Saturday, May 13, 2023

If health care can be considered a basic human right in capitalist USA , then so can having a HOME

Whatever their personal decency and compassion for homeless people in Rhode Island none of our " progressive " Democrats and nobody ( as far as this democratic socialist knows ) on the board of " CROSSROADS " RI thinks outside the box of capitalist-landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights- the main obstacle for the chronic homeless , in fact , everywhere. If there are many homeless people in mainland China , how dare it call itself " communist " ! If health care can be considered a basic human right in capitalist USA, then so can having a HOME - not some pathetic , squalid, unhealthy " shelter " like Harrington Hall in Cranston or presently the Cranston St. Armory in Providence. But where is the MONEY to come from ? We can start by DEFUNDING our military industrial complex and stop sending billions of dollars to the puffed up NATO hero warmonger Zelensky in the Ukraine for a proxy war against POST-COMMUNIST Russia . THAT would also strike a blow against MEGA-INFLATION in the USA .

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