Monday, August 8, 2016

Democratic socialists reject all political intrigue behind the backs of the working class

The Democratic Party has evolved quickly into a neo-con War Party-not any breeding ground for democratic socialists. I guess honest socialist " idiots " reject all political intrigue that leaves out the organized working class.

 We don't imagine that the working class has any friends in either establishment party. We adhere to a program of " class struggle ".

As a democratic socialist I was a critical supporter of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders up to the point where he endorsed " Wall St. Hillary " after the Hillary gang had sabotaged his meek " political revolution ".

I was not surprised about Bernie's abject capitulation - knowing that Corporate America, in the final analysis, controls the Democratic Party.

The American working class must self-organize and control its own leadership. Reforming the Democratic party is hopeless and the hobby of political opportunists alien to the working class.

Above all, democratic socialists challenge the moral legitimacy of even " legitimate " wealth. They reject the capitalist profit system and the private ownership of the banks and the means of production, and all natural resources.

We have a vision of a SANE SOCIETY , a rational social and economic order.

The Clintons have betrayed even New Deal reformism. They make FDR look like a flaming Bolshevik.

Also, CLASS is a more relevant concept than race or gender in explaining so much social injustice, explaining the misery and oppression of the American working class.

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