Sunday, February 12, 2017

Revenge porn backfires- a young Italian woman Tiziana Cantone's suicide

Wise advice from the Roman philosopher Lucretius in a poem written more than 2000 years ago: " On the Nature of Things ". A whole chapter is devoted to the tragedy of human sexual passion.
 One dimensional porn films are rarely great art - because they blot out the human dignity of the individual performers.
 In general, a decadent capitalist society is desperately in need - not of censorship- but of Kindness Visible.

[  It probably took no more than a few seconds for Tiziana Cantone to begin the sequence of events that led to her suicide.
In April 2015, the 31-year-old from Mugnano, on the outskirts of Naples, sent a series of sex videos to five people via WhatsApp. The recipients included her boyfriend Sergio Di Palo, with whom she had an unstable relationship.
The videos showed her performing sex acts with a number of unidentified men.
"She was beautiful but fragile," remembers Teresa Petrosino, a friend for 15 years. "She was with the wrong people at the wrong time."]

Image result for tiziana cantone

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