti-Semitism ? Would he connect it to lingering Dark Age ignorance and superstition ? Are TRUTH and FACTS anti-Semitic ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Are TRUTH and FACTS anti-Semitic ?
The mainstream news media in the United States continues to associate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. ANY nation state based on ethnicity is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy . How many intellectual Jews once associated themselves with the ideal of SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM ? What does that have in common with APARTHEID Israel ?
Do the more paranoid Jews have such a low opinion of other human beings, who share the planet earth with them , that they cannot imagine any cause for ANTI-SEMITISM apart from innate wickedness ?
If , as a human being, I suspected that too many people resented or hated me I would at least ask WHY ? I would not explain it with reference to my SUPERIOR qualities of talent and intellect and Biblical righteousness .
How would the famous psychiatrist , a Jew himself , Sigmund Freud , explain MODERN anti-Semitism ? Would he connect it to lingering Dark Age ignorance and superstition ? Are TRUTH and FACTS anti-Semitic ?
No way is global capitalism structured to save the world , the GOOD EARTH , from itself !
I am a big fan of SAVE THE GOOD EARTH myself . But do ordinary citizens here in Rhode Island get to have any say in this ? Our " progressive " WOKE Democratic Party must remind those among us who are politically literate of Stalin's dictatorship in the old Soviet Union .
The new WOKE Democratic Party has finally risen above the effete principle of MAJORITY RULE !
Anyway, no way global capitalism is structured to save the world, the GOOD EARTH , from itself !
American psychiatry is founded on the charlatan principle that mental health = ADJUSTMENT to an objectively INSANE society
Is it any surprise to critical thinking sociologists that a rapidly decaying capitalist social order is creating an army of drug destroyed " LIVING DEAD " ? Every night in Kennedy Plaza is a Night of the Living Dead !
Even apart from the neglected mentally ill ( the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill decades ago was a crime against humanity ) there are millions of individuals not mentally ill , not criminal types , who just can never fit into a rat race competitive society.
American psychiatry is founded on the charlatan principle that mental health = ADJUSTMENT to an objectively INSANE society. The 1950s Beatniks understood this way back in the post war 1950s . The Allen Ginsberg poem " Howl " got it !
For just a sane beginning to help drug addicts : END THE WAR ON DRUGS !
My recent posts were removed as they violate the " community standards " of our secular ZIONIST Jew censors !
My recent posts were REMOVED as they violate the " community standards " of our secular ZIONIST Jew censors .
My recent post on our rotten TWO PARTY system goes against THEIR ( ZIONIST Jew censors ) standards of hate speech ?
Today at 11:29 AM
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Ron Ruggieri
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The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " is so corrupt , so incurably rotten , that an honest person finds little credibility on either side. Apart from that there is no reason to doubt that senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden is personally corrupt and has contaminated his whole family with corruption. Why the mainstream news media covers for him is no mystery to this longtime , independent democratic socialist : the Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jew zealots with their own war agenda. For them Biden is the proverbial useful idiot.
Imagine the TWO PARTY SYSTEM giving American voters this choice on Election Day 2024 : " Creepy Joe Biden " vs. egomaniac Donald Trump ?
As a long time independent democratic socialist I think WE THE PEOPLE deserve our own party , an American Labor Party, and deserved it long ago. It could resemble the British Labor Party but be less compromised ( completely independent of the plutocracy ) and more militant CLASS CONSCIOUS.
There might be a peaceful way out of the muck of decaying American capitalism . A forlorn hope ?
House Oversight Committee to release memo on Biden family's business dealings | Morning in America
House Oversight Committee to release memo on Biden
My post on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. " goes against the standards of hate speech " ? BANNED !
Today at 11:09 AM
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Ron Ruggieri
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I thank the still blackballed Robert F. Kennedy Jr for his eye opening video interviews on the COVID-19 state tyranny which HARMED millions of people more than it saved. From the beginning he was wise to " THE REAL DR. FAUCI " . Now an underdog presidential candidate in the Democratic Party , RFK Jr. is himself a genuine " Profile in Courage " . And I will surely vote for RFK Jr. in any Rhode Island presidential primary in 2024. I voted for Bernie Sanders here in April of 2016 . Bernie won !
Also,I agree with Kennedy that the CIA was definitely involved in the assassination of his brother JFK on November 22, 1963.
I expect the mainstream news media in the United States to continue with its BIG LIES right up to nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. But TRUTH always has powerful underground sources.
What does the end of COVID emergency mean for RI?
What does the end of COVID emergency mean for RI?
COVID-19 is no longer a global emergency, the World Health Organiz
There might be a peaceful way out of the muck of decaying capitalism - a forlorn hope ?
The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " is so corrupt , so incurably rotten , that an honest person finds little credibility on either side. Apart from that there is no reason to doubt that senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden is personally corrupt and has contaminated his whole family with corruption. Why the mainstream news media covers for him is no mystery to this longtime , independent democratic socialist : the Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jew zealots with their own war agenda. For them Biden is the proverbial useful idiot.
Imagine the TWO PARTY SYSTEM giving American voters this choice on Election Day 2024 : " Creepy Joe Biden " vs. egomaniac Donald Trump ?
As a long time independent democratic socialist I think WE THE PEOPLE deserve our own party , an American Labor Party, and deserved it long ago. It could resemble the British Labor Party but be less compromised ( completely independent of the plutocracy ) and more militant CLASS CONSCIOUS.
There might be a peaceful way out of the muck of decaying American capitalism . A forlorn hope ?
I thank the still blackballed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his eye opening interviews on the COVID-19 state tyranny
I thank the still blackballed Robert F. Kennedy Jr for his eye opening video interviews on the COVID-19 state tyranny which HARMED millions of people more than it saved. From the beginning he was wise to " THE REAL DR. FAUCI " . Now an underdog presidential candidate in the Democratic Party , RFK Jr. is himself a genuine " Profile in Courage " . And I will surely vote for RFK Jr. in any Rhode Island presidential primary in 2024. I voted for Bernie Sanders here in April of 2016 . Bernie won !
Also,I agree with Kennedy that the CIA was definitely involved in the assassination of his brother JFK on November 22, 1963.
I expect the mainstream news media in the United States to continue with its BIG LIES right up to nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. But TRUTH always has powerful underground sources.
The Jewish people have a choice : Moses or Ayn Rand ? And do real Catholics want a New World Order pope ?
Pope Francis must be THE POPE of the New World Order. There was no moral imperative based on Catholic social philosophy to honor the Zionist APARTHEID state of Israel - established on the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians . No decent person questions the generic " right of Israel to exist ". But any nation state based on ethnicity is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy. There is no abstract right to exist as an OPPRESSOR of other racial or ethnic groups.
Let rich and arrogant Zionists in Israel and in the United States ( I gather that some American Jews are fleeing from persecution in New York City ! ) pay for the defense of Israel . Real CHRISTIANS ( and traditional Catholics ) are wise to UNFRIEND Zionist APARTHEID Israel. Will the New World Order pope end up by blessing nuclear World War III ? ( over " SOVEREIGN " Ukraine - led by NATO hero , warmonger Zelensky - a 21st century HOLY CRUSADE ? A HOLY CRUSADE against Islamic ( anti-Zionist ) Iran ? Or still officially atheist COMMUNIST China ? Picture Pope Francis piously looking up , blessing flying missiles with nuclear war heads ? " The Day After " accepted as the Biblical Armageddon ?
The New World Order Catholic Church has made its peace with Israeli Zionism and American imperialism. My brother told me recently that he is offended ( without being " UN-AMERICAN ) by the sight of American flags posted besides altars in Catholic churches. Oddly enough, we both prefer the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church with its gravitas and awe inspiring mystique.
The definition of idolatry : " Thou shalt not have strange gods before me ".
And is not modern Israel a version of the " GOLDEN CALF " of the Old Testament story ?
The Jewish people have a choice : Moses or Ayn Rand ? And do real Catholics want a New World Order pope ? Its cardinals are already being assembled.
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