Monday, May 15, 2023

An honest Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez should join whatever is left of the Communist Party USA

[ "AOC is a 'communist sympathizer' who wants to bring socialism to US: Malliotakis "] There are NO real socialist or communists operating in the capitalist ruling class controlled , now WOKE WARRIOR, Democratic Party. What Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez should ask : Why are secular ZIONIST Jew censors in social media choking working class anti-war public opinion in the United States ? And why are they censoring Catholic/Protestant / Christian opposition to wacky WOKE ideology in the nation's public schools ? It is more important for a FACEBOOK CEO to be a pillar of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization than to be a shadowy defender of openly anti-Christian , New Atheist , and "New World Order " zealots. An honest AOC would join whatever is left of the American Communist Party . So would " socialist" Democrat Bernie Sanders.

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