Saturday, February 18, 2017

Radical Ron's random thoughts from February 1997: my own " February Revolution "

Some random thoughts in 1997

  1. Brown professors, it seems, have a habit of making public asses of themselves. As a scholar he may subscribe to some school of higher criticism which always ignores the text itself.
  2. Hope ?
  3. There are just too many professional unmaskers of racism and sexism out there. 
  4. Sorry Joe, the check is not in the mail.
  5. These unkind and insensitive comments of adults are like little sprinkles of acid on growing flowers. They leave their mark!
  6. Political Correctness is just a polite euphemism for Left Wing McCarthyism.
  7. I spotted the scholarly priest in the lobby of Fatima Hospital a few weeks ago. I was reminded of his TV program which was always lively and interesting- and on a higher moral plane than myself,of course.
  8. It is possible for a plain fact to be politically incorrect: Africa,for example. never contributed anything to Civilization. And today it is still THE HEART OF DARKNESS.
  9. Is it possible, I asked, for an author to have a political agenda and still be telling the truth about a very important matter?
  10. The human soul– whether it is mortal or immortal- is sacred to me. People have an absolute right to think and feel whatever they will about controversial issues.
  11. The politically correct crowd is beginning to feel the counter-attack. And it will be furious!
  12. Curiosity– divine curiosity- is one of the few emotions that cannot be faked. We can fake so many things- love for the masses, friendship, devotion to this or that fatuous cause; we can even fake sexual passion.

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